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Alert Dogs attack in Vilardongo

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Planning on Primitivo in June 2022
Today, at this little village an hour or so away from A Fonsagrada I've experienced an attack from 3 dogs belonging to the farm nearby. One od the dogs tried to bite me by the leg, but that one was wearing a leather strap around "jaws" (like a nozzle), while others just circled around me and barked. I have dealt with my fear of dogs long ago, so after that initial surprise attack, I've managed to gain control of the situation, but what pissed me off was realising the owner was watching the whole thing unfold from a distance, with no interest to interfere. Seeing that, I walked toward to him and educate him by any language he could understand (aware that education works both ways), but he also had a euroasian shepherd by his side (probably on chain, ergo me typing this from a room that is not ER), so i resorted to exchanging pleasantries using my finger and basic spanish.
I was on my way for a minute or so, when I noticed the one that tried to bite me is coming again after me, but this time without the nozzle. I had time to reach for my hiking pole, and chase him away permanently.
I have used AlertCops app to inform the authorities, police went there, and hopefully talked some sense to that guy.
Not a pleasant experience. Other than that, enjoying my Camino and the perfect weather, nature and food.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
It is good that you had a hiking pole. It is unfortunate that the world is made up of truly good people along with others that are not so good. The same goes for dogs also.
I hope you are able to put this experience behind you and can safely enjoy the Way ahead. God bless you.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Good people tend to have good dogs.
And the opposites apply.
I'm glad you're unhurt.

I have used AlertCops app to inform the authorities, police went there, and hopefully talked some sense to that guy.
Excellent. Thank you. So good you reported that! And that somene got a visit.
Once on my Caminos it was early in the morning and suddenly there were 5 dogs around me... and barking. I kept walking. Then I felt the teeth of a small dog snapping at my trousers.... I thought, ‘Just keep walking, try to stay calm.’

Afterwards I looked at my leg and the trousers... nothing... so I thought ‘the little dog was trying to tell me: You are not wanted here and reinforced it with perfectly timed aggression that wasn't meant to hurt me’.

If 3 or 5 dogs wanted to attack me.... I don't know what exactly would happen... but I'm pretty sure I would be hurt so badly that I wouldn't be able to walk any further to Santiago... and I have never heard of such a case.

So I try to think ‘the dogs are just doing their job.... just keep going at your normal pace... Try to stay calm."
(if you pray, maybe you could pray to help you stay calm)
(Don't run! Do not fall! If there are several dogs around you and already close to you... Don't ‘defend’ yourself unless you are actually being attacked - and snapping at your trousers is no 'real' attack)

Of course, it's much nicer if you can talk to the farmers and their dogs are friendly.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
so I thought ‘the little dog was trying to tell me: You are not wanted here and reinforced it with perfectly timed aggression that wasn't meant to hurt me’.
I think you're giving the little dog a bit too much credit for rational thinking and consideration. It was probably down to luck that he didn't manage to sink his teeth into your calf.

But still, good on you for remaining calm and not escalating the situation. It can be tricky when there are more than one...
I think you're giving the little dog a bit too much credit for rational thinking and consideration. It was probably down to luck that he didn't manage to sink his teeth into your calf.
I think the little dog was like this one:

Of course the dog did not think rational, but... as my father had two of them and hunted with them for many years... I would bet that is is not luck that the dog didn't manage to sink his teeth into my calf... but that the dog did not want to. Especially because a terrier like this one would have attacked again immediately if it had really wanted to bite me and if it hadn't been successful the first time.
Today, at this little village an hour or so away from A Fonsagrada I've experienced an attack from 3 dogs belonging to the farm nearby. One od the dogs tried to bite me by the leg, but that one was wearing a leather strap around "jaws" (like a nozzle), while others just circled around me and barked. I have dealt with my fear of dogs long ago, so after that initial surprise attack, I've managed to gain control of the situation, but what pissed me off was realising the owner was watching the whole thing unfold from a distance, with no interest to interfere. Seeing that, I walked toward to him and educate him by any language he could understand (aware that education works both ways), but he also had a euroasian shepherd by his side (probably on chain, ergo me typing this from a room that is not ER), so i resorted to exchanging pleasantries using my finger and basic spanish.
I was on my way for a minute or so, when I noticed the one that tried to bite me is coming again after me, but this time without the nozzle. I had time to reach for my hiking pole, and chase him away permanently.
I have used AlertCops app to inform the authorities, police went there, and hopefully talked some sense to that guy.
Not a pleasant experience. Other than that, enjoying my Camino and the perfect weather, nature and food.
I am greatly impressed with how you handled the situation. I doubt I would have the presence of mind to know what to do, so appreciate your report to both us and the authorities.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Happy there was no physical damage to you, but sorry you encountered this irresponsible person and his band of miscreant canines. Good for you for reporting it, just so the local police have a record; you never know, but they may already have a file on this place.

Three weeks ago, my hiking companian, Mario, yelled for the owner of a farm to corral her dogs (this was along the VF route from San Quirico d'Orcia to Radicofani) her salty response indicated that her three large dogs were just doing their job and we should move along quickly. Mario fortunately had pepper spray at the ready (he did not use it) and I had hiking poles as makeshift defensive instruments. We slowly edged past the farm, ready to handle the two biggest dogs if necessary, but only one made a decisive lunge at Mario and I put my pole in his way turning him aside. We kept our eyes on the dogs for about 50 meters whereupon they decided they had done their job. No apologies from the owner, which incensed Mario as a fellow Italian, so he gave her a piece of his mind from a distance and she just waved us off.
Just another memory from a great trek with the good times outweighing the bad incidents by 1000 to 1. Now, on to the next Camino.
Buen Camino
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I am sorry to hear you were attacked. I've walked Caminos since 2008 and never had an experience like that. I have spoken to other pilgrims who were attacked so it is becoming a problem. Sadly, I am also aware of people who are worried about such attacks and will not walk the Way. I am glad to hear you reported the matter to the police.
Today, at this little village an hour or so away from A Fonsagrada I've experienced an attack from 3 dogs belonging to the farm nearby. One od the dogs tried to bite me by the leg, but that one was wearing a leather strap around "jaws" (like a nozzle), while others just circled around me and barked. I have dealt with my fear of dogs long ago, so after that initial surprise attack, I've managed to gain control of the situation, but what pissed me off was realising the owner was watching the whole thing unfold from a distance, with no interest to interfere. Seeing that, I walked toward to him and educate him by any language he could understand (aware that education works both ways), but he also had a euroasian shepherd by his side (probably on chain, ergo me typing this from a room that is not ER), so i resorted to exchanging pleasantries using my finger and basic spanish.
I was on my way for a minute or so, when I noticed the one that tried to bite me is coming again after me, but this time without the nozzle. I had time to reach for my hiking pole, and chase him away permanently.
I have used AlertCops app to inform the authorities, police went there, and hopefully talked some sense to that guy.
Not a pleasant experience. Other than that, enjoying my Camino and the perfect weather, nature and food.
Sorry for that. I had the same experience on the Primitivo. Very mad dogs. I don't remember exactly the place.
Just came home from the Primitivo, and my pilgrim cohort faced a similar issue somewhere between Lugo and Ferreira last saturday.

Looking at the maps, it's likely the slight offroad path going to Bacurin, but can't say for sure. It was three unleashed dogs, and a few friends had to run to get away from them. I stayed on the road and advised a few others to do the same...

And pardon my french, but F those reckless owners. They should be fined at the very least, until they get proper training
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