Being Portuguese, my tests showI have a lot of "Iberian" DNA.
My grandparents came to the USA from the Azore Islands.
They insisted they were not Azorian but were "Atlantean."
My ex husband, now a good friend, and also Portuguese, used to laugh and tell me,
"You're not Portuguese, you're FLEMISH!"
That was because my great grandmother's passport stated she had red hair and green eyes,
and so did I (before I turned grey).
Turns out he was right.
Those Azore Islands were a port for pretty much any sailor sailing the sea
and apparently the woodpile held some Flemish, German, Irish, and Italian genes,
along with the Iberian ones.
When I traveled to the Azores with my ex after my great-grandmother passed away, and my great grandfather's brother invited us to visit, I literally cried when my foot touched the dirt there. It felt like "coming home." That was made even more real by the group of cousins there to meet us and invite us into their homes, houses built by my own ancestors. It was wonderful! Saudades.
The biggest laugh of all came when 23&me told me my son and I had nearly the largest number of Neanderthal genes to show up in their tests. It explained weird things like chocolate making me cough, and wheat hurting my joints. It also may have explained my temperament. ::chuckle::
I love genealogy.
It's a great hobby of mine.
I have over 8,382 names on my family tree currently, and it continues to expand.