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Problems with Iberia and American Airlines (standby seats and lost luggage)


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
May 2024
Anyone had issues flying American Airlines or Iberia (American Airlines Partner) from the states and back for there Camino 2024?

I booked our flights through AA.com 7 Months ago from DFW to Santiago de Compestela for a May 2024 Sarria to Santiago slow Camino. When checking in At DFW Iberia could not print our boarding passes from Madrid to Santiago so they told me to just see a ticket agent once we land in Madrid. (Red flag) So I did and with a bit of a language barrier they were only granting us Standby Seating for Madrid to Santiago. I was like I booked this flight 7 months ago but we were about to miss the connection all together and so we ran to the gate and of course we’re the last 2 peeps to board the plane but by the grace of god we got seated albeit not together.

The Camino was awesome and everything was smooth sailing the whole way until……checkin at SCQ to fly home. They were training some interns with Iberia and they hosed up names and bags and destinations. The boss lady caught this when we had our turn to check in and she assured us the bags will be corrected and pushed to the final DFW destination. Well the flight was 15 min late pushing away from the gate to Madrid per a tractor issue. So you know what happened next… tons of other folks missed their connections to other parts around the world including our flight to DFW. So with no apology given by anyone with Iberia Airlines for anyones inconvience we got involuntarily rebooked on a American Airlines flight the next day and had to stay over night in Madrid at their expense. After a long stressful night and airport transfers, we got back to America and DFW Memorial Day Weekend with NO BAGS! Of course I filed a claim of lost luggage with American Airlines and was able to clear customs with that document. Today over a week later and still no bags….American is working with Iberia to locate them, but not getting any confidence from anyone they will ever turn up. Thank god I had our Compestela’s on my carryon pack. But we have lost all sorts of things we should never have placed in the checked baggage.

Anyone else had issues this year with these 2 airlines? I get they maybe overwhelmed but that’s no excuse.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Yes. Our flights both coming and going were cancelled, rebooked at the last minute - literally while we were sitting at the airport - and we also had to RUN to catch our connecting flight at Heathrow - which I had originally avoided because it's a horrible airport imo. In addition, I paid nearly $300 for special seats, which I did not get. I have yet to have the energy to figure out how to get a refund. I hope to never fly Iberia or American again!
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Thank goodness you had sentimental items on your carry-on! It is good that you filed a lost luggage claim at the airport. You may be entitled to compensation by following a few further steps. (Source: not Camino travel but recent business travel - delayed/lost bags seem to be more and more common)
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I had almost exactly the same issue about three weeks ago - they didn't let me board the plane which was overbooked (but at least they booked a properly expensive hotel for me at A Coruna, with a fancy lunch and dinner included), I flew home the next day, and they lost my bag in Madrid :) Luckily, the bag arrived about a week later, and they sent me some money as a compensation. So, not the biggest an of Iberia, but in the end, it worked out allright for me.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
As above, there are rules which they are happy to break if the cost of doing so is less than the (actual) compensation cost. Easyjet are usually very good.

Currently having a dispute with Vueling and Iberia who are a) part of the same group and b) do not take part in the EU Alternative Dispute Resolution.

What they cannot avoid if your problem was in a UK Airport was the UK's CAA scheme. So if you have the time, the inclination and the issue was flight into/out of a UK airport then have a go. It may not result in anything but at least they have to pay attention.

Regardless of airline, flights these days seem to be that necessary evil or the means to an end getting me from Point A to Point B. It’s been some time since I’ve “enjoyed” the friendly skies!

Although we cannot control what the airlines do (and I don’t believe fines or financial reimbursements will change their behaviors), we can prevent them from loosing our luggage by taking it into the cabin with us. As I only travel with a 36L pack for my Caminos, I never baggage check it. That may mean that I have to purchase poles in France or Spain, or abandon them before my return to the States. In the big picture that seems like a small price to pay for knowing my kit will be with me to start my Camino or that important or sentimental items will arrive home with me and not be lost in transit. As I don’t believe air travel will get better any time soon, I can only look toward the small things that I have some control over that will make my Caminos successful.
I’ve traveled through Madrid to Santiago and back twice on American/Iberia with no real issues, and probably a dozen time connecting to other places in Spain.

Yes, you can’t get a boarding pass to your connecting flight in the States, you have to get it at Barajas (although I hear that may be changing), but I’ve never had an issue getting that done quickly and efficiently. Gates for domestic flights on Iberia do change frequently so on occasion I’ve had to walk or run with everyone else from one gate to another when there’s a change but that’s about it.

And similarly, no issues home - but I also never check a bag.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
we can prevent them from loosing our luggage by taking it into the cabin with us. As I only travel with a 36L pack for my Caminos, I never baggage check it. That may mean that I have to purchase poles in France or Spain, or abandon them before my return to the States. In the big picture that seems like a small price to pay for knowing my kit will be with me to start my Camino or that important or sentimental items will arrive home with me and not be lost in transit. As I don’t believe air travel will get better any time soon, I can only look toward the small things that I have some control over that will make my Caminos successful.
Exactly what I do, too, and why I do it.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Anyone had issues flying American Airlines or Iberia (American Airlines Partner) from the states and back for there Camino 2024?

