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  1. ebrandt

    Photo book or blog documenting your camino

    I started my blog on WordPress 10 years ago. Its a bit clunky and I am not sure I would recommend it. I have several peregrina friends who use Find Penguins and it seems great! Regarding pictures, we upload them whenever possible given the internet availability and signal strength, to...
  2. ebrandt

    Trekking poles

    We have done both things. For our first Camino we flew a direct flight from London to Biaritz. We checked our packs with the collapsed polies inside the packs. We used one of those plastic wrapping thingys that they often have in European airports (I have never seen them in US airports) and...
  3. ebrandt

    Tell me your “everything is going haywire on my Camino” stories

    Surrender is a good characterization! Good luck. We did stay there. It was great and we worried a lot when Tom tested positive the next morning. The dorm is small and we were close together and ate the common meal. One good thing is that we walked by a bar where a number of the people...
  4. ebrandt

    Tell me your “everything is going haywire on my Camino” stories

    Dear @truenorthpilgrim, I hope this story inspires you! We spent some time healing in Burgos last summer too. We started out walking the Vasco del Interior from Irun to Santo Domingo de la Calzada. It was a difficult route with lots of ups and downs. My husband's knee was bothering him and...
  5. ebrandt

    LIVE from the Camino PwP (person with Parkinson's) doing the Camino de Invierno

    I am looking forward to reading your posts from the way! My wonderful father in law had Parkinson's. You will be in my thoughts and prayers I know it's a trite saying these days, but it's true so....) as you prepare and walk. Buen Camino.
  6. ebrandt

    US/EU Outlet Adapter with USB Ports - Any Experience Using?

    Hi Maurice, we have used this exact adapter for many european/spanish trips. It is extremely light,, relatively compact and charges quickly. We charged both a phone and iPad on it. We love it!
  7. ebrandt

    Albergues and bag taxi along the Invierno

    Hi Alissa, We mostly did the Invierno last June. You can check out my Live from the Camino thread here. Some caveats about our walk: We were recovering from Covid when we started and skipped the first stage to Las Medulas. We also ended up having to take a second rest day and took the train...
  8. ebrandt

    Guide and Notes on our Vasco Camino Summer 2022

    Hi Katie, there were a couple of spots with not a lot of accomodation but we did not have issues. I booked nights in Pensions and hotels. The only two I booked in advance were the first night and our night in Zarraton. If you plan to stay in Zarraton ( which is not a typical stop. We were...
  9. ebrandt

    Pack rain cover needed with Poncho, or no?

    A pack cover is nice if you are walking in warmer weather because even a poncho can get hot and if its a warm rain you probably won't mind getting wet but still want you pack to be dry. I usually just take my Altus raincoat.
  10. ebrandt


    I don't know about sand, but I aways wear Dirty Girl gaiters. The keep debris out of my shoe. I have an odd gait from a total ankle replacement and they keep me from untying my shoelaces. They are light, washable and fun. LizB
  11. ebrandt

    shells & distances

    I had the same question about the shells before our first camino. It didn't dqwn on me that you can buy them everywhere, so I mad embroidered felt shells. We have carried them on all our walks since then.
  12. ebrandt

    Guide and Notes on our Vasco Camino Summer 2022

    Hi Coquille, sorry to take so long to respond -- I haven't been on the forum much. The Vasco was very quiet in terms of other pilgrims, last May. We met one other couple from Valencia and walked with them for a couple of days. There were probably about 5 other pilgrims who we saw once and who...
  13. ebrandt

    Guide and Notes on our Vasco Camino Summer 2022

    Hi IT56ny, I haven't been on the forum in a long time and am catching up. I think that what I have in my guide is all on Gronze except things that have opened more recently....
  14. ebrandt

    Diomondi or Chantada? (In the winter)

    I'd stay at Diomondi! As others have said, it's not "remote". We easily got a cab from there to Chantada on our limping Camino this past summer....
  15. ebrandt

    Hærvejen, Denmark

    Love the pick of Einar the walking man!
  16. ebrandt

    Paying a Medical Bill from the Junta de Castilla y Leon

    Thanks for the tips. I don't have an email but the invoice gives bank transfer info. I'd like to avoid a wire transfer as it will cost me $25. So the Wise app sounds like an option. That or a phone call. i thought I would add that we went to a private hospital in Burgos when my husband...
  17. ebrandt

    Guide and Notes on our Vasco Camino Summer 2022

    Mmmm -- I just looked at what I posted and see that the pages are all out of order. I had it formatted as a booklet in word and when I converted to .pdf, things must have gotten messed up. Sorry! The booklet pages are numbered so you should be able to reconstruct it!
  18. ebrandt

    Paying a Medical Bill from the Junta de Castilla y Leon

    We got COVID on our recent camino. We holed up in Astorga and while there went to the Centro de Salud for some medical advice. We weren't sure it was advisable to take a regular decongestant or antihistamine and my husband's nose was running like Niagra Falls (Answer -- over the counter...
  19. ebrandt

    Hærvejen, Denmark

    We used the Haervej App when we walked in 2015. It was funky and difficult but worked enough. My husband is of Danish descent and his grandfather was named Einar. We took to calling the little walking man signs that mark the Haervej "Einar". We would joke when the signs were few and far...