Troubled by an intense loneliness, a result of his lost childhood and a cruel twist of fate, Jack is confronted by an enigmatic visitor’s insistence that the world is meaningless. In his despair, he is drawn to a vision of the fabled Camino de Santiago, and so Jack embarks on a final act of redemption. It will soon become a quest for understanding, reaching beyond life and death itself.
Philosophers, gurus, friends and enemies all accompany Jack along the path to resolve the great questions of all ages.
Is the world before us as it seems?
Is science and reason the sole road to truth?
Do our moral choices have significance?
Is there truth still in the great religions?
Is there a world beyond our earthly abode?
One of the great coming of age stories and a deeply spiritual adventure, Jack's Path offers new answers to those searching for greater meaning.
Philosophers, gurus, friends and enemies all accompany Jack along the path to resolve the great questions of all ages.
Is the world before us as it seems?
Is science and reason the sole road to truth?
Do our moral choices have significance?
Is there truth still in the great religions?
Is there a world beyond our earthly abode?
One of the great coming of age stories and a deeply spiritual adventure, Jack's Path offers new answers to those searching for greater meaning.