I booked our flights through AA.com 7 Months ago from DFW to Santiago de Compestela for a May 2024 Sarria to Santiago slow Camino. When checking in At DFW Iberia could not print our boarding passes from Madrid to Santiago so they told me to just see a ticket agent once we land in Madrid. (Red flag) So I did and with a bit of a language barrier they were only granting us Standby Seating for Madrid to Santiago. I was like I booked this flight 7 months ago but we were about to miss the connection all together and so we ran to the gate and of course we’re the last 2 peeps to board the plane but by the grace of god we got seated albeit not together.

The Camino was awesome and everything was smooth sailing the whole way until……checkin at SCQ to fly home. They were training some interns with Iberia and they hosed up names and bags and destinations. The boss lady caught this when we had our turn to check in and she assured us the bags will be corrected and pushed to the final DFW destination. Well the flight was 15 min late pushing away from the gate to Madrid per a tractor issue. So you know what happened next… tons of other folks missed their connections to other parts around the world including our flight to DFW. So with no apology given by anyone with Iberia Airlines for anyones inconvience we got involuntarily rebooked on a American Airlines flight the next day and had to stay over night in Madrid at their expense. After a long stressful night and airport transfers, we got back to America and DFW Memorial Day Weekend with NO BAGS! Of course I filed a claim of lost luggage with American Airlines and was able to clear customs with that document. Today over a week later and still no bags….American is working with Iberia to locate them, but not getting any confidence from anyone they will ever turn up. Thank god I had our Compestela’s on my carryon pack. But we have lost all sorts of things we should never have placed in the checked baggage.

Anyone else had issues this year with these 2 airlines? I get they maybe overwhelmed but that’s no excuse.
We recently flew American/Iberia to San Sebastian from Albuquerque via Dallas and Madrid. In Albuquerque they gave us boarding passes all the way to San Sebastian. If we don't get those boarding passes next time, I'll be nervous knowing what happened to you with being put on stand-by. We didn't have any problems on the flights coming or going except on the return flight had a delay in Dallas. I said to my husband, "All the buses and trains and flights we were on in Spain were right on time but as soon as we get back to the US things start to fall apart." It seems there's always a delay in Dallas. The year before with similar reservations, our flight from ABQ to DFW was cancelled and we got rerouted through Chicago. Barely made connections but it did work out. We read recently that if a connecting flight with American is just a few minutes late, their computer system might automatically rebook you even if you would have time to make the connection and it has caused some people overnight delays, etc. This has made us start rethinking about flying on American. Trouble is, they seem to have the best schedules for getting to Spain, at least from Albuquerque.
Let’s face it, we are captives. I have seen no evidence that the airlines are at all sensitive to increasing complaints; in fact their customer service keeps getting worse! At least in Europe, the passenger protections are generous and strictly enforced. Not so much here in the US.

Climate change, extremely tight connection times, insufficient backup aircraft when maintenance problems arise, crew stretched to the max, all of these things lead to more and more disruptions and cancellations. Yet at the same time airlines are recording record profits, so why should they change the business model?!
Let’s face it, we are captives. I have seen no evidence that the airlines are at all sensitive to increasing complaints; in fact their customer service keeps getting worse! At least in Europe, the passenger protections are generous and strictly enforced. Not so much here in the US.

Climate change, extremely tight connection times, insufficient backup aircraft when maintenance problems arise, crew stretched to the max, all of these things lead to more and more disruptions and cancellations. Yet at the same time airlines are recording record profits, so why should they change the business model?!
In a nutshell.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
It might not work for everyone, but we gave up on airlines years ago. We cross by ship. 7 pleasant days at sea sure beats flying. Any we've never had any lost luggage!
With the exception of a couple United flights, I have used American to get to Spain and back to US 9 times in the last 8 years with no issues. In fact I love the flights. In coach I get all the wine and extra food I want, no charge....and all on frequent flyer miles. I used Iberia on most recent CF trip 21 April, Philly to Madrid to Pamplona, and 22 May, Santiago-Madrid-Charlotte-Baltimore because they required less flier miles even though American was the carrier over the ocean and in US connection. One thing: NEVER check baggage!!!! If you have to check, you are carrying more than necessary to walk a Camino.
Anyone had issues flying American Airlines or Iberia (American Airlines Partner) from the states and back for there Camino 2024?

I booked our flights through AA.com 7 Months ago from DFW to Santiago de Compestela for a May 2024 Sarria to Santiago slow Camino. When checking in At DFW Iberia could not print our boarding passes from Madrid to Santiago so they told me to just see a ticket agent once we land in Madrid. (Red flag) So I did and with a bit of a language barrier they were only granting us Standby Seating for Madrid to Santiago. I was like I booked this flight 7 months ago but we were about to miss the connection all together and so we ran to the gate and of course we’re the last 2 peeps to board the plane but by the grace of god we got seated albeit not together.

The Camino was awesome and everything was smooth sailing the whole way until……checkin at SCQ to fly home. They were training some interns with Iberia and they hosed up names and bags and destinations. The boss lady caught this when we had our turn to check in and she assured us the bags will be corrected and pushed to the final DFW destination. Well the flight was 15 min late pushing away from the gate to Madrid per a tractor issue. So you know what happened next… tons of other folks missed their connections to other parts around the world including our flight to DFW. So with no apology given by anyone with Iberia Airlines for anyones inconvience we got involuntarily rebooked on a American Airlines flight the next day and had to stay over night in Madrid at their expense. After a long stressful night and airport transfers, we got back to America and DFW Memorial Day Weekend with NO BAGS! Of course I filed a claim of lost luggage with American Airlines and was able to clear customs with that document. Today over a week later and still no bags….American is working with Iberia to locate them, but not getting any confidence from anyone they will ever turn up. Thank god I had our Compestela’s on my carryon pack. But we have lost all sorts of things we should never have placed in the checked baggage.

