I'm Daniel from the U.S. My wife and I are in our early 60s and planning our first pilgrimage along the latter part of the French Way. We fly into Madrid on 9.25.24, and take a train to Leon on 9.28. My wife is looking for a 5 day excursion while I start my pilgrimage from Astorga or Rabanal. (She may depart from Madrid or Leon.) We plan to meet in Sarria on or about 10.5.24, my birthday, to start our 5 - 7 day journey to Santiago de Compostela. We hope to arrive by 10.11/12 and spend a few days in the area before taking a train back to Madrid for our return trip home on 10.16.24. We welcome comments and suggestions as we've booked the bookends of the trip, but the rest is still to be determined. Many thanks.