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Search results for query: crowded

  • Before: Jan 1, 2011
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  1. J

    Best time of the year to go?

    ...visited say June/July could be the best time, clear days rainy nights. Well I take it as will be for 2011, just great, and the other advantage for me is that it is not to crowded. A bit of homework and help from this site and then your heart will tell you "the best time of the year to...
  2. J

    After Santiago

    ...Spain and onto Paris, then Taize and Paris again to catch the returning flight. Big cities like Madrid and Barcelona are too noisy and crowded after spending 6 weeks on the camino. I find more peace at smaller towns/villages like Avila, Toledo and Salamanca. I love Salamanca for the very...
  3. dalech

    Best time of the year to go?

    You could try the Camino Norte. It's much less crowded than the Frances and being near the coast the weather is a little milder in summer. I'm walking it in June next year which is supposed to be a lovely time. I think May would be ideal though, which could work out for you. Happy planning!
  4. M

    After Santiago

    ...portion of the Camino and changed the vibe both along the trail and in the albergues. Likewise the city of Santiago itself was far too overcrowded. In 2010 events around the Cathedral were very chaotic, organization and crowd control very poor. A mob mentality prevailed. Heavy rains...
  5. D

    An unholy year on the Camino Frances

    I would have to say that the establishment reaction to plastic bags sounds more like a reaction to someone else having a good idea! Trash bins are labeled for use exclusively for trash IN PLASTIC BAGS (emphasis added). It would be nice to re-use the plastic bags discarded along the Camino to...
  6. D

    An unholy year on the Camino Frances

    All these things, and probably more, irritate me, but I remind myself that I can only control my own actions. Irritation at others is pointless. I was griping about graffiti at dinner along the Valcarce, and a Spaniard pointed out that it only takes one Spanish youth to paint thousands of tags...
  7. Anniesantiago

    Portland, Oregon

    Hooray! You know there are some beautiful walks in the Arboretum, and especially over on the north side of Burnside, past the Pittock Mansion. Less crowded than the Gorge walks. Hopefully I'll see you around May.
  8. Sagalouts

    First camino, via de la plata?

    hi harrisonj you seem to have it pretty sussed, I walked the vdlp at the same time as Tam and yes the first few days were hard,but by the time you get to Sevilla you should be acclimatised, yes you do need the water and while there are not many villages/fountains the people are very helpful...
  9. RestlessRose

    Just home from Camino Ingles

    ...from there, arriving at about 11am. Long queues to get into church. Long queue to visit Jamie. Queue to receive the compostela. Crowded. Standing room only, but wonderful wonderful ambiance. The most rapturous applause broke out after mass and the grand finale of the swinging of...
  10. C

    Decision made

  11. R

    Decision made

    Hi pilgrims Heaps of reasons against, as usual, but I'm off to finish the Camino Frances, starting from Pamplona late January. The present plan is to extend by walking down the coast to Porto, a reverse Portugues. I've paid fares etc. No pulling back. I'm as nervous as an Australian opening...
  12. William Marques

    To cycle or walk and which route.

    If you have little or no Spanish one of the less crowded Caminos could be a lonely experience. I would suggest (in spite of being a cyclist myself) that you start walking from Logrono and see how things go.
  13. R

    To cycle or walk and which route.

    ...on whether it would be better to cycle or walk and which would be the best route to take. I am concerned that the refugios will be very overcrowded in June, so I was thinking of cycling with a tent or possibly taking a less crowded route, although I have almost no Spanish! If the refugios...
  14. gregdedman

    Incredible new Xunta albergue at Dumbria

    Hi all, Just back from my 2nd camino and wanted to let you know about a few changes to guides you may have. There is a stunning new modern albergue based at Dumbria, situated roughly 13km after Olveiroa and 20km before Muxia. The money was donated by a wealthy businessman (apparently the...
  15. gregdedman

    Christmas Camino

    Hey there John, I understand you are away and will soon be beginning your Camino Frances. I just wanted to give you a last update from the end of my own Camino, which finished with a flurry on the 9th December after 43 days covering 1,001km. There are some pretty important updates I can give...
  16. CaroleH

    Trondheim (Nidaros) to Santiago de Compostela

    Oh yes . . .. tear to the eye and a big smile. I love flash mobs, the supposed spontaneity, and the ending. Experienced first one in Santiago, in the Praza do Toural, a group of wonderful singers, and it was amusing and fascinating the way they quickly dispersed into the crowd the second it...
  17. A

    Madrid to A Gudina on ViadlPlata?

    If you prefer not to walk with many others, this route will suit you much better than the crowded Camino Francés. The going is generally very easy until you turn westwards into Galicia,So much of the Camino is spent with your eyes glued to the track and where your next footstep is going, and it...
  18. Kitsambler

    Just seeking some reassurance!

    The Meseta is not an issue, as she walking in France, not the Camino Frances route in Spain (this year, at least). Arriving at Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport, you can take the TGV train to Lyon, change to the regional to St Ettienne, and then the local to Le Puy. You can get tickets in advance...
  19. dutchpilgrim

    Just seeking some reassurance!

    If you still are pondering... Is it possible to start a month earlier? You'll miss the greatest heat on the Meseta, the largest crowds in July, arriving at Santiago. Give it a thought. Ultreya, Carli Di Bortolo
  20. C

    Just seeking some reassurance!

    I'd say June will not have crowds (in France) but could be very hot. I can't help with your acc. questions as I always use (in France) gites d'etapes, for economy and because I like to meet other pilgs and not cut myself off in a hotel. But someone who does hotels will surely tell you. I...