English - Spanish Dictionary with (SPA) phonetic spelling. Includes words, and some sample dialogs. The following is a sample from the Registration chapter.
English | Español |
Hello, how are you? | Hola, ¿cómo estás? (oh-lah) (koh-moh) (ehs-tahs) |
I am tired. It is hot outside. | Estoy cansado. Hace calor afuera. (ehs-toy) (kahn-sah-doh) (ah-theh) (kah-lohr) (ah-fweh-rah) |
Sit down, please. | Siéntate, por favor. (sehn-tah-teh) (pohr) (fah-bohr) |
Would you like some water? | ¿Quieres agua? (kyeh-rehs) (ah-gwah) |
Yes, thank you. | Sí, gracias. (see) (grah-thyahs) |