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  1. Samarkand

    No pilgrims for 3 days

    Well, start now! I can testify it is NOT crowded over here...
  2. Samarkand

    No pilgrims for 3 days

    I'm doing my pilgrimage on the CF right now (photos and a diary later). From Pamplona we had a group of 12-15 people meeting at the same albergues. I haven't seen a single pilgrim since I left Estela. That's 3 days ago. I don't mind staying all by myself in an albergue (El Cantaro in Navarrete...
  3. Samarkand


  4. Samarkand

    Hospitalera now in Ponferrada

    That looks awesome! That's San Nicolas de Flue, right? I should be in Ponferrada about this time next month.
  5. Samarkand


    A related question. So I bought a train ticket from Atocha to Pamplona online. How exactly do I get on the free shuttle feom MAD? Do I enter the "CombinadoCercanias" code in the machine and it prints me a ticket?
  6. Samarkand

    2019 - I hope this will be my year for the Camino.

    I haven'y done the Camino myself yet (I'll start it next month), but I'm fairly certain it's all about the mental state and the drive to finish it. I see you have a purpose and the will to do it, so no old injury can stop you! Buen Camino!
  7. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    No, I'll be starting from Pamplona.
  8. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    Thanks for the trick! For really nasty rain I plan on wearing gaiters on top of my Gore-Tex shoes, but underneath the rain pants. Hopefully, that will minimize water coming in the shoes. I made an effort to pick all my clothes to be quick-drying (stuff I hiked before with) and I know most of it...
  9. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    Probably will have a big trash bag to line the inside of the backpack. It weights literally nothing and drying a down sleeping bag doesn't sound like much fun. Thanks!
  10. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    My rain jacket is also my winter jacket and my rain pants double as a second layer of pants if it's too cold. My main pants are relatively thin hiking pants. Altogether, my entire pack (without snacks and water), which includes a handful of earplugs, weights about 5.5kg/12kg.
  11. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    I'll be bringing a rain paints, rain jacket, gaiters AND a poncho for backup. I expect it to be rainy, snowy and lonely on occasions. It seems the hospitaliero compensated for the lack of pilgrims by showing the Camino spirit! Thank you!
  12. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    Thanks! I'll be doing that. I wrote the albergue yesterday and asked them. They said they'll be open and will have a credential. I planned my stops for the day to be the places with multiple albergues, so I think I'll be alright. I hope there are other pilgrims along the way at that time of the...
  13. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    Thank you all for the help, as usual! I just can't wait to start my Camino!
  14. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    I use the Wise Pilgrim app, which has a list of albergues, but it was aaying this one is open year-round. I wrote them an e-mail, but if it's closed I'll just go elsewhere. It's the 1st night that bothers me a bit since I arrive in Pamplona around 7pm on a Sunday. After night 1 it should be much...
  15. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    The postal service where I live is remarkably slow and unreliable.
  16. Samarkand

    First night arriving for the Camino in albergue

    I'm super excited to be able to start my first CF in exactly 1 month from Pamplona. I'll be arriving in the city in the evening and plan on getting a credential on the spot because I can't get it any time earlier (I fly in in Spain at noon that same day and catch a train right away). Would the...
  17. Samarkand

    If you want to take 4 rest days on the CF, where would you stop?

    I just call that dinner 😊
  18. Samarkand

    If you want to take 4 rest days on the CF, where would you stop?

    Thanks for all the great suggestions! I'll be in Spain for about 40 days, which hopefully will give me enough time to take both planned and unplanned breaks. But, of course, plans can change on the fly and that's OK for me. I'll be doing the Camino in January and February, so my itinerary is...
  19. Samarkand

    If you want to take 4 rest days on the CF, where would you stop?

    Thanks! I'll definitely spend a couple of days in Santiago. Setting unexpected rest days aside, I'm interested in places that have great nature and/or have historical or architectural stuff to see. I love history, so castles, old monasteries, etc are all stuff I like.
  20. Samarkand

    If you want to take 4 rest days on the CF, where would you stop?

    If you want to take 4 rest days during the CF, where would they be? Which sections are historical or beautiful enough to make you stop and take a 0km day? Why would you stop there?