@dick bird @Flog
I have not mastered the art of quoting, clearly. Why do I dislike the idea of live-in hospitaleros so much? I think it's because it seems rather like being nannied. Why on earth do adults need a nanny? I was lucky enough to do a wonderful first camino, and one of the places I stayed in was Grañon. It was a fantastic, unmanned refuge - its motto, something like 'leave what you can, take what you need' - remains with me to this day, 25 years later. I recently watched a video - I think it was one of
@NadineK 's, in which she stayed at that refuge. It looked horrific - yes, let's encourage people to explore their musical side, whether others want to listen, or not. Let's get everybody to open up about themselves, whether they want to, or not. Hospitaleros front and forward. It made me feel sad - the magic of that refugio, for me, was the welcome, and then the silence. Once again, let me reiterate, this is my own personal opinion, and I'm well aware that others love the communal dinners, and the 'sharing'. Just not my thing. From an hospitalero point of view, as I've mentioned above, depending on your level of empathy, dealing with pilgrims can be emotionally draining. I think it's healthy for the hospitaleros to be able to retreat elsewhere.