Thank you so much for your detailed response! Your help is greatly appreciated and you have given me much to think about as I continue planning. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
I am beginning to plan my second Camino this spring (March/April), from Lisbon to Santiago along the inland route of the Camino Portuguese. I am using both the Wise Pilgrim App and Gronze (I used both when I walked from SJPdP last fall). Am I...
I served as a hospitalero in Astorga at the Albergue de peregrinos Siervas de Maria for two weeks in Oct. It is a wonderful albergue and it was a fantastic experience. Contact Anita at
I would actually like to buy several books as small gifts to some of the Peregrinos that have truly enriched my journey so far. I will arrive into Leon tomorrow and survived today’s storm. All part of the adventure 💕
Congratulations Hector! Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey! You are a Camino star!! I hope you carry Buen Camino through the journeys that await you in life. 💕
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