Anyone else had issues this year with these 2 airlines? I get they maybe overwhelmed but that’s no excuse.
From your comments, it looks like (?) at least part of the problem is not allowing enough time for connections (esp on the return home when you said a 15 min delay leaving Santiago caused many to miss their connections). For international flight connections, the recommended time between connections is 2 - 3 hours minimum.
I would also recommend, as others recommended, carrying your backpack onto the plane, if it is small enough.
And ALWAYS slip an air tag, such as Tile, into your backpack. I heard enough stories, to convince me to use an air tag to locate lost bags, if needed. Also, if by some chance your bag was taken or lost when not flying, it can let you know where it is.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

That's was my first reaction too - that a 15min delay caused a missed flight. Guess it depends on whether the flights were all on one ticket - this would then be up to the airline to rectify or if you booked individual legs yourself. We did this last year to get from Madrid to Lisbon so allowed a 6 hour window. Of course all our flights were on time so had a long wait😆
We always check in our bags and poles - haven't lost them yet on 3 caminos. I just can't get my head around buying and discarding poles which so many recommend - some saying they have done this for multilpe caminos! Hasn't the world got enough rubbish without us adding more and leaving for someone else to deal with? The good people of Santiago must have more than several pairs each already. Sorry, but this practice which many recommend really irks me😬
A couple of years ago, I had a similar problem -- was booked on American to JFK -- the plane sat at the gate in Madrid for hours, and left late enough that I missed my connecting flight - it was NOT a close connection!!

I learned about flightright.com, an EU organization that can help you with problems -- regardless of the flag the airline flies under. The rules, at that time, applied to ALL flights that arrived or departed from Europe. There was quite a lengthy thread at the time with invaluable information from @Kathar1na - perhaps she will notice this and add helpful words...
I received compensation from American, several months later, due to the intervention of Flightright. Good luck!
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I now use French Bee to fly to Paris from Newark or San Francisco (or several other coast cities), (I live in Seattle), spend a couple of days, then TGV to Bayonne and train/bus to St Jean or stay on the train to IRUN and transfer to San Sebastian - and bus to Pamplona or begin the Norte. ...but I don't have time frames when I travel ;-) And San Sebastian is a lovely place to catch up on time. French Bee also connects with Iberia - direct to Madrid. But It DOES fly in and out of Orly - NOT an inconvenience for me! Good, non-stop bus direct to central Paris. YMMV ¡Buen Camino !
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Can one not check in online for a connecting flight in advance - assuming no hold baggage?
For some reason, even if they are booked as connecting flights, you cannot get a boarding pass for a connecting domestic flight out of Barajas if you are checking in online less than 24 hours before the Iberia flight leaves. (In most other situations you can check in online for all legs 24 hours before the *first* flight - Iberia is different however).
Anyone had issues flying American Airlines or Iberia (American Airlines Partner) from the states and back for there Camino 2024?

We flew Iberia on two of five Caminos - never again. Customer service is non-existent. Take the train. Take a bus. Walk if you have to (heh!). But don't take Iberia. Iberia puts the "pain" in "Spain."
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Yes. Our flights both coming and going were cancelled, rebooked at the last minute - literally while we were sitting at the airport - and we also had to RUN to catch our connecting flight at Heathrow - which I had originally avoided because it's a horrible airport imo. In addition, I paid nearly $300 for special seats, which I did not get. I have yet to have the energy to figure out how to get a refund. I hope to never fly Iberia or American again!
I had a similar situation once with AA where I paid for special selected seats and was resigned to some others at the last moment.
Upon returning home I emailed AA and attached the receipts showing extra pay for those seats. My $$$ was returned within a week
I will take everyone’s advice for any future Camino’s. Sounds like I’m not the only one dissatisfied with my airline choice. Don’t think I’m heading back anytime soon.
Thousands of pilgrims fly on these airlines every year I just wonder how many have luggage lost and miss connections at no fault of their own.
I also will for sure make a longer connection time between any flight reservations. Maybe flying to Europe is best to never check a bag and just by poles upon arrival.
This will not kill my Camino spirit however….i’ll Chalk it up to a learning experience or a test from god.
Buen Camino!
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
That's was my first reaction too - that a 15min
We always check in our bags and poles - haven't lost them yet on 3 caminos. I just can't get my head around buying and discarding poles which so many recommend - some saying they have done this for multilpe caminos! Hasn't the world got enough rubbish without us adding more and leaving for someone else to deal with? The good people of Santiago must have more than several pairs each already. Sorry, but this practice which many recommend really irks me😬
Totally agree. I check my bag because I check my poles. They are MY poles! They've been with me through many hikes including Machu Picchu. I like their grips and can adjust them within seconds. I don't need to buy a pair and then hope that at the very least they will not chafe my palms.
And yes the whole idea of contributing to overall waste by ditching them somewhere afterwards just doesn't do it for me.
Anyone had issues flying American Airlines or Iberia (American Airlines Partner) from the states and back for there Camino 2024?

