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  1. André Walker

    What makes a pilgrim?

    I understand the different views and opinions (and wishes towards the two girls). I too don't have the answer to this problem. Though sometimes going against the flow is the only way to get to the source.
  2. André Walker

    The Way: how do you feel about THE movie?

    Well, the case with scripted movies is that they're, well, scripted. So, when walking the Camino Francés in real life, one might find that the real thing isn't like the movie. Or, in other words: if I ever get the chance to visit the forest moon of Endor, I will most likely find out that there...
  3. André Walker

    Travel from Norway to SJPDP

    Auto translation works in mysterious ways. Or, in other words: Automatisk oversettelse fungerer på mystiske måter. 😉
  4. André Walker

    Nicknaming the People You Walk With

    On my 1st Camino there was this man nicknamed “the Portugese serial killer”. I won’t go into details, but I can assure you it was only a nickname.
  5. André Walker

    Nicknaming the People You Walk With

    Before other people nickname you, maybe it’s wiser to nickname yourself. For example: “evolution’s pinnacle” (or something similar). ;)
  6. André Walker

    What are your favorite Camino misspellings on the forum?

    English is not my native language, so I couldn't possibly help you with Miss Spellings. Never heard of the woman...
  7. André Walker


    Hi Elke, Welcome to this forum. First of all: take care of your knee. You're so right to take this up with your specialist. The Via de la Plata is a relatively easy one: no climbs untill you get to Galicia, but sometimes the distances between towns/albergues can be quite long (depending on...
  8. André Walker

    Es geht los (It's starting)

    Halz und Beinbruch. Or, as Google would translate: break a leg. I've never understood how such a phrase represents a wish for good luck and fortune, but well, that's just what it is! Buen Camino.
  9. André Walker

    Do your own Camino

    Walking a Camino and staying hotels. Yes or no? I thought I'd look it up in my 'How to act as a pilgrim' guidebook, but couldn't find it. Must have misplaced it. But, after thinking about it thoroughly: it's ok to judge somebody else. If you're a trained judge that is and have taking the...
  10. André Walker

    Fast and Furious or Slow and Steady?

    My wife and I have a different pace of walking too, so your problem seems familiar to me. I considered getting a divorce, but my wife didn’t think that was a good idea. So I didn’t.
  11. André Walker

    Camino Portuguese packing list (help)

    For a first timers you've got it covered quite good already! Only a small remark. Although it would add some extra weight, you might consider bringing a backpack. ;) Personally, I'd only bring 2 pieces of underwear and 1 small towel. I've been used to do so and never felt the need for an extra.
  12. André Walker

    CAMINO Muros, Noia to Santiago

    Haven't walked it myself, so can't help you in that sense. But there is a website of this Camino: https://caminoriamurosnoia.gal/ Maybe you'll find some useful information there.
  13. André Walker

    First day - Bilbao

    Just follow the yellow arrows. There are two routes from Bilbao tot Portugalete: https://www.gronze.com/etapa/bilbao-bilbo/portugalete, 19,2 km. https://www.gronze.com/etapa/bilbao/portugalete/junto-ria, 13,3 km.
  14. André Walker

    Invierno Accommodation / Services

    I haven't got much time right now, so I'll have to keep it short: No need to make reservations, the Invierno is not too busy. There seen busses along the Invierno, but I have no idea of times and destinations. You might check on the websites of Alsa or Monbus (and google for local bus services).
  15. André Walker

    Cafe con Leche / Coffee on the Camino: Enquiring Coffee Lovers want to know!!

    The same here: at home I drink regular coffee, but whenever I'm walking a Camino I get this irresistible craving for a cafe con leche. And then red wine to quench my thirst...
  16. André Walker

    Best app for accommodations along the Portuguese?

    No, it also has an app. It's directly available through their website. Look in the main menu for 'App'. I think they're still in the process of perfecting it, but it might be worth taking a look at. And try it while using Wise Pilgrim as well.
  17. André Walker

    Renting horses to O Cebreiro

    I’d consider walking up to O Cebreiro if I were you: If I’m going to have blisters, I prefer to have them as far away from my head as possible… ;)
  18. André Walker

    Help me slow down my Camino Primitivo

    I guess taking the Camino Verde (from Lugo to the Del Norte) won’t add any extra days?
  19. André Walker

    Is it wise to book one-way flight, London to southern France, and book return when ready?

    I agree with most of the other posts. I've never booked a return flight in advance when walking a camino. Most of the time did so 3-4 days before getting to Santiago (or Finisterre/Muxía). For flights from Santiago to most European cities that'll do. If not, there's always the possibility to...
  20. André Walker

    Just for Laughs

    Well, I always "print" the compost myself. It's easy. You can do the same. Just remember NOT to flush the toilet afterwards, or it'll be gone. ;)

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