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Gronze App Translation


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April-May 2023
April-May 2025
I've been trying to figure out how to use the Gronze app and as a first step I need to translate into English - I searched topics on the Forum, thought I found what I was looking for, and Yay! I was able to do it on my laptop, but can't figure it out for the app on my iPhone. I posted a query to the thread, but the thread was a year or two old and so far no responses, so I thought I'd ask here again.

I am moderately computer literate, but not so very - I'm pretty sure I'll need Gronze for the Gebennensis, maybe not so much for the Podiensis as Buen Camino app has Le Puy en Velay route. And, as I understand it, it's best to download the maps? I think I know how to do that, but then don't know where to find them on my phone...

Any technical assistance is appreciated, or maybe there's a YouTube or something I should watch?

Thanks in advance!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Thanks for replying - I have Apple iPhone, when I open the Gronze App, I see a map with the routes, but am not seeing anything like +INFO to select. There's a symbol at the top that brings down a menu (in Spanish, of course), but I don't see something to translate. When I click on the route, it does offer some info on La Via Gebennensis, with a +INFO, but when I click on that, it takes me to Gronze.com and I'm still not seeing how to get to translation in English....
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Thanks for replying - I have Apple iPhone, when I open the Gronze App, I see a map with the routes, but am not seeing anything like +INFO to select. There's a symbol at the top that brings down a menu (in Spanish, of course), but I don't see something to translate. When I click on the route, it does offer some info on La Via Gebennensis, with a +INFO, but when I click on that, it takes me to Gronze.com and I'm still not seeing how to get to translation in English....
For the Gronze Maps app on iPhone and iPad:

There is no way to have the Spanish text in the app itself translated into English.​
When you click on a Camino on the map or on an albergue on the map, a window opens with text in Spanish and +Info to select. Tap on +Info and you leave the Gronze Maps app and enter the Gronze website. You are now in Safari.​
In Safari, look for AA (it's near or next to the lock icon and the text gronze.com). Tap on it: a window opens where you can chose the option Translate Website. Then select English.
This will also work in Safari on Apple desktops and Apple laptops. You don't need Chrome.
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I simply use the Gronze website, not the app. (You do need data for the internet.) I use offline maps from other apps.
The Gronze Map app also needs a data connection to work.

Actualmente, Gronze Maps solo funciona con conexión a Internet. Si temporalmente falla la conexión, se indicará con un mensaje "Sin Red" hasta que vuelva a estar disponible.


Currently, Gronze Maps only works with an internet connection. If the connection temporarily fails, a "No Network" message will be indicated until it is available again.

€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Hi CTLawGal
Open the app and pick your route, select info bottom right
next page in bottom bar with gronze.com on the left is a box with two lines below
press this and an option to translate to english is there
I hope this helps
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
What I'd really like is a way of translating Gronze which doesn't also translate the place names. Having a destination of "the bean" doesn't really do justice to the effort it took me to get there!
Are you using an iphone ?
My reply was for that question
For information and planning a camino, you should use the Gronze.com website. The app is not suitable for this. The app is a navigator track, it is only useful for "on the road".

Whenever possible, we will make sure that browsers and automatic translators do not translate the names of the towns or the names of the accommodations.

Step by step, we will improve Gronze. The way is long, and never easy... ;-)
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
What I'd really like is a way of translating Gronze which doesn't also translate the place names. Having a destination of "the bean" doesn't really do justice to the effort it took me to get there!
The only bean I know is in Chicago and it is truly "The Bean". I didn't know Gronze showed any stages on how to get there.😂
Open the app and pick your route, select info bottom right
next page in bottom bar with gronze.com on the left is a box with two lines below
press this and an option to translate to english is there
Oh, that's a surprise. I definitely see AA where you see two lines for activating automatic translation.

I have Safari on iPhone with iOS version 16.7. I have never bothered to install any additional browsers and use only the inbuilt browser on my phone. Now I am curious to know what @CTLawGal sees. ☺️

iPhone Safari Translate button.webp
The other way to translate text while you are using Safari on an iphone is simply to highlight a portion of text [tap on a word and pull on the two blue dots to expand the blue highlighting across the segment of text that you need.] After you do that a bar will open up above the highlighted text with several options, including 'translate.' You might have to slide across that bar to find 'translate.'

Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Wouldn’t it be fun if instead of everyone trying to convert Gronze into an English language website people put some effort into reading and understanding the simple, repetitive Spanish and very helpful icons that the site uses.

I have often been grateful for the service that @Joan Fiol (Gronze.com) offers. I will never understand those who think that the process should be designed for them. Though I guess they’re in the cohort that think all Albergue should have hot showers and that the Comida común should meet all their dietary requirements

Gracias por tus servicios @Joan Fiol (Gronze.com)
I will never understand those who think that the process should be designed for them. Though I guess they’re in the cohort that think all Albergue should have hot showers and that the Comida común should meet all their dietary requirements

The OP asked a simple technical question about an app on her mobile phone and a number of posters explained basic inbuilt functions of her mobile phone that will be useful no matter which website in a foreign language she consults in future.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
The other way to translate text while you are using Safari on an iphone is simply to highlight a portion of text [tap on a word and pull on the two blue dots to expand the blue highlighting across the segment of text that you need.] After you do that a bar will open up above the highlighted text with several options, including 'translate.' You might have to slide across that bar to find 'translate.'

