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  1. Anamiri

    In Praise of Albergues

    I have explained to people some of the other benefits Communal dinners Washing drying facilities The ability to deal with bed bugs (I was bitten in hotel/apartment accommodation and the owners were hopeless at dealing with them) Help and advice for pilgrims I think you miss a lot if you dont...
  2. Anamiri

    Money on the Camino

    Plus they are useful if you have coin operated washer/driers
  3. Anamiri

    Money on the Camino

    She does have a card as well, so doesn't need all her expenses to be covered by cash, and has already booked accommodation.
  4. Anamiri

    Money on the Camino

    I've just been back from Camino Frances 2 weeks now, and 6 euros is the price for the region she is walking. The first stages (Navarra) are 7euro, with a discount to 6 euros if you pay in advance. This is of course if the bag is less than 15kg.
  5. Anamiri

    Money on the Camino

    I like 2 small breakfasts a few hours apart (usually 5 euros or so). I may buy a piece of fruit, maybe 1 euro. Then I have dinner later in the day, more than 10 euros so you could put it on a card if the place allows for that. If I need something from a pharmacy I pay cash if its a small item...
  6. Anamiri

    Money on the Camino

    It depends on which Camino (eg will there be ATM's), how long you will be walking, how many people, and what other options you have. I found that many places don't take credit cards on purchases less than 10 euros. I was travelling on my own and often found my purchases less than 10 euros so...
  7. Anamiri

    Atapuerca archaeological site

    Also if you visit, the people at the counter who do the bookings also speak English. I visited the centre earlier in May, and they do a lot of school visits; with busloads of students. whilst we were there (not long) there were two buses leaving and another two arriving and a class completing...
  8. Anamiri

    What do you do on a rest day

    I did exactly the same. I was sick, and after making my way across the Meseta, mostly in truly horrible weather, I reached Leon, spent 2 nights there mainly in bed. The next day walked to Virgen del Camino. I should have stopped earlier when I first got sick.
  9. Anamiri

    Afraid of top bed without fence

    If I was faced with a top bunk with no railing, I would definitely use my pack as a fence. Way more scared of falling out than bedbugs. Scared of heights to begin with so glad I haven't faced one yet.
  10. Anamiri

    Last min questions

    Dont worry, you will meet people. As far as walking, think of your day as a series of walks, not one long one. Walk for an hour, stop , have coffee, take photos, look around, chat, walk again - rinse and repeat. You shouldn't have difficulty getting accommodation especially if you are flexible...
  11. Anamiri

    Are you 70+ and still walking Caminos?

    I will miss you guys by a couple of weeks. Flying out of NZ on the 29th.
  12. Anamiri

    What do you wish you had worried less about?

    Set off from SJPDP 1st Sept in the middle of a heatwave.
  13. Anamiri

    What do you wish you had worried less about?

    I don't think I was particularly worried about anything, I was excited to be off on an adventure. No real planning other than to arrive in France. Once I reached Bayonne, it was a different story - the heat was so intense that I did wonder if I would cope with it. I did - I became an early starter.
  14. Anamiri

    Inviting reflections on the wider costs of walking a Camino

    I just accept that I will have to fly a really long distance to get there. I do reuse items, clothes, sleeping bag, pack etc - but I do need new shoes. Apart from shoes my gear lasts me a long time. I am taking stuff on my next one, that I bought for my first. I buy or make, only as I need. At...
  15. Anamiri

    Embarrassing moments

    I had a moment when I needed to 'go' , quickly checked around me, coast seemed clear. Stood up to find that the wild wheat on the field edges had drilled its way into my underwear and clothes, stabbing me in the process, and as I was frantically trying to get rid of the sharp seedheads, I...
  16. Anamiri

    Advice… please… 🙏🏻 (About starting time each day)

    Lots of us fall into a 'breakfast', 'second breakfast', then early 'evening/dinner' routine.
  17. Anamiri

    Advice… please… 🙏🏻 (About starting time each day)

    I've walked in late May- June and it does get very hot, by the time I reached Santiago at the end of June it was 43 degrees. My sister, who I walked with for a few weeks, who is not an early person was planning to walk later, and revised that plan after the first day of walking, and left at 6...
  18. Anamiri

    Albergue or hotel

    I normally book a day ahead.
  19. Anamiri

    What to do different next time?

    I wore mine nearly every morning. Then stripped off all my layers. May/June, September October (twice). This time I will take an umbrella (for the sun)
  20. Anamiri

    Retail Camino Related Art

    Stephan's paintings are wonderful, you can see them on his Camino thread.

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