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    • jennysa
      Oh, I don't know about that statement. For all the times that I have witnessed people struggling to put their poncho on, particularly when it is windy, with it getting caught on their head and backpack and they need someone else to help them...
    • jennysa
      jennysa reacted to Becky 59's post in the thread Serving as Hospitalera in Logroño! with Like Like.
      I was there in 2023, with two other hospitaleros. At that time, the hospitaleros did the cooking; I hear that since then they have added a cook to the staff, but please confirm that with them. My information is from two seasons ago and things change.
    • jennysa
      I see that you were doing the cooking at the albergue in Logrono? I was told that we would not be expected to cook? I am also interested to know how many hospitaleras they have there.
    • jennysa
      I walked my first Camino in 2011 in 28 days at the age of 65. I have never taken a day off on any of my Caminos as I have never felt the need to spend a day resting.
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