I booked our flights through AA.com 7 Months ago from DFW to Santiago de Compestela for a May 2024 Sarria to Santiago slow Camino. When checking in At DFW Iberia could not print our boarding passes from Madrid to Santiago so they told me to just see a ticket agent once we land in Madrid. (Red flag) So I did and with a bit of a language barrier they were only granting us Standby Seating for Madrid to Santiago. I was like I booked this flight 7 months ago but we were about to miss the connection all together and so we ran to the gate and of course we’re the last 2 peeps to board the plane but by the grace of god we got seated albeit not together.

The Camino was awesome and everything was smooth sailing the whole way until……checkin at SCQ to fly home. They were training some interns with Iberia and they hosed up names and bags and destinations. The boss lady caught this when we had our turn to check in and she assured us the bags will be corrected and pushed to the final DFW destination. Well the flight was 15 min late pushing away from the gate to Madrid per a tractor issue. So you know what happened next… tons of other folks missed their connections to other parts around the world including our flight to DFW. So with no apology given by anyone with Iberia Airlines for anyones inconvience we got involuntarily rebooked on a American Airlines flight the next day and had to stay over night in Madrid at their expense. After a long stressful night and airport transfers, we got back to America and DFW Memorial Day Weekend with NO BAGS! Of course I filed a claim of lost luggage with American Airlines and was able to clear customs with that document. Today over a week later and still no bags….American is working with Iberia to locate them, but not getting any confidence from anyone they will ever turn up. Thank god I had our Compestela’s on my carryon pack. But we have lost all sorts of things we should never have placed in the checked baggage.

Anyone else had issues this year with these 2 airlines? I get they maybe overwhelmed but that’s no excuse.
I have had three flights cancelled at the last minute with no offers of rebooking or any link on how to be refunded. I never fly Iberia anymore to and from US/Spain. They are getting worse and worse. This began in 2018 and then again for two more flights in 2022. I also had to rebook my connections which cost me roughly the same price as the international flight.I would’ve taken a train or bus but I had guests with me that were set on air travel. I have learned my lesson. It may cost more for another flight, but in the end it saves money. Iberia has been disappointing and I won’t book with them again. I cannot speak to American Airline as I have never used them but I did see on the news they were having difficulties finding stewardesses which had contributed to multiple delays and cancelled flights out of San Francisco area.
Buen camino
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Anyone had issues flying American Airlines or Iberia (American Airlines Partner) from the states and back for there Camino 2024?

I booked our flights through AA.com 7 Months ago from DFW to Santiago de Compestela for a May 2024 Sarria to Santiago slow Camino. When checking in At DFW Iberia could not print our boarding passes from Madrid to Santiago so they told me to just see a ticket agent once we land in Madrid. (Red flag) So I did and with a bit of a language barrier they were only granting us Standby Seating for Madrid to Santiago. I was like I booked this flight 7 months ago but we were about to miss the connection all together and so we ran to the gate and of course we’re the last 2 peeps to board the plane but by the grace of god we got seated albeit not together.

The Camino was awesome and everything was smooth sailing the whole way until……checkin at SCQ to fly home. They were training some interns with Iberia and they hosed up names and bags and destinations. The boss lady caught this when we had our turn to check in and she assured us the bags will be corrected and pushed to the final DFW destination. Well the flight was 15 min late pushing away from the gate to Madrid per a tractor issue. So you know what happened next… tons of other folks missed their connections to other parts around the world including our flight to DFW. So with no apology given by anyone with Iberia Airlines for anyones inconvience we got involuntarily rebooked on a American Airlines flight the next day and had to stay over night in Madrid at their expense. After a long stressful night and airport transfers, we got back to America and DFW Memorial Day Weekend with NO BAGS! Of course I filed a claim of lost luggage with American Airlines and was able to clear customs with that document. Today over a week later and still no bags….American is working with Iberia to locate them, but not getting any confidence from anyone they will ever turn up. Thank god I had our Compestela’s on my carryon pack. But we have lost all sorts of things we should never have placed in the checked baggage.

Anyone else had issues this year with these 2 airlines? I get they maybe overwhelmed but that’s no excuse.
Iberia, dreadfull experience.
Bought tickets 6 months in advance to be told at boarding you are on standby, as 4 other passengers.
No regards to connecting flights or an excuse.
In the end we got all on board, but all the stress that comes with it.
Complained via email later, no response.
Never never again Iberia
I had a similar situation once with AA where I paid for special selected seats and was resigned to some others at the last moment.
Upon returning home I emailed AA and attached the receipts showing extra pay for those seats. My $$$ was returned within a week
Yes, they returned my cash this week, but it still was a stressful experience. I won't ever book with them again.
I try, whenever possible, to fly directly to a destination….even when a connecting flight in Europe is substantial cheaper. So for the CF, I always fly directly to Madrid then take the train to my starting point! The problem the OP describes is prevalent among many airlines. I recently flew from EWR to Prague on Lufthansa. There was an 1:15 time between the connecting flight in Frankfurt. We had a checked bag for our hiking poles. I didn’t bring our best pairs of poles because I was concerned about the luggage not arriving. When we arrived in Prague, no suitcase. The driver who picked us up, told us that rarely do passengers connecting on the flight to Prague in Frankfurt that originated from the USA get their luggage with the flight. So Lufthansa sends the luggage, everyday, on a later flight, that day, to Prague….standard procedure. Luckily, we stayed in Prague for 5 nights and our luggage was delivered. But if you were planning to immediately leave Prague?? Lots of luck getting your luggage.

