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6 or 8 days from Burgos to Leon

Time of past OR future Camino
Frances, San Salvador, Primitivo (On-going)
Hola Amigos!

I've finished the first stage of my Camino. From SJPP to Burgos this year on my own. Phenomenal! Next year I continue from Burgos to León on the Camino Frances, and then from León to Oviedo via Camino de San Salvador. My passion for the Camino goes back to 2001 when I visited a travel bookstore in Barcelona named Altaïr (don't miss it), and decided to buy my first guides of the Camino. Took me 23 years to take the first step... but I am now on my way.

As I plan the Burgos to León stage, I read in those (now old) guides, that the suggested stages are 6, as opposed to the most recent guides (A. Pombo and Brierley). And here's where I would appreciate your feedback. Based on your own experience, have you walked Burgos to León in 6 or in 8 days? What was your experience? Where did you stop?

Note that I want your experience, so as to avoid "depends" type answers (fitness, available time, health, etc.).

Finally, in the next hours I will become a Donating Member. This Forum has been an extraordinary source of information, guidance, good vibes, wit and wisdom. with the occasional exasperated member, but it's been invaluable thus far for me.

Abrazo and Buen Camino!

Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I walked the Frances in January last year. It took me 7 days from Burgos to Leon. My overnight stops were Castrojeriz, Fromista, Carrion de los Condes, Moratinos, Bercianos, and Mansilla de las Mulas. I had planned to spend the first night in Hontanas but the hospitalero never turned up to open the place despite a phone conversation earlier in the day.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
7 stages for me between Burgos and Leon:
Hontanas, Boadilla del Camino, Carrion de los Conde, Terradillos de los Templarios, Calzadillas de los Hermanillos, and Mansilla de las Mulas. What a great walk it was across the Meseta (including a very muddy trail that day between Hornillos and Hontanas)!
We did it in 10 walking days. That includes the day getting from one side of Burgos to the other. There were a number of sick days that I haven't included in the 10. Since this took so long the places we stopped are likely of no interest to you.
Did it in 6d in 2022. Doing it that way requires some long days, but if you're up to that theres nothing that stops you from doing so.


edit: thought i took a day more in 2019, but apparently not:

The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
7 days
Burgos to Hontanas
El Burgo ranero
Puente Villarente
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
Hi there,

in 2019 I walked Burgos to Leon in 6 days. (11th July to 16th July).

My itinary was:
Burgos -> Hornillos del Camino
Hornillos del Camino -> Itero de la Vega
Itero de la Vega -> Carrión de los Condes
Carrión de los Condes -> Terradillos de los Templarios
Terradillos de los Templarios -> Bercianos del Real Camino
Bercianos del Real Camino -> Leon

The 6 days were amazing, wouldn't stretch it to much, 7 days is comfortable and an easy walk, 8 short days are for the seasoned walker who needs the time 😂
in '18

from Burgos to

Carrion de los Condes

then to Leon

Carrion is one of the few places I have stopped every Camino Frances

Last trip I walked thru Burgos from Atapuerca and also thru Leon to Oncina but most people stop in the larger cities

6 days for me, every time. Love the Meseta
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I took 7 days in 2018. Destinations after Burgos were:

Hontanas (31km)
Fromista (34.2km)
Carrión los Condes (20km)
Terradillos de los Templarios (26.6km)
Bercianos del Real Camino (23.5km)
Reliegos (21km)
León (24.5km
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
9 days

walk day​
short walk to Tarjados183.511
walk to Hontanas195.7521
walk to Itero de la Vega20620
walk to Villalcazar de Sirga21828
walk to Caldadilla de le Cueza226.7523
walk to Sahagun236.2523
short walk to El Burgo Ranero245.2518
walk to Mansillo de las Milas256.2519
walk to Leon266.519.5

3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Did this stretch in 9 days last year. I stayed on the far edge of Burgos in Hostal Campus, so that I don't have that long walk out of the city.
Hornillos - Meeting Point
Castrojeriz - Rosalia
Boadilla - Juntos
Vilacazar de Sirca - Don Camino albergue
Calzadilla de las Cueza - Albergue los Canarios
Sahagun - Hostal Alfonso VI
El Burgo Ranero - Hostal Restaurante El Peregrino
Mansila de las Mulas - Gaia
Leon - Check Inn (nice place, but right at the entrance to Leon, the Cathedral is a good 30 min. walk from here)
It took me six days, including a long last day to Leon. But I don't think I could do it without "warming up" in the first stretch between SJPDP and Burgos.... :)
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Hola Amigos!

I've finished the first stage of my Camino. From SJPP to Burgos this year on my own. Phenomenal! Next year I continue from Burgos to León on the Camino Frances, and then from León to Oviedo via Camino de San Salvador. My passion for the Camino goes back to 2001 when I visited a travel bookstore in Barcelona named Altaïr (don't miss it), and decided to buy my first guides of the Camino. Took me 23 years to take the first step... but I am now on my way.

As I plan the Burgos to León stage, I read in those (now old) guides, that the suggested stages are 6, as opposed to the most recent guides (A. Pombo and Brierley). And here's where I would appreciate your feedback. Based on your own experience, have you walked Burgos to León in 6 or in 8 days? What was your experience? Where did you stop?

Note that I want your experience, so as to avoid "depends" type answers (fitness, available time, health, etc.).

Finally, in the next hours I will become a Donating Member. This Forum has been an extraordinary source of information, guidance, good vibes, wit and wisdom. with the occasional exasperated member, but it's been invaluable thus far for me.

Abrazo and Buen Camino!

Hi Rodrigo, I like your story and have enjoyed watching this thread as I’m doing Burgos to Leon for this leg in Sept 2024. I’m walking alone, and planning for 7-8 days walking, so have pre-booked some places as it terrifies me I might not find somewhere to stay!

