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  • Wooz
    Wooz reacted to kuhawkhead's post in the thread Camino miracles with Like Like.
    I think the miracle is found in one’s becoming interested in doing a Camino. I read about it, researched it, thinking well, that would be fun, but I doubt I ever do it. Two years ands 60# lost, surviving a devastating cancer diagnosis for my wife...
  • Wooz
    Wooz reacted to kwinward's post in the thread Camino miracles with Like Like.
    I'll share my miracle with you. A couple of weeks ago I was in Bilbao and went to the Cathedral of the virgin of begonia to get my stamp. After getting the stamp, I went in and mass was being conducted so I sat on the back row for a while. I sat...
  • Wooz
    Wooz reacted to maryjhollifield's post in the thread Camino miracles with Like Like.
    Albert Einstein said: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
  • Wooz
    Wooz reacted to Tincatinker's post in the thread Camino miracles with Like Like.
    A miracle? On my first Camino I had made a vow to collect litter everyday. One early morning I realized that I didn’t have a plastic bag to put the litter in. On top of the very first mojone I passed that day was a supermarket carrier bag with an...
  • Wooz
    Wooz replied to the thread Pilgrim office.
    Highly recommend the Pilgrim Mass with Father Manny the next day after arrival and a chat with fellow pilgrims upstairs with a cup of tea with the volunteers! The Pilgrims Office is so much more than a place to get your Compostella!
  • Wooz
    Wooz replied to the thread Collapsible hiking poles.
    Just traveled through Lisbon and NYC Kennedy and folding poles bought at Decatholon in the outside pocket of my carryon backpack sailed right through. I was shocked! They’ll be donated to my local Camino group.
  • Wooz
    Wooz replied to the thread Senda Litoral Details and Route.
    We just returned and it was outstanding. Very well marked most of the time and the one place I was going the wrong way in Vigo a Camino local angel chased me down and walked me back to where I should go! Highly recommend a couple of nights in...
  • Wooz
    Wooz replied to the thread Sagalout's One man and his sprogs.
    What a blessing to take your sons in your father’s footsteps! We just finished the Coastal, mainly Littoral, and loved it. We did short days to start because we had plenty of time. Stop at the beaches and explore the tide pools around the rocks...
  • Wooz
    Wooz reacted to peregrina2000's post in the thread Sagalout's One man and his sprogs with Like Like.
    @SAGALOUTS SON, your posts always bring up so many thoughts about your dad. So good to hear from you, and a heartfelt Buen Camino to you and your boys. For those forum members who joined recently, here is some of the backstory. @Sagalouts was...
  • Wooz
    Wooz replied to the thread Boat from Vilanovo de Arousa.
    Amare did use the two small boats for our trip last week. There was a problem with the other company and they cancelled the 7 am trip and put them all on the big ferry a little later. The ferry took two hours to arrive and Amare only took 45...

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