I am a frequent flier with UA. My experience has been, as a frequent flier customer service with United has been decent. I find customer service or even being able to reach Iberia by phone, extremely difficult, and thus try, at all cost, not to fly with them. I take a train from SdC to MAD the day before we return home.

But let’s face it, we are at the mercy of some questionable airline practices. So minimize and simplify your connections.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Although it got considerably worse compared with pre-COVID I also favor UA over many other airlines. EWR is my fave Airport to go overseas since PHL(my home base) SUCKS BIG TIME and I totally abhor going to JFK!
Although it got considerably worse compared with pre-COVID I also favor UA over many other airlines. EWR is my fave Airport to go overseas since PHL(my home base) SUCKS BIG TIME and I totally abhor going to JFK!
While you are there (sorry quick off thread) does PHL airport stay open all night.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I mean you can hang out there but no flights are going out and most eateries close by 10pm or so
Ah ok. Only looking to hang out in there as have a 6am flight to Chicago so no point getting a hotel. Thank you very much.
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Well that you can. Maybe get some snacks ahead of time. Also may want to look into various airlines' lounges; perhaps one or some of them may be open through the night. Usually at @60.00 entry fee (and free food booze and soft drinks) it's a bargain over hotel
Anyone had issues flying American Airlines or Iberia (American Airlines Partner) from the states and back for there Camino 2024?

I booked our flights through AA.com 7 Months ago from DFW to Santiago de Compestela for a May 2024 Sarria to Santiago slow Camino. When checking in At DFW Iberia could not print our boarding passes from Madrid to Santiago so they told me to just see a ticket agent once we land in Madrid. (Red flag) So I did and with a bit of a language barrier they were only granting us Standby Seating for Madrid to Santiago. I was like I booked this flight 7 months ago but we were about to miss the connection all together and so we ran to the gate and of course we’re the last 2 peeps to board the plane but by the grace of god we got seated albeit not together.

The Camino was awesome and everything was smooth sailing the whole way until……checkin at SCQ to fly home. They were training some interns with Iberia and they hosed up names and bags and destinations. The boss lady caught this when we had our turn to check in and she assured us the bags will be corrected and pushed to the final DFW destination. Well the flight was 15 min late pushing away from the gate to Madrid per a tractor issue. So you know what happened next… tons of other folks missed their connections to other parts around the world including our flight to DFW. So with no apology given by anyone with Iberia Airlines for anyones inconvience we got involuntarily rebooked on a American Airlines flight the next day and had to stay over night in Madrid at their expense. After a long stressful night and airport transfers, we got back to America and DFW Memorial Day Weekend with NO BAGS! Of course I filed a claim of lost luggage with American Airlines and was able to clear customs with that document. Today over a week later and still no bags….American is working with Iberia to locate them, but not getting any confidence from anyone they will ever turn up. Thank god I had our Compestela’s on my carryon pack. But we have lost all sorts of things we should never have placed in the checked baggage.

Anyone else had issues this year with these 2 airlines? I get they maybe overwhelmed but that’s no excuse.
Oh dear, oh my!!!
My husband and I are scheduled to fly from the states to Barcelona for the start of our Camino Frances.

Last year American & British Air dropped the ball, canceling our flights to Lisbon less than 24hours before our trip to the Portuguese Camino. No details were given concerning the cause of the SNAFU.

So….stay tuned good pilgrims! Hopefully this pattern will not continue. 🙏🏾
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
I try, whenever possible, to fly directly to a destination….even when a connecting flight in Europe is substantial cheaper. So for the CF, I always fly directly to Madrid then take the train to my starting point! The problem the OP describes is prevalent among many airlines. I recently flew from EWR to Prague on Lufthansa. There was an 1:15 time between the connecting flight in Frankfurt. We had a checked bag for our hiking poles. I didn’t bring our best pairs of poles because I was concerned about the luggage not arriving. When we arrived in Prague, no suitcase. The driver who picked us up, told us that rarely do passengers connecting on the flight to Prague in Frankfurt that originated from the USA get their luggage with the flight. So Lufthansa sends the luggage, everyday, on a later flight, that day, to Prague….standard procedure. Luckily, we stayed in Prague for 5 nights and our luggage was delivered. But if you were planning to immediately leave Prague?? Lots of luck getting your luggage.

I am a frequent flier with UA. My experience has been, as a frequent flier customer service with United has been decent. I find customer service or even being able to reach Iberia by phone, extremely difficult, and thus try, at all cost, not to fly with them. I take a train from SdC to MAD the day before we return home.

But let’s face it, we are at the mercy of some questionable airline practices. So minimize and simplify your connections.
Minimize and simplify!?! Now you tell me! 🫣
Hoping to fly in to Barcelona on June 18th and hop on scheduled train to Pamplona two hours post arrival. I’ll keep you all posted concerning this potential magic trip. 🙏🏾
Minimize and simplify!?! Now you tell me! 🫣
Hoping to fly in to Barcelona on June 18th and hop on scheduled train to Pamplona two hours post arrival. I’ll keep you all posted concerning this potential magic trip. 🙏🏾
Good Luck! If flight is on time in T1, then transfer shuttle to T2, Metro to Sants and if you have no checked luggage you may just make it? If time is tight consider taxi?