However, I’ve left a couple of gaps further on, to trust the Way, as I was fine last year to Burgos (my first camino) and even had some amazing experiences for not planning too much. However, I don’t know which route to take past Sahagan, as there are a couple of split choices, which are making me anxious, as they seem long and arduous, but praps I’ll start a new thread about those!

Anyways, here’s my plan so far:
I arrive in Burgos mid morning so plan to walk from there to my starting point of Tardajos to make the next day’s walk a bit less.
Day 1 proper Tardajos to Hontanas
Day 2 to Boadilla,
Day 3 to Carrion de Los Condes
Day 4 to Ledigos
Day 5 to ??? To Sahagan, or get to Calzada de Coto or Bercianos (diff routes)
Day 6 to Mansilla
Day 7 to Leon.

Buen Camino.
Bet you can’t wait to be back!
Any comments or advice from anyone welcome!
Hi Rodrigo, I like your story and have enjoyed watching this thread as I’m doing Burgos to Leon for this leg in Sept 2024. I’m walking alone, and planning for 7-8 days walking, so have pre-booked some places as it terrifies me I might not find somewhere to stay!

However, I’ve left a couple of gaps further on, to trust the Way, as I was fine last year to Burgos (my first camino) and even had some amazing experiences for not planning too much. However, I don’t know which route to take past Sahagan, as there are a couple of split choices, which are making me anxious, as they seem long and arduous, but praps I’ll start a new thread about those!

Anyways, here’s my plan so far:
I arrive in Burgos mid morning so plan to walk from there to my starting point of Tardajos to make the next day’s walk a bit less.
Day 1 proper Tardajos to Hontanas
Day 2 to Boadilla,
Day 3 to Carrion de Los Condes
Day 4 to Ledigos
Day 5 to ??? To Sahagan, or get to Calzada de Coto or Bercianos (diff routes)
Day 6 to Mansilla
Day 7 to Leon.

Buen Camino.
Bet you can’t wait to be back!
Any comments or advice from anyone welcome!
Cate, thank you so much for sharing your plan. How's your Camino going? Can't wait to learn if you kept these stops or if you changed them (and if possible, share why?) Yes, I can't wait to be back, and I am wishing you a lovely Autumn Buen Camino!
Cate, thank you so much for sharing your plan. How's your Camino going? Can't wait to learn if you kept these stops or if you changed them (and if possible, share why?) Yes, I can't wait to be back, and I am wishing you a lovely Autumn Buen Camino!
Hi Rodrigo,
Thanks for asking. I’m back home, having had an absolutely fabbo time, remembering wonderful people I met, a couple of days where I had to dig deep, but trusted and came through and I too now love the Meseta! Amazing scenery.

I put in an extra day, but stuck pretty much to my plan. I’m glad you’ve given me the chance to go over it in my head, and I’ll make mention of special places I stayed. Maybe useful info for anyone else doing this bit.

Day 1 Tardajos (La Fabrcia), lovely place to stay and good choice of food for peregrino meal
Day 2 Hontanas (Hostal of Brigada Real) lovely, warm welcome, great setting and tasty communal meal. (Lost my new walking poles after 1 day, annoyed, but I trusted they’d turn up again and they did, someone found them!)
Day 3 to Boadilla. I was anxious about the massive hill after Castrojerez, but it was a piece of cake, why was I worried? Not that steep really and the views incredible. Long day though and tough walking on tons of new shingle added to camino a few k before Boadilla. Glad to arrive (Rural en Camino) but pretty shattered. Lovely guy on reception, pushed me in queue, gave me my key.
Day 4 Carrion (Hostal Albe) Really liked Carrion and now starting to see and meet familiar faces.
Day 5 Ledigos - La Morena. Great place. I called my sleeping pod a coffin, but it was really private, comfortable and quiet. Had dinner there with a nice Belgian guy from coffin next to me, like a couple of aging vampires.

Day 6 I decided to walk a bit less to Sahagun and trust my luck for accom. I was very anxious setting off as everywhere (online) was fully booked. Decided to trust and ended up at Santa Cruz monastery, very special. Greeted by a Brother with a Yorkshire accent and turns out he used to be chaplain at I school I went to in Sheffield (different time) but what a coincidence. Everyone had to bring something for simple dinner. Very nice.

Day 7 to Burgo El Ranero. Hadn’t booked anything, but Oh my, really had to dig deep in this tumbleweed town. Hated where I was staying (no names) but it was also the anniversary of my brother’s death and I felt sad. I didn’t recognise anyone I’d been walking with, really felt miserable and lonely, but trusted tomorrow would be better.

Day 8 and so it was!
To Mansilla. Still felt a bit lonely walking as a quiet and very long, straight road. I stopped to rest and drink water and a father and son were brewing up Turkish coffee and asked me to join them. Lovely guys. Changed the whole day! Mansilla is great (Albergue Gaia, lovely owners). Walked into a bar near by and immediately saw two people I’d met several days back, but not since. So great to see them and the father and son of the coffee brewing there too, so I bought them a beer.

Day 9 to Leon. Enjoyed the walk in and not as boring as led to believe by guides. I like walking alone, but this time enjoyed walking and talking and sharing life stories with a woman from US and another Brit. It felt special to arrive in Leon with people I’d met. Leon is a fantastic city and I stayed an extra day.

Cant wait to finish it next year. Kept in touch with a couple of people and we may even set off together next time.

You’ll love it too, I’m sure and you’re heading to Oviedo. I did that on the bus after. Easier that way! The mountain scenery was incredible.
Hope this is useful to skim though. Didn’t mean to make it so long, but nice to remember!

Buen Camino!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.

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