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Band of Trudgers - Virtual Camino

I read many of your messages on the log, @Bala! I'm going very slow, finally reached Burgos, where my in-person camino started years ago. It has been a delight to see the areas before that, and I´m sure it will also be great to revisit places from now on :)

I´m amazed on how many of you already reached Santiago and Finisterre and went to other trails! Wow! But slowly and steady, here I go too! :D
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
I read many of your messages on the log, @Bala! I'm going very slow, finally reached Burgos, where my in-person camino started years ago. It has been a delight to see the areas before that, and I´m sure it will also be great to revisit places from now on :)

I´m amazed on how many of you already reached Santiago and Finisterre and went to other trails! Wow! But slowly and steady, here I go too! :D
Buen Camino! 👣👣🤗
I wasn't feeling well yesterday so got a late start. I'll be coming to Foncebadon soon, there is a restaurant there that has the BEST hamburguesas on the Camino. It is a must stop for me. In 2016 six of us walked up to the Cruz de ferro after dinner with several bottles of wine. We watched the sun set after we placed our pebbles. I was very glad that we did because in the morning it was so foggy and cold that you could barely see the Cruz from the edge of the rock pile.


  • Cruz de Ferro2.webp
    Cruz de Ferro2.webp
    33.8 KB · Views: 4
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Here I am, about an hour and a half to Palas de Rei. Funny feeling. Almost there. I will have to take out my Baztan book and study it so I can walk it virtually. Maybe it is not on walk4fun... if not, I will choose another one, or continue with the One I had just started before I switched to the Cf. Yes, that would tidy up things somewhat and take me over to home ground.
Have a good day, trudges. I looked up the friends, briefly, but I would need a reminder of your walk4fun names. Mine is the same as here I think.
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Hola Trudgers! Well, I've trudged all the way to Santiago again and enjoyed a couple of nights at the Parador. In my virtual world of course there's no Covid or close down and I've gone to mass, hugged the Apostle and watched the butafumeira swing.
Not sure where I'll 'walk' next. I would love beyond anything to be setting my foot on a real camino path...
Stay safe lovely Trudgers. 🙏
Congratulations @Levi
I arrived to the party late so have only joined in October.
I haven’t been firing on all cylinders lately (not feeling great today) so nothing huge in daily klms walked. I’ve only just past Ventosa heading to Nájera on the CF.

I would love beyond anything to be setting my foot on a real camino path...
Stay safe lovely Trudgers. 🙏
Amen to that.
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.
Hola Trudgers! Well, I've trudged all the way to Santiago again and enjoyed a couple of nights at the Parador. In my virtual world of course there's no Covid or close down and I've gone to mass, hugged the Apostle and watched the butafumeira swing.
Not sure where I'll 'walk' next. I would love beyond anything to be setting my foot on a real camino path...
Stay safe lovely Trudgers. 🙏
Well done, @Lev! Buen Camino wherever your feet may take you next. 👣
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Still slogging - squelching? - away. Rain, rain, rain here in the UK so have only just made it to the cruz de Ferro. Our local paths are like gloop and the field to the rear of my house looks like a rice paddy.

However . . . When I was in touch with @Dave_Bugg recently I promised him a stone would be left at the cross and here it is:

and currently resides here:


And can be found behind the "Main Building"


If you're visiting Canterbury UK in real life or virtually the coordinates are

51°19'35.71"N 1° 4'42.76"E

Caminar penosamente
Still slogging - squelching? - away. Rain, rain, rain here in the UK so have only just made it to the cruz de Ferro. Our local paths are like gloop and the field to the rear of my house looks like a rice paddy.

