Oh… I did this. I landed on a KLM flight at about that time, took the bus across town to the train station, took some great photos, picked up a few things at the Hema shop, and had a snack in the cafe.
And I have to say that I was *so* jet-lagged that I stood on the track at the Bordeaux train station and *watched* all the people with backpacks getting on the train to go to SJPdP and thought to myself, “Oh look at all the hikers getting on the train” and I myself did NOT get on the train.
The train departed and I went to ask the track attendants when the SJPdP train would be arriving…. They helped me exchange my ticket for the first train out the next morning *and* the ticket attendant directed me to the very tidy hotel across the street. It was an Ibis hotel IIRC.
I got the sleep I so desperately needed and started fresh in the morning.
Take the pressure of yourself. You won’t be able to move your bones up the mountain the following day from your flight *anyway*. Sleep in Bordeaux, have a nice day in St. Jean… sleep in St. Jean, and then *ultriea*.