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  1. robhay60

    It's Different This Year

    Try meditating on "ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing", while driving down the freeway, well why not? If you think meditation only happens in particular places like a "cushion" or even a "Camino" then think again.. Its called by some to be a state of "Centred Awareness", and i believe it can...
  2. robhay60

    It's Different This Year

    The one constant in our lives is change...Including ourselves! Why should the "Camino" be any different? We change and thus so does our perception.. Its only natural that we wish for things to stay the same. It familiar , safe , predictable , comforting... We feel we have a sense of control over...
  3. robhay60

    What makes you come back to the Camino?

    I was on my Camino for just over a month last July/August. It was incredible, amazing, challenging, painful , joyful and mysterious all at once.. When i finished in Santago i swore that i would never return , never walk it again . I was so sure that once was enough now move on! However i soon...
  4. robhay60

    Did you frame your Compostela?

    Yes i agree, irrelevant :) As ever Pieces you cut straight to it...However each to their own, thats the "Camino" :arrow:
  5. robhay60

    Beware of thieve disguised as peregrinos

    Life will continue on the "Camino" As ever there will be light and also darkness, there will be sunshine and rain, there will be happiness and sadness and alas night and day, always another day.. This journey will at times be an enormous challenge to the Pilgrim, the unexpected , the mysterious...
  6. robhay60

    Assistance Needed from my Fellow Pedegrinos

    Sarita last year i walked the Camino Francis from St Jean to Santiago. July /August a busy time indeed . I didnt make any reservations along the way and i really dont know of anyone else who did either.. It never occurred to me that i would have needed to do this.. I can only tell you of my own...
  7. robhay60

    Avoiding Brierley stages?

    I loved Brierley's book, written with such passion and enthusiasm.. But its just his "take" on the "Camino" Its not Gods word and its not meant to be the final word and guide on how one should complete their Camino.. Its a guide book, a reference guide and certainly for me was a great...
  8. robhay60

    tour companies

    All of us have the freedom to choose...All of us are living our lives in the best way we know how..All of us are making choices based on our own individual and unique perception of reality... This is wonderful is it not? Its what makes this such a wonderful and diverse world! I was on the...
  9. robhay60

    Need GPS Suggestions

    Hmm GPS on the Camino? To be honest it never entered my mind last year. I had a paper map and it worked out ok.. Personally i found arrows and other markers quite plentiful over the 800km that i journeyed.. For me it was all part of it to follow the signs, and after a week or so you become so...
  10. robhay60

    45 ltr bag for Del Norte route

    Well unless you are seriously planning to camp out , I would say get rid of the sleeping mat.. I spent a month on the Camino and not once did i see or know of anyone who actually used their mat.. I didnt use mine, i didnt come close to using mine...They take up space....Valuable space! I carried...
  11. robhay60

    Class of 2013

    well whatever the weather the one thing you do have control over is - how you respond! Choose to make the most of this amazing journey, the choice is yours...i know you will prevail, Buen Camino :arrow:
  12. robhay60

    aliens and others

    Its all a matter of perception, each of us see's it our own unique way. Our experience is just that, its our experience. If there was one thing i learned on the Camino if was allowing other Pilgrims to be just as they are.. It certainly lessons the load when you release the need to Judge others...
  13. robhay60

    Forum Addiction

    I didnt know about this Forum before i walked my Camino last year and to be perfectly honest i am glad about that..For me my only preparation was a book, and a movie! Yes i was indeed in for many many surprises! Yet for me this worked well. I didnt need to know all the details before i left...
  14. robhay60

    The Camino Is Not For Everyone

    Yep i happen to agree , just like fishing is not for everyone, driving a car is not for everyone, baking cakes is not for everyone, what is the point of making a statement like this? Yes not all things are meant for all people, its so obvious. Or is it not ? Am i or are we missing something...
  15. robhay60

    The Camino Is Not For Everyone

    It seems that everyday people are doing extraordinary things , doing things they never thought possible. They surprise those around them as well as themselves! Whether its a task , a new job, a retreat, or even a "Camino" Putting ourselves into a position that will take us out of our so called...
  16. robhay60

    Wife can't walk long distances.

    Your wife cant walk but you can.. You want to do your camino, your wife wants to come with you. Sounds like you both will need to find some understanding about why it is that you are both wanting to do the Camino..Would you be happy to go on your own... Is your wife happy for you to go on your...
  17. robhay60

    A pilgrim has died on the Camino near Roncesvalles - March 2013

    Life and Death on the Camino, its the nature of "The Way". For each of us when we begin our Camino we know not how the journey will unfold. Despite our planning and preparation , despite our beliefs and opinions, despite how we think the Camino should be, we surely know deep in our hearts that...
  18. robhay60

    A light sleeper's nightmare

    Well what can u say? Its really considerate of you to think about the effects of your snoring on others..During my Camino i didnt come across any so called rooms for snorers... I myself have nothing against people who snore, indeed some of my best friends snore! What i think a lot a people are...
  19. robhay60

    Camino Negatives

    Negatives? What negatives? An interesting question and i wonder why it is that "Pilgrims only tend to speak about the "Positives" Well i guess the only way to really find out is to go and experience "The Camino " for yourself. Live yourself into the answer so to speak... Buen Camino :arrow:
  20. robhay60

    Review of "The Way" with Martin Sheen

    Wonderful , wonderful, wonderful, it always brings a tear to my eye when i watch it. It brings back memories and feeling of my own Camino last year..