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    • antepacem
      antepacem replied to the thread Question for cat/pet owners.
      My little pal has now passed on to the next realm, but I always had a house/catsitter for my long trips. My cat didn't like to be anywhere but his own territory, so someone would move in for the month and live in my house while I'm away. I'm...
    • antepacem
      Yep - a bit strange .....
    • antepacem
      antepacem replied to the thread Death on the trail today.
      Tears are in my eyes as I read the messages of love and care to those pilgrims who helped and those who loved this lost pilgrim. As someone upthread mentioned, if you were part of the crew that tried to help, please do take the time to recognize...
    • antepacem
      antepacem reacted to Sushumna's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      @bcamino it is heart warming to read your message, and that you were/are with Jean Luc and held a service before the cremation. We here in Findhorn were so touched and grateful to be able to be part of the cremation service today on zoom, to see...
    • antepacem
      antepacem reacted to ShoshTrvls's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Like Like.
      I echo those who pass on condolences and those offering comfort the pilgrims who were there. As an EMT, I can confirm that even in the very best of circumstances, CPR without an AED or a Lucas device immediately available is rarely effective...
    • antepacem
      antepacem reacted to bcamino's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Thank you to those of you expressing their condolences, and for those who stopped to help Michael and Jean Luc yesterday. My own deepest condolences to those of Michael's friends and family back home. I have only known him a few short weeks but...
    • antepacem
      antepacem reacted to Sushumna's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Thank you dear Pilgrims for your many kind and loving thoughts and messages. They bring great comfort. I will impart them to all who loved Michael here in the community Findhorn, Scotland, where he lived. At the time of his cremation that will...
    • antepacem
      antepacem reacted to Sushumna's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Thank you for trying to save our dear friend Michael's life today. I think it is him you are referring to. We are in shock and will miss him massively. He was a remarkable man. And he died doing what he loved. Rest in peace dear Michael.
    • antepacem
      antepacem reacted to Bristle Boy's post in the thread Trouble with Hospitaleros with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Bless you Jenny and thank you. I have cried not for myself but for my Grandchildren. Sometimes life serves you a curveball. I just wanted to give the OP a little perspective.
    • antepacem
      antepacem reacted to TravellingMan22's post in the thread Trouble with Hospitaleros with Like Like.
      Try and relax if you can mate. I note you are undertaking a Camino to heal from some personal traumas so I wish you well in that and I guess this isn’t helping. I guess the old adage ‘don’t let other peoples attitude spoil your day’ comes to...
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