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  1. volleyjanice

    Comment by 'volleyjanice' in media 'Sun rise'

    I am absolutely the opposite of a morning person, and yet somehow, on the Camino I manage to roll myself out of bed much earlier, and head out the door. (Miraculously without coffee for an hour or two!). Some of my best memories of my Caminos are the early mornings and the gorgeous sunrises.
  2. volleyjanice

    Comment by 'volleyjanice' in media 'A little rain in Galicia'

    As you say, a bloody downpour, and in our case combined with some record breaking winds - In late August 2015. After a few days of drizzle increasing to rain we broke down in Santiago and bought the ridiculous ponchos. Started off to Finisterre and Muxia and that's when the wind joined in...
  3. volleyjanice

    LIVE from the Camino A new threat to my pilgrim tolerance and zen-like state of relaxation

    For a minute there I thought I wrote this myself! Ear plugs, the buff eye mask, magnesium, melatonin, and if needed Theanine. I'm quite the babe when I get into my bunk!
  4. volleyjanice

    Comment by 'volleyjanice' in media 'The travelers' rest'

    Oh what a shame that she no longer runs it. We had a terrible night's sleep in Astorga and stumbled upon this spot for breakfast. She had been up late for a local celebration and was back at it with a line up out the door. I was so indecisive about the delicious choices that I bought food for...
  5. volleyjanice

    LIVE from the Camino A new threat to my pilgrim tolerance and zen-like state of relaxation

    Hello fellow Canadian! My feeling is that yes, you may have things to pack up, but there is no need to do it at your bed. Grab everything and take it out of the room to pack it to minimize the disturbance to others. I can only guess that perhaps people are in general sleeping a bit longer in...
  6. volleyjanice

    We are grateful. Again!

    Oh goodness, what a start to your Camino! Best wishes for continued healing and no further "incidents."
  7. volleyjanice

    LIVE from the Camino A new threat to my pilgrim tolerance and zen-like state of relaxation

    We were walking the Portugese route in August. One night a young couple realized that they had accidentally booked accomodation 50K away the next night and planned to get up really early. I thought it might be wise to speak to some of the other people in our room of approximately 16 and...
  8. volleyjanice

    Coastal route in August!

    When will you start walking? We will also be there in August and plan to start from Porto on augst 11th. We fondly (well mostly fondly) refer to John Brierley as "Drunken" Brierley. We have had occasion to wonder if he has actually walked the route given some of the instructions and...
  9. volleyjanice

    Camino not for me?

    Wonderful advice!
  10. volleyjanice

    Sometimes it’s hard to be a Pilgrim!

    Without the rain you wouldn't have an excuse to buy a gorgeous rain poncho. Fashionable and practical (said nobody ever!).
  11. volleyjanice

    List of Rx’s and living wills questions

    Great advice! Maybe adding a short phrase in the language of the country you are in would also be helpful. Obviously you don't know in advance what calamity may occur (hence my needing to look up dog bite in my phrase book while en route to a hospital in Spain), but something along the lines...
  12. volleyjanice

    LIVE from the Camino Struggling on the Camino.

    What a beautiful story. Two young men with amazing hearts!
  13. volleyjanice

    LIVE from the Camino Struggling on the Camino.

    Thank you for sharing these inspirational stories Kevin. I have been wallowing a bit lately (injuries, Mom with dementia taking a lot of time away from opportunities to exercise and train for our Camino in August, etc. etc.). A kick in the pants to remind me of what true struggles look like and...
  14. volleyjanice

    Rest time during Stage

    Someone far brighter than I commented that it is important to let one's toes out every so often so that they can see where they are. I quite like that advice and used it in conjunction with a suggestion from a camino friend on our first trek, who told us that once she began changing her socks...
  15. volleyjanice

    A Million Steps

    Friday! Well you must be at that pre-travel point where your mind is already half way there and you are of no use to anyone. Buen Camino!
  16. volleyjanice

    A Million Steps

    How exciting! Wishing you happy feet and safe adventures along your way. May you find some hidden gifts as you travel.
  17. volleyjanice

    A Million Steps

    What part(s) of Canada are each of you from? (Asked the Victoria, BC gal)
  18. volleyjanice

    Danger for pilgrims walking between Roncesvalles & Zubiri

    Practical Planning - The advanced Course!

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