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  1. edandjoan

    Via di Francesco

    I hadn’t checked this thread lately as I’m not on the forums often. Good luck on your journey. Here’s what it looked like for us in May: Via Di Francesco One person commented that our video makes the route look easier than it sounded in our blog.
  2. edandjoan

    Via di Francesco

    As for the guide, it needs a lot of updates. We use Maps.me for location and navigation. As for markings, it has been better marked since La Verna. As you read in our blog, there’s some dangerous sections, especially with the weather conditions. We heard today that two Americans and two...
  3. edandjoan

    Via di Francesco

    We are currently walking this route and we find Sandy’s guide to be a reference but there are some things the guide doesn’t tell you (downed trees, blocked paths, no stones or bridge to cross a river, etc). It’s an adventure
  4. edandjoan

    Via di Francesco

    You can fill out an online form here: http://www.viadifrancesco.it/en/ If you are an american then it will be sent from American Pilgrims to Italy, a new organization based on the west coast. It is a beautiful credential. We start in Pontassieve (we will take the train from Florence and then...
  5. edandjoan

    And we're off - the Jesus Trail, Israel

    Daniel, we walked in May of 2014 and you can read about our experience at: jesustrailwalk.wordpress.com
  6. edandjoan

    And we're off - the Jesus Trail, Israel

    We walked this route in May 2014. We found the first day fine and loved the Zippori National Park. We actually bought a multi park ticket and went to several national parks during our stay in Isreal. We also stayed in the Cana Guest house with the lovely coupe. The next day we did walk...
  7. edandjoan

    Walking to Jerusalem

    I can't answer your question, but we did walk in Israel in 2014 from Nazareth to Tiberius and all was fine. We walked through Christian, Muslim and Jewish areas and always felt safe. We found all the people to be kind and helpful. You could always hire a guide. I think on the website for the...
  8. edandjoan

    Way of St. Frances

    I can't answer any of your questions. I can say we plan to walk from La Verna to Rome starting mid May 2019 and we meet a guy the other night who will start from Florence in June. We are both using The Way of St. Francis by Sandy Brown. And there is a very good web site with all the info and...
  9. edandjoan

    Italy...Via Francigena or Way of St. Francis?

    Do you mean June 2019? I see you posted in July (last month).
  10. edandjoan

    Italy...Via Francigena or Way of St. Francis?

    Will you be journaling about your journey? We plan to walk this same part next May/June 2019 and would love to hear about your walk. I am a bit confused as to who has just walked or will be walking next year. But if anyone has walked this way or will be before next May 2019, we would love to...
  11. edandjoan

    Via di Francesco

    If our plans work out we will be walking in mid May 2019. I already have the Cicerone guide, it arrived a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if we will start n Florence, maybe La Verna. I am checking all my options. I don't think we have to book accommodations ahead...maybe a day before like in...
  12. edandjoan

    Italy...Via Francigena or Way of St. Francis?

    I think we will be walking in Italy next year as well. Probably mid May and June. We are currently reading and gleaning information from here as well as various websites. I look forward to taking a look at jl's links.
  13. edandjoan

    Chemin de Robert Louis Stevenson

    We are talking about this for next year too! Probably a bit later. Would love to see you guys
  14. edandjoan

    Via Jakobsweg

    Yes the main route from St. Gallon. We did divert to the Route 2 as we circled around Lake Lucern. A very steep incline but a beautiful waterfall near the shore just before Beckenried. Today is a rest day in Lucern...not really as we will walk the city and see the sights. Thanks for your reply...
  15. edandjoan

    Via Jakobsweg

    Almost a week on our way. Took the train from Stans to Lucern to tourist around tomorrow. But...there is so much road walking. Approximately 50% everyday and it is killing our feet. I don't know how anyone can wear boots. We are wearing Inov-8 x-claws which are great on the wet paths and...
  16. edandjoan

    Warsaw - Santiago :: start august 2016

    We hope you have a really great journey!
  17. edandjoan

    CH - Jakobweg - Luzern - Huttwil, etc

    I have looked at your blog and a couple others! I also read your blog on the Le Puy route to SJPP last year before we walked .
  18. edandjoan

    CH - Jakobweg - Luzern - Huttwil, etc

    From Switzerland to CA @amorfait1 Cali girl here, living on the east coast for now. I have been looking at the first site you mentioned for awhile. I have wanted to walk Tour de Mont Blanc for a while now, but after looking at so many routes through Switzerland: the county my husband and I...
  19. edandjoan

    Irish Pilgrim Routes

    Watch the signs..we missed one at the round about after crossing the highway and were off track a bit. We meet some helpful people alone the way.
  20. edandjoan

    Irish Pilgrim Routes

    I hope this works…this is our video from our walking, hitchhiking and busing around Ireland and Northern Ireland.