Thank you so much for this bit of info!
I purchased our train tix online today and added an additional fee for the reschedule same day train option. Still….
For-warned is for-armed! 👍🏾
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Thank you so much for this bit of info!
I purchased our train tix online today and added an additional fee for the reschedule same day train option. Still….
For-warned is for-armed! 👍🏾
Amachant, having the flexibility to take a later train is important. I would also keep an eye out for availability on those later trains( remember one must have a seat, no standing room on the train). Sometimes, when I know that train availability is tight, I buy a second train ticket that I can cancel for abt 15 euros extra. IF I know I am making the first train, then I cancel the second tickets online when I arrive at the Train Station. If I arrive late at the airport, then I immediately cancel the first train and calmly find my way to the train station for the second train. But that is me! I don’t want to chance missing a connection in peak season,and willing and able to pay for the extra insurance!
I very much favor Aerobus when i come to El Pratt. Runs every 20 mins from T1 or T2 and will take you to Placa Espanya in 10 mins.
short walk to L3 metro about 30 mins total
You may jump on R2N from T2 (every 30 mins on the :08 &:38) fir a 20 mins ride
Good luck and Buen Camino
Well that you can. Maybe get some snacks ahead of time. Also may want to look into various airlines' lounges; perhaps one or some of them may be open through the night. Usually at @60.00 entry fee (and free food booze and soft drinks) it's a bargain over hotel
All of the lounges I know of at PHL (and I’m flying in or out of there at least once a month) open at 5 am or later.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
All of the lounges I know of at PHL (and I’m flying in or out of there at least once a month) open at 5 am or later.
Ah thanks! I won’t get out to the airport until the last public transport operates so hopefully no earlier than midnight ish, so I will tough it out!
Although it got considerably worse compared with pre-COVID I also favor UA over many other airlines. EWR is my fave Airport to go overseas since PHL(my home base) SUCKS BIG TIME and I totally abhor going to JFK!
I hate getting to JFK as well, but I don’t hate PHL. It’s come a long way in the last 10 years (although it is certainly no Changi). Certainly there are more international flights from EWR and the train makes it easy to get there, but what’s your beef with PHL?
I hate getting to JFK as well, but I don’t hate PHL. It’s come a long way in the last 10 years (although it is certainly no Changi). Certainly there are more international flights from EWR and the train makes it easy to get there, but what’s your beef with PHL?
I am from the UK and quite like flying into and out of PHL internationally. I sometimes even fly there when going NYC as it’s almost as quick and cheap to get Manhattan as via EWR or JFK.

This trip I am in NYC but flights to Chicago were pricey but PHL-ORD was very cheap ($62) so shall take a bus over to PHL.
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I am from the UK and quite like flying into and out of PHL internationally. I sometimes even fly there when going NYC as it’s almost as quick and cheap to get Manhattan as via EWR or JFK.

This trip I am in NYC but flights to Chicago were pricey but PHL-ORD was very cheap ($62) so shall take a bus over to PHL.
Which bus? If you are taking Megabus, know that they moved the stop in Philly and it’s now in a much less, um, desirable location until they figure out a new one.
Ah ok!! Booked through Flixbus but op by Greyhound who I think Flixbus now own. Thanks for tip off. I did receive an email last week but took little notice. . . I caught a bus from PHL to NYC Port A. last year and left from right in centre of PHL. Very nice. Done a few Greyhound bus journeys and many of the stations are entertaining to say least!

Edited to add..

STOP MOVING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2024! From the Broad Street Line (BSL) Spring Garden Station, continue on Spring Garden Street towards N 2nd St & towards the Madison War Memorial Park. The bus will stop under the overpass.

Under the Overpass!!!!!

Anyway I always feel pretty safe in the USA although using public transport is always lively and not for faint hearted.
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@ShoshTrvls - mainly price difference and (convenient) flight availability. Of course if I need to fly domestically I stay at PHL and I can nicely get there from home on either Warminster line proper or ask someone to drop me off at Glenside.
But, for comparison, here are my 2 overseas trips from last year:
To Saint Martin in January
PHL --> SXM N/S R/T was pushing $1K
JFK almost the same flight time wise also N/S was slightly over $300

To Nice in September
PHL --> NCE O/W within time frame I wanted the best I could do was to fly through Montreal and sit there for 10 HOURS!!!! IIRC about $800.00
EWR --> NCE R/T N/S slightly over $1K and I could hang out in UA lounge ( which I couldn't do in Montreal...would've been good given the 10 hrs) which I did...

By all means if it works for you then kudos to you but I rarely if ever git lucky going internationally out of PHL
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I always feel pretty safe in the USA although using public transport is always lively.
You most often have an upbeat attitude in your posts, TM22, and I really like this...public transport is always "lively". It says so much in just one little word.🙂
Ah ok!! Booked through Flixbus but op by Greyhound who I think Flixbus now own. Thanks for tip off. I did receive an email last week but took little notice. . . I caught a bus from PHL to NYC Port A. last year and left from right in centre of PHL. Very nice. Done a few Greyhound bus journeys and many of the stations are entertaining to say least!

