Former member 91017
I am pondering a massive life-change... it's been on my mind for several years. The scales are tipping as I grow beyond weary with my work and into the realm of quotidian frustration. I am considering cashing my chips and "commuting my pension" to a registered savings plan inside of 2 years from now... there's a slight difference here between whether I will retire or resign. I have 2 years until my earliest possible retirement date. But I can finish out those 2 years from anywhere int hw world as long as I have good/fast/reliable wifi.
SoI have my eye on a small bucketful of properties in NW Spain. I'm not looking for a new job... just a simplified version of my current one. ON cashing out, I could actually decide to become an adjunct and teach solely online until I'm about 60... and then take that pension...
So that's the background. I am miserable. I loathe the location where I live. LOATHE it. I've been here 21 years and it has not grown on me, nor I on it. It's insular, provincial, growing too quickly into a city while resisting doing so (meaning, people here resent "outsiders" and don't take kindly to "difference" of any sort).
The only thing that gives me comfort is the thought of Spain. I am pretty quick to pick up languages... I do need to see written what I am hearing... but I can function fluently in French and that makes reading in Spanish not too difficult. I think even at my advanced age I could become reasonably functional.
So here's the thing... in your own feelings about camino, do you think that we are attracted to it in a glorified manner (because it is a vacating of our usual lives) or do you think that camino is actually very much like everyday life, just simplified?
I think I love the routine, the simplicity... for how I shall manage my every day. But I also value the depth of the cultures around me in Spain, and the history that makes me feel young instead of weary...
If you've thought of moving to Spain, have you cautioned yourselves that "camino is not real"? If you have moved t Spain did you ever think "Wha the hell have I done?" and if so, how did you deal with it? And those still dreaming and planning... what do you dream of and worry about?
buen camino mi amigos/as
SoI have my eye on a small bucketful of properties in NW Spain. I'm not looking for a new job... just a simplified version of my current one. ON cashing out, I could actually decide to become an adjunct and teach solely online until I'm about 60... and then take that pension...
So that's the background. I am miserable. I loathe the location where I live. LOATHE it. I've been here 21 years and it has not grown on me, nor I on it. It's insular, provincial, growing too quickly into a city while resisting doing so (meaning, people here resent "outsiders" and don't take kindly to "difference" of any sort).
The only thing that gives me comfort is the thought of Spain. I am pretty quick to pick up languages... I do need to see written what I am hearing... but I can function fluently in French and that makes reading in Spanish not too difficult. I think even at my advanced age I could become reasonably functional.
So here's the thing... in your own feelings about camino, do you think that we are attracted to it in a glorified manner (because it is a vacating of our usual lives) or do you think that camino is actually very much like everyday life, just simplified?
I think I love the routine, the simplicity... for how I shall manage my every day. But I also value the depth of the cultures around me in Spain, and the history that makes me feel young instead of weary...
If you've thought of moving to Spain, have you cautioned yourselves that "camino is not real"? If you have moved t Spain did you ever think "Wha the hell have I done?" and if so, how did you deal with it? And those still dreaming and planning... what do you dream of and worry about?
buen camino mi amigos/as