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  1. lessonslearnedabroad

    Baby on Primitivo

    Appreciate the input everyone!
  2. lessonslearnedabroad

    Baby on Primitivo

    Hey folks! I had hoped to do my 3rd Camino in 2020...and then in 2021...BUT since I'm not yet vaccinated I'm going to wait until 2022. However, I'll have a baby by then. They will be around 8 months old when I plan to walk. I know the Primitivo is hilly but is it stroller friendly (assuming I...
  3. lessonslearnedabroad

    Plans for 2021?

    My Primitivo for 2020 was canceled so I'm *hoping* I can make it this year but that's not looking great the way things are going. But I'm hopeful!
  4. lessonslearnedabroad

    Primitivo with a dog?

    Hey folks! I'll be doing the Primitivo this year (in 10 stages; my 3rd Camino) and am wondering if anyone has any info or tips for doing it with a dog. Of course, I can leave the dog at home but I thought I would see if it would be a feasible option. I don't mind camping if that's what it...
  5. lessonslearnedabroad

    My stages on the Camino Primitivo

    Hate to ask, but what's the wifi situation like? I work from home and would need som access here and there to keep things running during the walk. Much wifi, or not really..? Thanks pilgrims!! <3
  6. lessonslearnedabroad

    Santiago Cathedral: Construction

    Does anyone know when the repairs are scheduled to end on the cathedral? My past two Caminos have showcased the wonderful scaffolding, but I thought maybe it would be nice to get to see the actual bell towers on my next Camino :)
  7. lessonslearnedabroad

    Naming your walking stick

    On the first day of my CF I found a walking stick that took my all the way to Finisterre. I had to name him, since he was pretty much my new bff. For whatever reason, I went with Jefferson Smalls. I found an almost identical one on my CP tis year, this time accompanying me to Finisterre and...
  8. lessonslearnedabroad

    My Camino Portugues Itinerary: Your Thoughts?

    PS If you want to read more about my trip/the CP in general (including lots of photos!) then you can check out my blog :) Buen Camino, folks!
  9. lessonslearnedabroad

    Wifi in all public albergues in Galicia (from July 2015)

    I tried in every municipal albergue along that I stayed in along the CP and it never worked... :/
  10. lessonslearnedabroad

    My Camino Portugues Itinerary: Your Thoughts?

    I considering "rushing" a state of mind, not of body. I like to walk fast, to test my physical limits as well as my spiritual ones. To each their own, of course! :) I ended up walking the CP in 8 days, which worked well for me. I had planned for 9, but I would rather walk than rest! I then...
  11. lessonslearnedabroad

    Wifi in all public albergues in Galicia (from July 2015)

    Do you need a Spanish phone for this? I've had no luck using my Swedish phone to register... :/
  12. lessonslearnedabroad

    Starting at French border instead of SJPP?

    That's what I did, and it worked out perfectly :)
  13. lessonslearnedabroad

    Starting at French border instead of SJPP?

    For what it's worth, that walk from SJPP (while exhausting) was the MOST beautiful part of the entire Camino, in my opinion. The hike up to O Cebreiro was almost as beautiful, but that first day...truly mesmerizing <3 (If, of course, you have decent weather!)
  14. lessonslearnedabroad

    Just back....lessons learned

    Saw dozens of dogs on the Camino, and all were quite friendly. Never once was even slightly concerned. Maybe they could sense I was a vegan :p
  15. lessonslearnedabroad

    Best Non-Santiago Hikes/Pilgrimages?

    Has anyone done the Kungsleden? I'm planning to do 10 days of it this August and would love to chat with someone who has done it :)
  16. lessonslearnedabroad

    My Camino Portugues Itinerary: Your Thoughts?

    I am a generally fast walker and I had initially planned for 10 days, as per usual....BUT if I can swing it in 9 I'll have time to walk to Muxia or Finisterre so I was just wondering what people thought. I'll likely do the 9 day trip, and change my projection once I arrive and test the waters :)
  17. lessonslearnedabroad

    My Camino Portugues Itinerary: Your Thoughts?

    ...- V. do Conde (25km) - Barcelos (28) - Ponte de Lima (34) - Tui (38) - Redondela (33) - Pontevedra (19) - Caldas (23) - Padron (18) - SdC (25) *daily average 27km* - - - 8 Days: Porto - V. do Conde - Barcelos (28) - Ponte de Lima (34) - Tui (38) - Redondela (33) - Barro (30) - Padron (31)...
  18. lessonslearnedabroad

    Porto to Santiago in 10 days?

    I see there is an 8 day plan above – does anyone have a good outline for the CP from Porto in 9 days? Thanks!
  19. lessonslearnedabroad

    The best of Camino Portugues (from Porto to SdC in 7 days)

    I would like to do the CP from Porto in 9 days or so. Anyone have a recommended outline? :)
  20. lessonslearnedabroad

    Santiago to Finisterre/Muxía

    About how long is the bus back from Muxia to Santiago?