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  1. S

    From Jaca

    by the way could you tell me where to bool the refuge in sarrance online? greetings
  2. S

    From Jaca

    great blog you walk exactly my way, so it will be interesting to read your experience in 6 weeks i will start in lourdes too
  3. S

    Which way to st Juan de la Pena?

    Hi thanks for the answers so far probably it is good to walk on the road so far
  4. S

    Which way to st Juan de la Pena?

    Hi everybody, I couldn't find an answer to this question. Which way can you advise? Jaca to Atares and then to the monastery? My book says it is not well marked? It doesn't matter if the way is very exhausting. But what about the marks and signs? Could I get lost? ;) Or would you advise to walk...