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  1. isawtman

    Flying a drone on the camino

    Here's some of my thoughts on the drone topic. I think the drone thing is already overdone. Efron was still at the point of not being overdone, but anything more recent is. Secondly, I don't find drones annoying. The time I seen one on the camino I didn't actually see it or hear it, I just saw...
  2. isawtman

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    Peter, you need to understand one thing about this forum. If you wrote that Water is Wet, there would be someone here to dispute that. So, just take it with a grain of salt.
  3. isawtman

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    All we would need is beer and it would be like we were back in Wisconsin!!!!
  4. isawtman

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    I'm from Wisconsin, So, yes I know about cheese. But I didn't know Arzua was known for Cheese, but apperently it is. I'll take note for the next time. After all, Cheese was known as the original power bar.
  5. isawtman

    A call for regulation or permit on the Francés

    No, it is not the same rhetorical logic that I use at all.
  6. isawtman

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    The PCT, AT and CDT are National Scenic Trails and are very beautiful. They are considered the most scenic trails in the U.S. I would never suggest that they be powered through, or that's what they are for. There are some sections that it would be diligent if you make good time. For instance...
  7. isawtman

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    You do what you want, but my advice is perfectly good. If I wrote down on this forum that water was wet, I'm sure there would be someone to disagree with me.
  8. isawtman

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    Dick Bird took the other option and wasn't impressed. He said there was little of interest, and a lot of road walk. So, yes, you can completely avoid the CF until Lavacolla, but going to Arzua and powering through is a perfectly good option. So, is switching over to the Ingles. So, yes, those...
  9. isawtman

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    Some people get irritated with me when I suggest that you power through the last 100 km of the Frances. But that's what a fair amount of people actually do.
  10. isawtman

    On the Norte and want to avoid the Frances until last possible moment into SdC

    I would just go to Arzua and power through the rest of the Frances. I went from Arzua to Lavacola in one day and I was prepared to keep going if I didn't get a bed. I would have went to Monte do Gozo. From Arzua it is just two short stages of less than 20 km each to get to Santiago. From...
  11. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    You guys have plenty of room to discuss your preferred option. But somehow, if someone suggests something else, they are totally wrong. Powering through the last 100km if you started at St Jean is a perfectly good technique. Powering through let's you savor the wonders of Santiago for longer...
  12. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    Yes, I suppose there are a few people that want to slow down at the end of the camino. But, I never experienced or have heard of anybody like that. But I have heard of several people who were doing long days to get to Santiago.
  13. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    I wasn't telling people who started a Sarria to power through it. I was specially suggesting that people who started farther back including at St Jean that one of the good options for them is to power through the last 100 km. If you power through you can get to the last 5 km that has the good...
  14. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    But this is more than just making time to visit Finnesterre and Muxia. The last 100 km continues to be a big concern to many pilgrims. It seems like every week or two we have someone, mainly new people, who are making a post about the last 100 km. I think a perfectly good technique for...
  15. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    Yes, they are different. But they also are both very positive things to say.
  16. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    Listen people, Finisterre/Fisterra is absolutely amazing. For people saying the last 100 km was more interesting/spectacular than that, well, I guess you get people like that. I'd say the last 5 km going into the Cathedral are the highlight of the Camino, but other than that, the other 95 km...
  17. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    I never said anything about running the last 100 km. I said for people to power through the last 100 km, which is different than running. I'm just saying that if you started out at St Jean, by the time you get to Sarria you are a seasoned walker and in better shape to power through the last...
  18. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    I would venture to say that most people would find Finnesterre more interesting than the last 100 km.
  19. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    The other thing that powering through does for you is it allows you to do something else that might be more spectacular. You might be able to hike or bus out to Finnesterre and stay the night. You may have had a more pleasant experience taking the last 100 km slow, but going to Finnesterre is...
  20. isawtman

    Help getting lodging past Sarria

    If you are hiking all the way from St Jean, then you will be a seasoned walker by the end of it. I would just power through the last 100 km. That's basically what I did, but I also was waiting for a friend of mine to catch up. He took a zero day in Leon, and was behind me from there to the...

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