Edited to add..

STOP MOVING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2024! From the Broad Street Line (BSL) Spring Garden Station, continue on Spring Garden Street towards N 2nd St & towards the Madison War Memorial Park. The bus will stop under the overpass.

Under the Overpass!!!!!

Anyway I always feel pretty safe in the USA although using public transport is always lively and not for faint hearted.
Yep. Greyhound sold their building and then moved all the stops to on market street, where Megabus and Bolt were already operating. That was too disruptive to normal traffic so now all the buses are picking up and dropping off under or near that overpass until the city finds something more permanent - which is a challenge since every time a location is identified, the businesses in that area object and the search starts anew.
By all means if it works for you then kudos to you but I rarely if ever git lucky going internationally out of PHL

Most of my travel is domestic but when it’s not, I’m usually flying through Madrid (for Europe) or Doha (for Africa or Asia) and PHL has good flights to both (although I haven’t flown to Doha since Qatar left that route and American took it over).
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Ah thank you! Very generous! Slight British/London slang which I hope is understandable to all!! Lively seems an apt word!!
You used a very generous word in describing the few rather unusual characters waiting in a dank, dark bus or train station at times. With your many travels you have probably "seen it all".😅
Ah thank you! Well you only need to catch the LA subway a few times, or catch the Greyhound from Mid America down through the southern states to see that all forms of life are out there!! And yes the Greyhound bus station at Birmingham, Alambama, at 3 am doesn’t quite have the same feel as an airport FFP lounge and may be visually intimidating, but rare to have any problems.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
I will take everyone’s advice for any future Camino’s. Sounds like I’m not the only one dissatisfied with my airline choice. Don’t think I’m heading back anytime soon.
Thousands of pilgrims fly on these airlines every year I just wonder how many have luggage lost and miss connections at no fault of their own.
I also will for sure make a longer connection time between any flight reservations. Maybe flying to Europe is best to never check a bag and just by poles upon arrival.
This will not kill my Camino spirit however….i’ll Chalk it up to a learning experience or a test from god.
Buen Camino!
And don't forget to slip a Tile/AirTag into your luggage. I have heard of Pilgrims that were in one country and could see the tag at an airport in another country – – despite bagging control insisting that the bag was not in a different country. That really allowed them to locate the bag correctly.
...Pilgrims that were in one country and could see the tag at an airport in another country – – despite bagging control insisting that the bag was not in a different country. That really allowed them to locate the bag correctly.
And? Did that insistent knowledge got them their luggage back in time to start the Camino "as intended" (i.e. today or tomorrow)?
Most of us are not blessed with many extra days to wait for the lost luggage. Rather a fast run to nearest Decathlon and hope for the best especially footwear.
After that the airline can ship my list luggage back home and I'll be filing all kinds of claims...
My friend who just completed SJPdP to Burgos leg flew in from Dresden (I presume to Biarritz as she didn't tell me where) and they managed to lose her pack...a trip to a bove and she became a minimalistic Peregrina...and of course she did gave minor (thankfully only minor) feet problems...
My friend who just completed SJPdP to Burgos leg flew in from Dresden (I presume to Biarritz as she didn't tell me where) and they managed to lose her pack...a trip to a bove and she became a minimalistic Peregrina..

I hope this thread alerts trusting forum members to the very real possibility that checked luggage will be delayed or lost. I know there are many who have a long stretch of caminos, checking their packs every time, with no delays or losses. Those forum members are very lucky, no doubt about it.

On my Via Serrana this year, I flew from the US-Madrid-Málaga. I then needed to take a 3 hour bus from Málaga to the starting point, La Linea de la Concepción (Gibraltar). My checked bag (with poles and some presents I was going to send on to friends in Madrid) did not arrive. It was a Friday at 10 am. My American app showed that the bags had been offloaded in Madrid, which is where they were supposed to transfer to Iberia for the flight to Málaga. I made the flight connection, so I optimistically thought my checked bag would too.

My bag did not arrive. So now what? I filled out the form with the Málaga agent, who told me the bag would likely arrive today or tomorrow in Málaga. Problem is, I was scheduled to leave Málaga that afternoon. She told me they could deliver it to La Linea, but not on a weekend, so the soonest I could get it there would be Monday. Problem is, @C clearly and I were walking from La Linea on Saturday.

So I told the agent that I wanted the bag to go to Santiago (to Ivar’s), which meant I would have to buy new poles in Málaga before getting on the bus to La Linea. That was easy, in comparison to what I would have had to do if I had checked my pack.

This is my fourth luggage snafu over almost 25 years of caminos, but every one of those snafus would have been a major disaster if I had checked my pack.

If you are a high roller, I wish you luck with checking your pack. But if you’re kind of risk-averse like me, there is no doubt that carrying the pack on is a far superior option.

p.s. My bag did eventually make its way to Santiago, so I was able to mail the food to my friends in Madrid and donate the extra pair of hiking poles!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I hope this thread alerts trusting forum members to the very real possibility that checked luggage will be delayed or lost. I know there are many who have a long stretch of caminos, checking their packs every time, with no delays or losses. Those forum members are very lucky, no doubt about it.