However . . . When I was in touch with @Dave_Bugg recently I promised him a stone would be left at the cross and here it is:
View attachment 86793

and currently resides here:

View attachment 86794

And can be found behind the "Main Building"

View attachment 86795

If you're visiting Canterbury UK in real life or virtually the coordinates are

51°19'35.71"N 1° 4'42.76"E

Caminar penosamente
That is so special. 💕
Hello Trudgers! I finished the Frances last week and am now following Bala on the Le Puy route. Not far yet, I’m walking slow! And in the real world, snow has come on my part of the world so it’s going to start to be more difficult to walk some days...
I'll be on the lookout for you. I'm going in spots and spurts myself, and I'm even slower in posting my steps. I'll try to update later today. 👣
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Here I am, about an hour and a half to Palas de Rei. Funny feeling. Almost there. I will have to take out my Baztan book and study it so I can walk it virtually. Maybe it is not on walk4fun... if not, I will choose another one, or continue with the One I had just started before I switched to the Cf. Yes, that would tidy up things somewhat and take me over to home ground.
Have a good day, trudges. I looked up the friends, briefly, but I would need a reminder of your walk4fun names. Mine is the same as here I think.
Canterbury Pilgrim, member #14756 on W4F.

In keeping with the whole "Virtual Camino" thing and trying to recapture the spirit of Caminos past we were looking at rooms to "stay in" at our next stop. Unfortunately our chosen spot isn't taking single night bookings but can offer a weekend stay over two nights:

1605006208113.pngThat's €740 - $1130 CND - $875 US for two people for TWO nights (breakfast included)

The name has been redacted to prevent embarrassment so, if you know the place, don't reveal it. We can only assume that they want to remain "open" on the website but also want to discourage visitors in the current climate.
Otherwise it's a lovely place to stay in so perhaps, one day . . .
According to the walk4fun site, I am on my way to Finisterra. Not true. In real life, we took the bus and had a great day. The climb up to the lighthouse was hot. The water fountain that gushed the most delicious water I had ever tasted in my life - never forgotten. The big Italian pilgrim we had last seen in Atapuerca, the same day we saw the boar: there he was, a lot less of him, sipping something down by the port... we had three nights in the Acuario albergue before taking the long, slow train journey back to Bilbao and then bus to Pamplona. Such a wonderful trip, scenery approaching Bilbao almost as lovely as Scotland (!!!). Thanks, Jeff. I might and might not pick up on the one near my home town. We’ll see. Maybe I will just hang on till the Pfizer vaccine is rolled out and make straight for the Baztan!
Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2
No group. You just have to figure out people's forum names vs W4F names. There's a post a little way back that lists most of them. I think it might have been Sue trying to keep track. But a lot of new people have started since then. Hopefully they'll come on and fill you in. Keep on trudging! 👣👣
Somehow I missed the whole group thing on Walking4Fun. I'm almost to Leon. Is there still an active group walking the Frances? If so, can I join? What's the name?

Would love some company.
As with the physical Camino we're a loose band spread up and down the Camino Frances. Just join the "Neighbors" group and you'll see us once you mark us down as Friends.

At the bottom of the stage map (the one on the right) there's a tab called Friends


click on that and scroll down a bit and you'll see this

Click on that and add our names.

When I started this thread I was tempted to open a "Band of Trudgers" group but I had already started walking out of SJPP with a Canadian friend (23rd march - slowest Camino ever!) and I didn't want to screw things up.

Not sure how you join mid-Camino at Leon. Another friend joined us at Leon and what we did was "cheat" and said she'd started in SJPP and just kept on adding distances until she'd caught up with us.

As for those of us walking that are on the Forum there's

Kirkie, Sue127, igailfaith, Bala, Levi, Kanxo, Desert Bruce, Anamya and me, Canterbury Pilgrim (apologies if I've missed somebody). Although Sue127 couldn't hack a Virtual Camino and just had to go and walk it for real ;)

If you don't have a compatible data logger (I don't) just put your mileage (or kilometridge?) each day, I found it worked better for me at least.

Welcome to the Band of Trudgers:

(Plagiarised from the words of a great wordsmith)

This Way is called the Way of St James:
They that outlast this Way, and come safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when the Way is named,
And rouse themselves at the name of Santiago!

