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jabrown's latest activity

  • J
    jabrown reacted to CWBuff's post in the thread Last minute advice for solo traveler with Like Like.
    Hello & Welcome 3 words for limited Spanish - Tapas, Orujo & Vino (yu can add Roja Blanco or Verde here for a bit of variety but only as an advance tool to further your Spanish). You can also liberally refer to above post by @Jarrad namely Drink...
  • J
    Hello, two weeks ago, I finished the Camino Francés, and while all the recent memories have not properly settled yet, I think enough time has passed to write a bit about my experience of the Camino :) First of all - a bit of context. This has...
  • J
    Congratulations on completing your degree! A camino is a wonderful way to move forward to your next chapter. I am in my 70's, and walked my first camino last July, from Oia, Spain on the Coastal Route to Vigo, and the Central the rest of the way...
  • J
    I think the OP is writing about the Caminho Português from Porto due to lack of time. From Porto the Caminho is doable ,either the Central or the Coastal or one of the many variations in about 14 days. The Coastal caminho from Lisbon is less...
  • J
    jabrown replied to the thread Pork in Spain.
    Eat more plants, eat less meat. I'm sure there is wonderful food in Spain, but I suspect most of the Spanish citizens I saw don't eat high end food on a daily basis. I saw few obese people in Spain. After a few too many queasy stomach post...
  • J
    jabrown reacted to davejsy's post in the thread Pork in Spain with Like Like.
    Spain is one of the biggest producers of such pork in the EU now, much to the detriment of not only the welfare of the animals but also the local communities due to pollution, noise and smell. But we humans do love our cheap meat.
  • J
    jabrown reacted to Bedspring's post in the thread Pork in Spain with Like Like.
    Is that the case in places catering to budget travellers trying get meals out at fixed prices, I always thought that somewhere in Spain there would be huge air conditioned sheds mass producing pork for the catering trade and supermarkets. I...
  • J
    jabrown reacted to Michaelcamino's post in the thread Bilbao -> Santander feedback with Like Like.
    Hi Everyone, As a follow up of my post https://www.caminodesantiago.me/community/threads/camino-del-norte-smaller-stages-baggage-transport.85025/#post-1225909, here is the feedback from my first try on the Camino Del Norte between Bilbao and...
  • J
    jabrown reacted to Opiemoore's post in the thread Help: 6 weeks to go with Like Like.
    I got a few blisters - used “compeed” ( it’s an adhesive pad similar to bandaids, found at pharmacies) - it padded and protected the blisters. Pure heaven… the blisters went away in three or four days, stopped using compeed after about a week...
  • J
    Being that I’m a newbie “pre-pilgrim”, as I am preparing for my first Camino this coming August, I’ve felt somewhat disheartened by all these posts about bed races, crowding, etc. To be clear, I will not back down from my intention of walking...

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