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On the Camino: One Day at a Time, one Photo at a Time 11.0

The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Pazo de Fonseca. Headquarters of university of Santiago.
September 2024.

Camino Frances.
pl. Santa María del Camino
Albergue del Convento de las Carbajalas

November 18, 2014

León  18.11.2014.webp

In the calm "slow season" at the Benedictine albergue run by the Santa Maria de las Carbajalas nuns I was allowed to stay two nights. All was clean, well heated with a good free breakfast.
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.
During my Camino Olvidado (August 2021).
Detail of the capital of the Massacre of the Innocents from the church of Santa Cecilia at Aguilar de Campoo.


Herod, the king of Judaea, watches as his soldiers slaughter the innocent children of Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the infant Jesus, whom Herod feared would eventually seize his kingdom.
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Have these delicate remains of faded fresco in the Cloister been restored since 2007?
Elegantly panelled, this entrance into the Claustro/Cloister, was visible in 2007. Can it still be easily seen?
Not quite what you are looking for, Margaret, but this was from 2015 (sorry, more than one!):
3rd Edition. Vital content training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
A selection of Camino Jewellery
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Camino Frances
Plaza San Marcos, 8
Parador San Marcos
cloister garden

photo taken March 7, 2007

Parador San Marcos cloister .webp

Two saints guard the cloister garden within the Parador. When I dared ask if the famous Renaissance garden could be visited the elegant maitre de answered that I might faire le tour but must NOT enter it!

Thus while I slowly walked the periphery arcade those saints and he intently watched every footstep!! This photo is proof of my peripatetic quest!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Camino Frances
La Virgen del Camino

photo taken February 27, 2009

La Virgen del Camino.webp

Located 7 km beyond Léon on the CF.
Deep yellow windows light the contemporary Basilica de La Virgen del Camino designed in the 1960s by a Dominican monk, Francisco Coello, in the Brutalist style.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Camino Frances
leaving La Virgen del Camino

photo taken November 13, 2011

metal pilgrim.webp

This metal pilgrim pointed towards the two ways to leave the town near the junction of the main CF, which parallels the noisy route N120 direct to Villadangos, and the peaceful alternate camino going slightly SW to Villar de Mazarife.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Camino Frances, alternate route
from La Virgen del Camino

photo taken November 13, 2011

alternate route from Virgin del Camino.webp

The alternate camino SW towards Villar de Mazarife avoided highway noise and suburban sprawl. The mud path crossing wide flat plains planted with corn was slick from incessant cold rain. From time to time hunters' shots could be heard, sometimes a bit too close for comfort!
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.

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I wonder how many other people (besides me) are giving second thoughts to walking the Camino in Spain because of all the new information needed to submit under the new law for entry that became...
Let me start off by saying that I have done 10 Caminos. This is not to brag but to say that I should have known better. Before my last one, my grandkids convinced me that I should document the...
A few of the Forum members have known about my condition for some time. In Feb. 2024 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. I was registered in the national Parkinson registry. A miserable...
I'm sure a lot of us pour over our Camino photos from time to time as they bring back such wonderful memories. Not just of that great view or amazing meal, but some may have a much greater meaning...
About the "do it while you can" philosophy - take heed. A friend I made while walking was diagnosed with cancer 1 month after arriving home. My husband had a stroke and then bypass surgery only...
As you surely know, Christmas is a very special time of the year in Spain, my home country. All the streets and buildings are decorated, we gather with family and friends and sing christmas...

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