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France. Walking Guide (pdf): Albi – Rocamadour – Agen & Moirax – Condom. (23 Stages) 2

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A GUIDE-PDF for walking in France from Albi via Rocamadour, Agen & Moirax to Condom. 23 stages.

GR 36 – GR 46 – GR 652 /Voie de Rocamadour – GR 65/Voie du Puy.
GR 36 : From Albi on the River Tarn, past the carbon mines of Carmaux to the fortified hilltop villages of Cordes-Sur-Ciel, Najac and Villefranche-de-Rouergue then on to Cirq Lapopie...

GR 46 : Over the limestone plateaux of Les Causses du Quercy to Rocamadour Sanctuary, followed by a detour to Collanges-La-Rouge and Carennac...

GR 652 : Down Les Pays de Serres from Carennac to Agen and Moirax – a verdent landscape of limestone ridges and steep-sided valleys with fields of maize and sunflowers. Pruneaux d'agenais thick on the bough, wild plums, figs, and berry thickets. Many hours in woods overgrown with vines and mosses, on trails bathed in greenish light...

GR 65 : Then the rolling farmlands of Le Gers. Joining the GR 65 /Voie du Puy at La Romieu before continuing on to the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Condom where one can finish... or continue along the Voie du Puy or follow La Baise River then the GRP Coeur de Gascogne to Auch.

Along the way from Albi to Condom one arrives at twelve of 'Les Plus Beaux Villages du France'. Services are available daily and at the end of most stages there is a gîte d'étape, a gîte des pèlerins or somewhere else to overnight.

CONTENTS : Preface, Stages, Trail Signs, Online Maps, Trail Description, Services & Info, Overnighting, Useful Sites.​

...by Lovingkindness...

Photo by Florian Calas. Editions Jourdenuit.fr.
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