After a week on the Mozarabe, only two hostels have requested email details, three have requested additional address details and phone number. BTW: I challenge anyone to decipher my scribbles after a lengthy hike and the shakes thrown in on top...
I am not sure why you would hesitate coming? What information are you concerned about giving them. If you use a company like they will provide most of that information as understand it? .
The warning on Gronze has been removed. So it looks like (I hope) it is possible to walk from Malaga again. I am planning to walk from Malaga in februari.
Met two pilgrims (between Villanueva de la Concepción and Antequera) who confirmed the route from malaga to Antequera is easily manageable, contrary to what gronze and the Mozarabe association have communicated. They both recommended phoning the...
Thanks @trecile .
Latest Feedback from the Asociación Jacobea de Malaga "The first three stages from the Junta de los Caminos, in Puerto del la Torre, to Antequera remain closed. The worst part is in the area of Almogia. The shelters are open...
Hello! I am on day 19 from Pamplona on the Francés. At O Pedrouzo, 13 miles from Santiago. Also deserted and most things closed. Lovely isn’t it! I also did Jan/Feb this year from Leon. That was even emptier. For all the debates on summer bed...
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