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List your pilgrim blog URL here - We want to read your story

3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Hi everyone,
I have been searching the site, but haven't been able to find a topic that just has listings of people's pilgrim blogs (all in one place)

How about sending replies here with your blog URL here so we can all easily find and read each other's Camino stories?

Mine is: http://www.caminopilgrimage.blogspot.com

I'd love to read yours!

PS, if there is a topic for this on the site already, can someone let me know?
Hi. My blog is Follow The Yellow Shell
Hi. My blog is www.caminolongwalk.blogspot.com. It dates back to 2013 and includes 6 Camino routes, Kumano Kodo in Japan, a leisurely walk along the Thames River and in 2020 An Alternate Camino Primitivo.

"He who shall not be named" resulted in a canceled Camino Primitivo in 2020 sooo...I heard of a Frenchman who ran a marathon on his 23 ft apartment deck so over 12 days I walked (rain or shine) on a 29 ft backyard deck and in a small backyard. Concessions included...indoor lunch, washroom facilities and no backpack (as that would look a little silly :))...as if the entire adventure wasn't silly! Estimate 31,000+ back and forth traverses on the deck.

Sept 2022...Camino Primitivo (the real path) awaits and blogging resumes. Note I had to switch from Feedburner to Mail Chimp so email subscription list on blog as shown is no longer valid. If anyone wants to add their name to the subscription list please message me and I will add it.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I leave from Le Puy on August 16. Hope to get all the way to Finestere/Muxia by November 5.

I'll be blogging at: billonthecamino.com

Right now there are only a few pages on the site. Just background for my friends and family who ask "What are you doing this summer, again?"
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Hi everyone,
I have been searching the site, but haven't been able to find a topic that just has listings of people's pilgrim blogs (all in one place)

How about sending replies here with your blog URL here so we can all easily find and read each other's Camino stories?

Mine is: http://www.caminopilgrimage.blogspot.com

I'd love to read yours!

PS, if there is a topic for this on the site already, can someone let me know?
Here’s mine 6 - 28 May https://burgosleon.wordpress.com/
I leave from Le Puy on August 16. Hope to get all the way to Finestere/Muxia by November 5.

I'll be blogging at: billonthecamino.com

Right now there are only a few pages on the site. Just background for my friends and family who ask "What are you doing this summer, again?"
Very well done. I’ll be following your adventure.
Hi - I hope everyone is doing well.

I just completed the Camino Portugues (April 2022) from Porto to Santiago. I took the coastal route from Porto, switched to the central route on Day 2 (Vila do Conde), and finished with the spiritual variant.

If anyone's interested, here are a few videos (including my itinerary and costs):

(1) 20-minute video of the Camino Portugues:

(2) Daily Vlogs on the Camino Portugues:

Camino Portugues 11-Day Playlist

Enjoy and take care!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Hi, our blog from our 2017 and 2018 caminos is here:

We've just updated this ready for our Camino Francés from SJPP which we start on 6th May 2023.
Keep the Camino momentum going once you return home with After the Camino
Here is our blog, The Hallowed Way. We are currently writing about our 2022 Camino Portuguese in a day-by-day format. We've written about Fatima and pilgrimages in Florida. In the near future, will have Lourdes and Turin. Hopefully will be doing the Via Francigena next spring.
After taking some time to think over what it all meant to me I've finally written some more about my experience on the camino here: https://nick-barlow.medium.com/what...4049ae3b5?sk=8d63272e802c429abe3a0bfe0bb0e640

I also posted this set of pictures and memories when I got back https://nick-barlow.medium.com/38-m...d4cbec7ef?sk=615dbac9df718ccfdb7b133352e5c04f
And to round off the set, here's a new post about how I prepared for the Camino, which I hope is of use to people wanting to do it. https://nick-barlow.medium.com/prep...2edceef71?sk=ce01cca1a8192a73035def63ab47cf5b
A selection of Camino Jewellery
I am leaving for Spain later today to walk the Via de la Plata and Camino Sanabres from Seville to Santiago de Compostela. I'll be in Seville for Easter Sunday, then the pilgrimage walk starts Monday. I'll be walking with my friend Tom from Sydney, Australia whom I met at a yoga studio in Chiang Mai, Thailand. And I'll be updating my travel blog along the way:


For the curious, this blog is a long continuation of my travels dating back to my first walk on the Camino Frances in 2016 with my yoga-focused winters in Chiang Mai, Thailand included. Another URL for this blog is: JimGeierThailand.Blog

Buen Camino!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Last edited:
Howdy, pilgrims! I've finally finished editing my blog - https://camino-a-go-go.blogspot.com/ - from my San Salvador/Primitivo/Finisterre/Muxia Camino from September last year. My previous Caminos are also on there with daily posts, planning, packing tips, etc. Enjoy & Buen Camino, y'all :)
It's not just for the Camnino, as I write about travel (most of it is Spain though), but I do have a LOT about my times on the Camino with separate pages for the Camino del Norte, San Salvador, Primitivo, Aragonés, Invierno and my day hikes on the Levante from València. I'll be updating it with my 2023 Camino once I get back from it.

It's at www.setmeravelles.com

Buen Camino and look forward to reading the others!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I have resurrected my travel blog for my upcoming pilgrimage walk in Spain from Zamora to Santiago de Compostela on the Camino Sanabres:
Springtime on the Camino Sanabres
This will be my fourth Camino pilgrimage walk. My motivation is to complete the Via de la Plata walk I started a year ago with my friend Tom from Sydney. Australia whom I met at Wild Rose Yoga in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2016. And this time I'll be walking with my brother-in-law Ron Melton and his good friend Dan Hansen. I am looking forward to this excursion; I'm eager for a better closure after the disappointing end last year with severe and painful tendonitis in my left lower leg. It is now less than two weeks before I leave for Madrid and this all seems very real now.

When possible, I'll try to post on the Live on the Camino topic.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.

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