"We're back on the CAMINO!"
Toma Tours are delighted to be launching a brand new tour for 2016 that I believe will become an integral part of our touring schedule.
The WAY OF SAINT JAMES holds immeasurable appeal, spanning centuries of history and tradition. The most common route stretches from France, over the Pyrenees and into Galicia, in north-west Spain. But there is another route, seldom trodden, which leaves from our very own beloved Málaga and stretches north to the stunning city of Córdoba.
This route, named the Camino Mozárabe, after the Christians who lived within the Islamic kingdom of Al-Andalus, traces the ancient paths of the inhabitants of that fascinating civilisation. It contemplates breathtaking scenery, beautiful hilltop towns, olive groves and wine regions as is winds its way through the heart and soul of Andalucia.
What better way to share with our clients the beauty of Andalucia than taking up a pilgrims staff, donning some worn in walking boots and following the marked route from Malaga town centre until it crosses the Guadalquivir river and makes its triumphant entrance into the medieval city of Córdoba - the destination for our pilgrimage?
There is no better way to share Andalucía with you. Walking allows the mind to rest and stretch. It is both sociable and soul searching. Whilst the walking is physically challenging, we are not scrimping on comfort and a whole host of gorgeous boutique hotels and delightful farmhouses await our weary walkers for them to soak away their sores at the end of each day.
The Toma Tours Camino Mozarabe Pilgrimage Includes:
- 11 Nights Bed and Breakfast accommodation
- Evening Meals
- Support vehicle
- Walking Guide
- Side trips and admissions