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  1. AidaYYC

    SJPDP pilgrim office statistics - January to June 2024

    Not all pilgrims that start in SJPP finish the Camino
  2. AidaYYC

    Signalling in Vigo

    Rueda meanwhile is ignoring pleas to protect a number of other Camino zones that are being threatened by massive development projects and others which are actively being destroyed. This is very sad. Would a petition from Santiago put any weight in their decision against this development?
  3. AidaYYC

    Signalling in Vigo

    When I was in Vigo, this past April, the flechas are few and far between, but there are there and when you cannot find them, it is time to use your Camino app of choice, mine was Buen Camino which steered me in the right direction. To the point made in this thread, I spent a whole day...
  4. AidaYYC

    Any advice for when you want to quit?

    I walked the Portuguese from Lisbon, it rained the first 5 days walking through ankle deep mud & puddles, so my feet got lots of blisters, then 20 days of heat with very few places to rest up, pulled muscles & swollen knee, then arriving in Vigo I face planted crossing the street resulting in a...
  5. AidaYYC

    A few questions about starting from Malaga

    As I am researching and contemplating doing this Camino in March 2025, I thank you for all your information
  6. AidaYYC

    Advice Requested on Hiking to Fatima from Lisboa via the Camhino Português

    A Camino buddy who was walking along with me, did option #2 and took the bus to/from Tomar and then continued his Camino onto to Santiago. I might add he did it and was back in Tomar before 3 pm
  7. AidaYYC

    Missing Pilgrim near Zubiri — RIP

    I hope he is found and brought to safety🙏🙏🙏
  8. AidaYYC

    Snoring. AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

  9. AidaYYC

    Porto to Villa do Conde

    I did start at the Cathedral, walked the whole thing ... for me taking the metro was not the Camino Way
  10. AidaYYC

    Porto to Villa do Conde

    Absolutely doable. Break it up into sections, I prefer walking at least half before noon, take your electrolytes, rest up but move on. I just did it this past April.
  11. AidaYYC

    Starting from Matosinhos on Wednesday!

    Ahhh, Matosinhos ... one the best lunches we had was at the Fish Market. You pick the fish or seafood you prefer and the restaurant cooks it for you. Absolutely delicious. I finished my Portuguese on April 30th from Lisbon, got my friend to join me in Porto and did the Litoral way all the way...
  12. 20240405_100651.jpg


    Embalse outside of Tomar
  13. AidaYYC

    Bar Etiquette

    Order at the bar and take with you to your table. Buen Camino!
  14. AidaYYC

    A Simple Question

    Ronda predates ring roads by a number of centuries
  15. AidaYYC

    A Simple Question

    Here is a list of Spanish abbreviations in the streets context: https://www.spanishdict.com/answers/105358/abbreviation-for-apartamento-would-be Here is a screenshot, showing 'Rda'
  16. AidaYYC

    Wise Pilgrim or Buen Camino or both?

    I did the Frances in September 2022 with no apps, only armed with Brierly guide book and materials given to me by the Pilgrims Office in SJPDP and did fine -- this Camino has very good infrastructure, it is well marked and it's nearly impossible to get lost.
  17. AidaYYC

    Wise Pilgrim or Buen Camino or both?

    As I mentioned above I will be using BC and as per your suggestion, I will donate
  18. AidaYYC

    Wise Pilgrim or Buen Camino or both?

    Thank you, this is the one I plan to use starting my Portuguese from Lisbon next Sunday. Mid April, a friend will join me in Porto and she'll be using Wise Pilgrim ... we shall be able to compare. Buen Camino
  19. AidaYYC

    LIVE from the Camino Coastal route with 2 kids

    Beautiful, I love your journey with your lovely children who seem to charm everyone wherever they go🥰🥰🥰

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