On my Via Serrana this year, I flew from the US-Madrid-Málaga. I then needed to take a 3 hour bus from Málaga to the starting point, La Linea de la Concepción (Gibraltar). My checked bag (with poles and some presents I was going to send on to friends in Madrid) did not arrive. It was a Friday at 10 am. My American app showed that the bags had been offloaded in Madrid, which is where they were supposed to transfer to Iberia for the flight to Málaga. I made the flight connection, so I optimistically thought my checked bag would too.

My bag did not arrive. So now what? I filled out the form with the Málaga agent, who told me the bag would likely arrive today or tomorrow in Málaga. Problem is, I was scheduled to leave Málaga that afternoon. She told me they could deliver it to La Linea, but not on a weekend, so the soonest I could get it there would be Monday. Problem is, @C clearly and I were walking from La Linea on Saturday.

So I told the agent that I wanted the bag to go to Santiago (to Ivar’s), which meant I would have to buy new poles in Málaga before getting on the bus to La Linea. That was easy, in comparison to what I would have had to do if I had checked my pack.

This is my fourth luggage snafu over almost 25 years of caminos, but every one of those snafus would have been a major disaster if I had checked my pack.

If you are a high roller, I wish you luck with checking your pack. But if you’re kind of risk-averse like me, there is no doubt that carrying the pack on is a far superior option.

p.s. My bag did eventually make its way to Santiago, so I was able to mail the food to my friends in Madrid and donate the extra pair of hiking poles!
There is a lot of data re mishandled bags on the internet. Lots of it is very technical. Here’s is one in consumer language from a couple of years back from a respected source. USA airlines only. Hope it is helpful for those who want to make baggage delivery a part of their purchase decision. Key figure is mishandled bags per thousand! Of course any data needs to seen alongside the nature of that airlines business; the proportion of transfer traffic versus point to point for example. Folks on here are fir the most part connecting so their ‘risk’ may be higher than the consolidated transfer and point to point number presented here.

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Amachant, having the flexibility to take a later train is important. I would also keep an eye out for availability on those later trains( remember one must have a seat, no standing room on the train). Sometimes, when I know that train availability is tight, I buy a second train ticket that I can cancel for abt 15 euros extra. IF I know I am making the first train, then I cancel the second tickets online when I arrive at the Train Station. If I arrive late at the airport, then I immediately cancel the first train and calmly find my way to the train station for the second train. But that is me! I don’t want to chance missing a connection in peak season,and willing and able to pay for the extra insurance!

I just rechecked the train tix I bought yesterday. I paid a bit more to include insurance - Adulto Ida ticket via Traineline.

Adulto Ida Description:
“Before departure, no fees for changes for the same day, exchange fees apply otherwise. Refundable for 85% of ticket price, up to five minutes before departure.”

So! I CAN make a same day exchange for a later trip. I will wait until the day of departure for any hiccups in case I need to reschedule before leaving the states.

I hope this helps anyone still thinking about using a secondary online purchasing option.

Marbe2 - REALLY really appreciate your recommendations & comments.
Mucho gracias!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
And coming back the same way ?
Exactly. There are a number of “repositioning” cruises out of Barcelona, and regular sailings by Cunard out of Southampton and Hamburg. As I said, this may not work for everyone, but we haven’t had to deal with the issues discussed in this thread for years.
I just rechecked the train tix I bought yesterday. I paid a bit more to include insurance - Adulto Ida ticket via Traineline.

Adulto Ida Description:
“Before departure, no fees for changes for the same day, exchange fees apply otherwise. Refundable for 85% of ticket price, up to five minutes before departure.”

So! I CAN make a same day exchange for a later trip. I will wait until the day of departure for any hiccups in case I need to reschedule before leaving the states.

I hope this helps anyone still thinking about using a secondary online purchasing option.

Marbe2 - REALLY really appreciate your recommendations & comments.
Mucho gracias!
My comment about a second ticket had to do with availability. If you have a ticket for a specific time, and can change it on the day of travel, great, but there still needs to be availability on another train for you to get on! It is possible that some later trains on the day of travel, may sell out by the time you want to change your ticket. Which means you will have to wait for availability.
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Exactly. There are a number of “repositioning” cruises out of Barcelona, and regular sailings by Cunard out of Southampton and Hamburg. As I said, this may not work for everyone, but we haven’t had to deal with the issues discussed in this thread for years.
Yes I see. By asking I was not so much inquiring of "how" but rather "if", basically assuring that your travel indeed encompasses 14 days of just sea travel.
Wonderful idea and truly am glad that you can do this.
Sadly I am still not in the position of being able to afford that much time on top of needed number of weeks to walk completed Camino route. We'll dispense with all the already known arguments as to all the options available to me as far as the actual length of the walk and related routes.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Can one not check in online for a connecting flight in advance - assuming no hold baggage?
Maybe, I don't know, I always have a checked bag... ;-) ...and once inside Spain, I send it on to @ivar to hold for me since I never have set plans for after arrival in Santiago. Also, I rather think that my flight to Seattle was probably halfway home, by the time we finally arrived at JFK...
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Just Received a notification from United Airlines about the new routes I guess to the Membership interest may be Bilbao and Faro?
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A few weeks ago after completing the Camino Portuguese I was scheduled to fly back to the US on Iberia from Madrid. Our departure was delayed numerous times, and I eventually arrived at my...

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