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  1. Mananath

    Best 7 to 14 days on the Chemin du Puy?

    Yes, this absolutely. I just completed the VP and this was my favorite section, including the Cele valley. Currently on the Frances (my second time) and am really enjoying it!
  2. Mananath

    Pilgrim rescued near Zubiri today

    Ok, yes that makes sense. I walked from SJPDP yesterday in the rain, I don't envy you walking into Zubiri in the rain! Glad the injured pilgrim was able to get to definitive medical care quickly.
  3. Mananath

    Pilgrim rescued near Zubiri today

    Where did the fall happen? I just did this section today and certainly found the last few k to be a bit challenging but I don't remember seeing an area with all that grass.
  4. Mananath

    SJPDP pilgrim office - why?

    I stopped in at the office this afternoon. Lovely people. I got a stamp, a map for tomorrow and some conversation. Only waited about 10 min. I have nothing to compare to but it seems that SJPDP isn't very busy right now.
  5. Mananath

    SJPDP pilgrim office - why?

    Hi- I will be finishing up the Via Podiensis in a few days and then starting on the Frances from SJPDP. Is there any reason for me to visit the pilgrim office (and probably wait on a long line)? My credential has tons of space, I don't need a shell and I am very much in the Camino headspace...
  6. Mananath

    Linking the Norte to the San Salvador

    You could just go via Oviedo? From there you can walk to the Norte.
  7. Mananath

    Unexpected: booked out gîtes on Le Puy

    I am currently walking this route. I started in Le Puy on May 27 and booked my first 2 weeks months in advance. Since Cahors I am now booking a few days in advance and that has been fine. Others seem to be doing the same and some book the day of. I like to book early because I don't speak...
  8. Mananath

    Breaking up the long days

    I also like using the Wise Pilgrim app to easily calculate distances between cities. It's basically a beta version of the app so it doesn't have any historical info etc but it's still useful (and free).
  9. Mananath

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    I did the split after boimotto and took the road to where it joins the Frances shortly before o Pedruzo. It's all pavement, no services and I didn't see any pilgrims until joining the Frances. I ended up walking Sobrado to Lavacola, about 50k and once I walked past O Pedruzo I saw only a few...
  10. Mananath

    My notes on railway bridge shortcuts Conduché – Cahors on the Célé variant

    Thanks to the OP for the detailed Info on the three bridges. I just walked 2/3 of them and found the descriptions to be very accurate. As of yesterday Bridge 2 has a LOT of vegetation that you need to walk through (10 min of walking). It's doable but I would recommend long pants. I wore shorts...
  11. Mananath

    Calendar JUNE 2024 Start – Check in here!

    June 28th, @Mananath, SJPP (continuing on after completing the Via Podiensis; CF) ✅
  12. Mananath

    LIVE from the Camino Le Puy to Figeac in 14 days.

    I think I am a few days ahead of you. Currently finishing up the Cele valley variant and heading to Cahors tomorrow.
  13. Mananath

    LIVE from the Camino Le Puy to Figeac in 14 days.

    Rain, cold, hot, sunny. It's been all over the place. I am also currently on the route. One day it was like 5c with wind and cold. A few days later it was 30. But def rain has been a defining feature.
  14. Mananath

    Do you drop any personal restrictions on Camino?

    I eat 2-3 pain au Chocolats a day on the Camino. I eat 0 a day when I am not walking.
  15. Mananath

    Advice for pre booking on the Le Puy please

    Before I started I prebooked until Cahors. Now I am booked up until Condom. About 200 people left Le Puy on the day I did. Since Figeac the numbers have decreased a lot. I am currently doing the Cele variant (amazing!) and it's not crowded. Quite a few people are not booking in advance.
  16. Mananath

    Advice for pre booking on the Le Puy please

    I am currently walking this route and have been finding the meals to be hit or miss (I am a picky eater) and in hindsight I would have preferred more restaurant dining but in many places there aren't many options so you are stuck at the gite. For checks, when I have been asked for this I have...
  17. Mananath

    Rest day in SJPP?

    Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback. Seems like SJPP will be a one night stop.
  18. Mananath

    Rest day in SJPP?

    Hi - I am currently on the Via Podiensis and in a few weeks will be arriving in SJPP and then continuing on the Frances for a bit. I have never been to SJPP before and am wondering if it is worth taking a rest day there or pushing on and taking a rest day in Pamplona. Any one have any...
  19. Mananath

    Hiking Sandals on the Camino

    Toe socks help with the pinky blisters if you are looking to try shoes again.
  20. Mananath

    Hiking Sandals on the Camino

    I am with team sandals. I wore Chacos exclusively on the Frances and Norte and felt they were great for me during a summer Camino. I am currently on the via Podiensis and am alternating between sandals and trail runners (there is a lot of mud on this route currently). Definitely would not...

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