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  1. t2andreo

    Celtic Camino part two to Santiago.

    As a general rule, pilgrims doing the Celtic or Irish Camino usually walk the first 25 - 30 km in Ireland, then travel to A' Coruña - typically by boat or plane. From there, they travel to the A' Coruña seaport, and turn to walk the remaining 75 or so km to Santiago. The document mentioned above...
  2. t2andreo

    Walkingpoles allowed through security in Santiago airport?

    This all explains why I always choose to adopt the least common denominator - I assume a very strict interpretation of the rules - and plan/pack accordingly. It is for this reason that I always check my poles, multi-tools, knives, etc. This approach always satisfies all countries security...
  3. t2andreo

    Walkingpoles allowed through security in Santiago airport?

    The airport at Santiago (SCQ) does not operate in a vacuum. It is part of an integrated, international air transportation system. What is allowed, or not, at SCQ has ripple effects across the global air travel system. Focusing solely on what is or is not allowed at SCQ, is unrealistic, at...
  4. t2andreo

    The NEW Camino Vello

    I did not drill down on many links. If the route is not authorized for issuing Compostelas, I tend not to be too interested. It's not that I don't care. More like, as a Pilgrim Office volunteer, I need to be aware of some routes, but not others - yet. Thanks for the information.
  5. t2andreo

    Walkingpoles allowed through security in Santiago airport?

    Before I would risk any of my walking poles - anywhere - I would want to see a clear and definitive "black and white" article or explanation from the relevant security authorities. If such a document exists online, with regards to hiking poles, could someone provide a link to that governmental...
  6. t2andreo

    The NEW Camino Vello

    I copied and converted the article to a .pdf file. I have attached it here. Hope this helps. Tom
  7. t2andreo

    Re: Post-Camino Blues

    I always felt that the Camino became part of my life, on or off-Camino. It significantly affected my personality, mental health, religious practice, and attitude towards other people and life in general. On the whole, a 'win-win" for all aspects of my life. Since April 2023, when my wife fell...
  8. t2andreo

    The NEW Camino Vello

    Here is a new report of a just documented NEW Camino route. See the article in today's (28 June 2024) El Voz de Galicia (Santiago): https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/galicia/2024/06/27/camino-santiago-suma-nueva-ruta-basada-cartografia-200-anos/00031719506050131504541.htm Approval may not...
  9. t2andreo

    Walking the Norte over the past few weeks

    IMHO, It is a very good thing that we cannot reserve pilgrim level rooms online. Organized "tourigrino" groups would soak up all availability. At least, with the current method, individual pilgrims have half a chance. As it is, legitimate church and community pilgrim groups DO manage to fully...
  10. t2andreo

    Pilgrim office

    From Plaza Obradoiro, place the Cathedral at your back. The Parador (Hostal del dos Reyes Catolicos) will be on your right. Exit the plaza at the right, far corner. Walk down the ramp. At the bottom of the ramp, turn right onto Rua Carretas. Proceed about 100 meters, to the Pilgrim Office, on...
  11. t2andreo


    En serio!?!?!?
  12. t2andreo

    Money on the Camino

    Mirroring much of what has already been written above, my approach, developed over ten years, is to start off with about €200 on me, and two debit cards. Read the last paragraph for how I always come to have about €200 to start with on each trip. One is a European bank debit card. The other is...
  13. t2andreo

    Portuguese camino- New question...

    I found the .pdf file for my 2015 walk from Porto to Santiago. I just sent it to you attached to a Private Conversation. Nine years is a long time. I recommend you verify all the places of accommodation. Hope this helps. Tom
  14. t2andreo

    Portuguese camino- New question...

    I will try to find it. I may have purged my files.
  15. t2andreo

    Re: Post-Camino Blues

    You WILL be back. Most of us start planning our next Camino as soon as we unpack, clean then repack our rucksacks at home. I have found that he easiest way to store all my Camino gear is to keep it packed - except for things that are also used at home. I keep a list of those items at the top of...
  16. t2andreo

    2 Stamps per day

    I have sellos / stamps from wineries, gas stations, convents, and every place mentioned in this string. Basically, every business that sells goods or services must have a rubber stamp of some kind, to use in case the power goes out and they have to issue manual receipts. So, any place that...
  17. t2andreo

    Gronze FORUM (not website) is closing!

    Thank your lucky stars that this forum is not going anywhere, at least anytime soon. I was more concerned about the HUGE resource that Gronze brings to the Camino. Were THAT to go away, then a lot of pilgrims would be adversely affected.
  18. t2andreo

    Pre-Camino Surgery?

    I am not a medical professional. But I have suffered from a similar problem in past years. My personal advice based on my experience is Option #3. After I had my nasal septum correction surgery, My wife told me I have some residual snoring issues. I solved this by using Breathe Right strips on...
  19. t2andreo

    Gronze FORUM (not website) is closing!

    Here is the English translation of the Gronze Forum announcement: Closing of the Forum We will close the Forum permanently on Thursday morning, July 4, after which it will not be accessible. Until this date it will continue to function normally, so that those users who wish to recover their...
  20. t2andreo

    When Temperatures Climb! Preventing Heat exhaustion

    Use any umbrella that does the job - providing shade to your head, shoulders and upper torso. Because, as a general rule, shade is some 20 degrees (F) cooler than the sun-drenched surroundings. Then stuff the open umbrella in your rucksack harness, held in place by your sternum strap. It is...

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