View attachment 180838
A bit awkward when you can translate the whole page
You should now be on iOS 18.1
LOL, I wish. As a matter of principle, I try to use my devices as long as they (and the software on them) works. I am eagerly awaiting the moment when the iOS version on my phone can no longer be updated or when I feel that I really really need the newer functions in 18 and beyond. It is quite frustrating that everything is still working quite well for my purposes. ☺️
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Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.

The OP asked a simple technical question about an app on her mobile phone and a number of posters explained basic inbuilt functions of her mobile phone that will be useful no matter which website in a foreign language she consults in future.
Nope. The OP wanted a Spanish language app to be translated into English. My suggestion is garner enough Spanish that you can read the app without yet another app. By which they’ll likely be able to read street signs, toilet door labels and other useful stuff
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
The OP asked a simple technical question about an app on her mobile phone and a number of posters explained basic inbuilt functions of her mobile phone that will be useful no matter which website in a foreign language she consults in future.
But not always useful on apps.
Though on my Samsung phone I can select text from most apps and translate it. I don't know if iPhones do the same.

Screenshot_20241115_123621_Gronze Maps.webp

However, in the case of the Gronze Maps app all of the information is on the Gronze website where you can automatically translate entire pages.

When I use the Maps app I only use it for navigation and go to the website for detailed information.
Nope. The OP wanted a Spanish language app to be translated into English. My suggestion is garner enough Spanish that you can read the app without yet another app.
When I answer a technical question I not only try to understand the words in the post. I try to follow the steps that the poster has undertaken to better understand what it is about. I can read Spanish and I don't need a browser translation for the Gronze website. I don't use the Gronze mobile phone app either. But in this case I downloaded it to my iPhone and checked what the OP wrote. It was this:

I have Apple iPhone, when I open the Gronze App, I see a map with the routes, but am not seeing anything like +INFO to select. There's a symbol at the top that brings down a menu (in Spanish, of course), but I don't see something to translate.
She describes the Gronze Maps app and not the Gronze website.

And nobody in this thread complained about anything.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
the simple, repetitive Spanish
It should not be necessary (I do recommend downloading and familiarising before commenting) but it is apparently necessary so here is a screenshot of the Gronze app. Not what I call "simple, repetitive Spanish". Hence the usefulness of inbuilt browser translation - and knowing or learning how to use this feature.

And it's quite neat! ☺️

Gronze map screenshot.webp
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"Stoves of the Camino" :D.

May be you need a smarter phone with smarter software. Compare and weep ;):

View attachment 180839
Some of the translations are hilarious, especially Piesirlandeses' the corpse.... I almost cried., which indeed forces me to revert back to Spanish... you see I don't want to miss anything 😇
LOL, I wish. As a matter of principle, I try to use my devices as long as they (and the software on them) works. I am eagerly awaiting the moment when the iOS version on my phone can no longer be updated or when I feel that I really really need the newer functions in 18 and beyond. It is quite frustrating that everything is still working quite well for my purposes. ☺️
Bad idea , you need the updates for the security of your phone as well
as the app updates
A selection of Camino Jewellery
But not always useful on apps.
Though on my Samsung phone I can select text from most apps and translate it. I don't know if iPhones do the same.

View attachment 180843

However, in the case of the Gronze Maps app all of the information is on the Gronze website where you can automatically translate entire pages.

When I use the Maps app I only use it for navigation and go to the website for detailed information.
yes you can on iphone but why go to the bother of highliting a pice of
text to translate when with one press you translate the thing ?
Bad idea , you need the updates for the security of your phone as well
as the app updates
Not sure that I understand what you are trying to say - presumably that one must always have the latest update of the OS that is available for the device in question which is the case for my phone. I’ve been using Apple devices for 46 years now and I’m pretty confident of what I am doing and using. Anyway, this goes way beyond the interest and topic of the thread.
Not sure that I understand what you are trying to say - presumably that one must always have the latest update of the OS that is available for the device in question which is the case for my phone. I’ve been using Apple devices for 46 years now and I’m pretty confident of what I am doing and using. Anyway, this goes way beyond the topic of the thread.
Yes keep updated
And i apologise for trying to be helpful to others
Best to keep safe
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
For information and planning a camino, you should use the Gronze.com website. The app is not suitable for this. The app is a navigator track, it is only useful for "on the road".

Whenever possible, we will make sure that browsers and automatic translators do not translate the names of the towns or the names of the accommodations.

Step by step, we will improve Gronze. The way is long, and never easy... ;-)
Thanks for all ye do!
I am writing this not only because @Joan Fiol (Gronze.com) is following this thread but also because I really like this feature: the Al Loro section that you reach when you tap on the Al Loro tab. In their own words:

Se trata de un resumen de lo más importante a saber antes de empezar la etapa: información off the record, sugerencias, consejos, advertencias, observaciones...
And this is where knowing where to tap or click on the automatic translation button or icon in your browser may be useful for one or the other pilgrim:

It is a summary of the most important things to know before starting the stage: off the record information, suggestions, advice, warnings, observations...
If you don't know it and don't make use of it you don't know what you are missing ... ;)
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
We have just finished the Gebennensis -Gronze was not much help. You definitely need to buy the small “yellow” guidebook otherwise accommodation will be a huge problem for you. It also gives you access to the GPX file which we input into the GPS Tracks app and this worked great for navigation .

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