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    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to antepacem's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Tears are in my eyes as I read the messages of love and care to those pilgrims who helped and those who loved this lost pilgrim. As someone upthread mentioned, if you were part of the crew that tried to help, please do take the time to recognize...
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to Frankybaby66's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      A subject I'm unfortunately very familiar with. I survived an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in 2011, and another in 2019. Both times in a gym setting, both times was lucky that people gave me CPR and I was close to a defibrillator. Thoughts to...
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to Sushumna's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      @bcamino it is heart warming to read your message, and that you were/are with Jean Luc and held a service before the cremation. We here in Findhorn were so touched and grateful to be able to be part of the cremation service today on zoom, to see...
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to dbier's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Sushumna, bcamino, Mindy, topo and all.... I've sung some Taize in choir before. I'm not with that choir now, but will sing for Michael tomorrow. Also, at least in the US, Be Not Afraid is a common choice. For those of you that will complete...
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to bcamino's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Hello, I hope that some people may see this who were there yesterday on O Cebreiro.. If anybody has the names and contact details of those who were there with Michael, please write to me directly if you feel comfortable Lots of love to...
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to chinacat's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      RIP Michael, buen camino! To all at Findhorn and his wider community, may your memories of him live within you and bring you peace.
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to AllisonMarie's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Like Like.
      A good bit less than 10% success rate for CPR in all but a few very rare circumstances (such as lightning strikes). Always worth attempting, but so hard on the responders, especially when help is slow in arriving!
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to ScouseKeith's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Extremely sad news. A loss of a loved one or friend is hard to bare. I know exactly how you feel, I’ve lost my two brothers within four months of each other this year and I’m still trying to come to terms with it. I am walking the vdlp next June...
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to mindytu's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      My partner and I were among those who first arrived and tried to help. My deepest condolences for all who knew and loved peregrino Michael. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you to everyone who commented with the kind words and personal...
    • yogaflowjo
      yogaflowjo reacted to bcamino's post in the thread Death on the trail today with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Thank you to those of you expressing their condolences, and for those who stopped to help Michael and Jean Luc yesterday. My own deepest condolences to those of Michael's friends and family back home. I have only known him a few short weeks but...
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