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  1. Butterfly

    Two pilgrims rescued in Napoleon Route

    Hi, I've booked my bed at refuge orisson for the 11th of April :) and paid - I'm hopeful and very much looking forward to it :)
  2. Butterfly

    Pilgrims Office of SJPP

    Me too 11th - whoop whoop - so excited :)
  3. Butterfly

    BBC Program "Celebs" on the Camino

    I've seen 2 of the programs so far and I'm loving it - I'm not that bothered about what they skip or how much they carry.... Its given me loads of opportunities to chat with family, friends and gym buddies about how brilliant walking the camino for yourself is and I call that a big fat WIN and...
  4. Butterfly

    Weather in April 2018

    Hi Terry, i'm also starting on the 11th April - can't wait - coming from Biarritz on the train to St Jean Pied de Port - pick up my pilgrim passport and hopefully on to Refuge Orisson - still awaiting a reply from Refuge Orisson where i'm hoping to stop of - i know it's not that far but thought...
  5. Butterfly

    CF in 26 days?

    My son and I walked the camino in 25 (maybe 24 1/2 - it becomes less important ) days - we had 25 days - generally people thought we couldnt do it hehe- it was pretty much 20 miles every day - a couple of days a little less and some days because of alburguos more - our main problem was the...
  6. Butterfly

    Camino Frances .. raving and a little ranting

    Hi penny, How brilliant you are walking the camino again and I must say you were a more gracious lady then I might have been ;) . This will be my first ever camino and will be walking it with my 16 year old son - it's his dream and I'm totally buying into it :) so very very excited now - will...
  7. Butterfly

    Swimming the Camino

    Thanks for your list so far - we'll be walking 20 miles plus every day and to fit that in we'll be taking a siesta when it gets to warm to walk - bit of resting, sight seeing and thought it would be fun to splash about for a bit - not really lap swimmers ourselves - then walk on for a couple of...
  8. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    :) might see you there on the 27th as we now have our beds confirmed - though I must say the temptation to walk the whole way and into the night was definitely there and I think we could have made it :) but with all that was said - I think it might have been a bit to much and not sure that we...
  9. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    Wow so much rain in June and I totally agree - I'm afraid we are aiming to walk every step of the way and I don't think we'd want to go back on ourselves either - however I think it's probably a bit like a birth plan - a bit idealistic and then having to make the best choice possible when...
  10. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    Wooooooooooooooo - finally heard back from Orrison and got beds whoop whoop that will totally simplify things - very grateful for all your advice - totally appreciated :)
  11. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    Wooooooooooooooo - finally heard back from Orrison and got beds whoop whoop that will totally simplify things - very grateful for all your advice - totally appreciated :) thank you - i am very pleased that this is now a option and we won't be tempted to do to much right at the beginning :)
  12. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    Yes we've got some but not used them yet - to be done in the next 3 weeks ;)
  13. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    Yes I agree definetly a danger and we must watch out for that for sure. My thinking is - I can walk 7 miles ( which is just over 11 km) in 2 hours on the flat - so the lose plan is - rise and shine early walk a couple of hours - nice little break, walk 2 more hours - lunch and siesta or maybe...
  14. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    hi freespirit, just thought i say - i've got 5 kids and kid number 2 which is son number 1 (my oldest is a girl) also calls himself freespirit and though i think it would be rather nice to chat i sure hope you don't catch us up hehe
  15. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    thats totally brilliant thanks Katharina - we did 14 miles (about 22 1/2 ) the other day in 4 1/2 hours but that was flat and we had a little lunch break in that - i think i'll need to take jam (james my son) on an uphill quest and time us ;) we shall call it training hehe
  16. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    You would be amongst good friends of ours suggesting a shorter trip and thinking we will probably not be able to do it BUT we are thinking we shall give it our best shot ;) this trip is my sons idea - he saw the movie "the way" in school and it rather impressed upon him and when it came to us...
  17. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    ooops sorry Katharina - my husband would be laughing at me using very english words when i'm not even english hehe - german married an english man - when english people talk about fell walking - part of the definition "Walking in mountainous areas in the UK is called hillwalking, or in...
  18. Butterfly

    Day 1 St Jean to Roncesvalles

    To all you seasoned camino pilgrims out there :):):) my question is - how long did it take you to do the 25 km and how hard is the decline . We are arriving on the 27 June early afternoon and are a little short of time to make it all the way to Santiago - which we really really want to do - so...
  19. Butterfly

    The magic bank

    Uh this is rather clever and interesting - thanks for posting it! i've had cancer a few years ago which threatened the closure of my bank account - to my great surprise - until then i was heading for "great old age - or 120 " hehe - and please don't feel bad or sad for me - i'm just saying it...
  20. Butterfly

    1 months from today... it's really happening

    Hi Ingrid, life is most definitely beautiful and BUSY :) - Jam (James my son) and I will arrive just 3 days ahead of you and will have to get cracking as we have limited time to walk the camino but now totally counting the days - so very excited and somewhat struggling to sort the rest of life...