They that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast their neighbours,
And say ‘To-morrow is Saint James’ Day:’
Then strip their boots and show their blisters.
And say
‘These blisters I got along St James’ Way.’

Old Pilgrims forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But they’ll remember with advantages
What feets they did along the Way: then shall our names.
Familiar in their mouth as household words
Kirkie, Sue 127 and igailfaith,
and Levi, Kanxo and Desert Bruce,
Anamya and Paula and Jeff,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.

This story shall the good Pilgrim teach their son;
And St James’ Day shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we
Band of Trudgers;
For they to-day that steps out along the Way with me
Shall be a Trudger; be they ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle their condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
trudged with us upon Saint James’ Way.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Thanks, I'lll try this. I began this on Oct. 5 after having completed the Arizona Trail on Walking4Fun.
For what it's worth, my name is Stayin' Alive.
Catch up with me (not too difficult) and I'll buy you a grande cafe con leche.

In the meantime watch out for those rattlesnakes!

€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I'm now virtually walking the West Highland Way. But in reality my heart is forever on the camino...
That says it all, why I will stop my virtual walking. My real walking is out and about, up and down, in and out, within 5km from home. None, today, and not much more for the next week as I have zoom meetings every day, morning and afternoon. Lucky me! Who knows, when that is over I might chase after you Levi!
@Levi, here is something to spur you on. There are other versions - but My heart's in the Highlands, if you do an internet search ( I am trying to avoid making a verb out of a search engine! ) will reveal them to you. for now, this is enough. Step lightly, skip through the heather! My home area is to the east of the first stage. Kirkintilloch, hence: Kirkie.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I walked a stage of the West Highland Way, a few years back, over the mountains to Kinlochleven. A beautiful walk that I would love to complete one day... if I ever tire of the camino. For now, I’m following Bala on the Le Puy route (I’m Peregrina on W4F) after walking the Frances, hoping to go back for real next year.
Jeff, I passed you today! I'll take you up on the cafe con leche. Grande of course.
I've been lazy and not logging my steps but updated them yesterday.
Currently breakfasting in Vega de Valcarce to build up energy for the push up to O Cebreiro. When I first did it in 2001 the path was little more than a goat track, loose cobbles and very slippery from the rain. The last time was in 2016 - the track has been widened and smoothed out but they must have made it steeper in the meantime because I found it just as hard!
Still after the Alto do Poio it's "downhill all the way" ;)

Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.
Jeff, I saw that you updated -- I'm now just behind you. I too walked up to O'Cebreiro in 2016. A magical place! I didn't find the walk up too bad, but then I had trained in mountains. Now that I'm a flatlander, it's a different story.

I doubt if I'll make it all the way up today, I may have to wild camp tonight!
Ola, Neighbours - Band of Trudgers! I’m back, haven’t been on here for so long. I’ve just been reading everyone’s posts to catch up. You’re all doing marvellously! I’m still walking the Arizona Trail, way over half way & looking forward to seeing the Grand Canyon sometime soon. Hello to our new Neighbours! I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. I’m retiring at last, a week before Christmas! So I’ll be on the Forum more I’m sure. Ciao, ciao!
Good to see all the updates! I am almost in Astorga, I really need some chocolate!

Do you guys think you will arrive in santiago before the end of the year? At my pace, I may be in Santiago in Feb 2021 :P
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Ola, Neighbours - Band of Trudgers! I’m back, haven’t been on here for so long. I’ve just been reading everyone’s posts to catch up. You’re all doing marvellously! I’m still walking the Arizona Trail, way over half way & looking forward to seeing the Grand Canyon sometime soon. Hello to our new Neighbours! I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. I’m retiring at last, a week before Christmas! So I’ll be on the Forum more I’m sure. Ciao, ciao!
Enjoy retirement! and then, and during, keep smiling!
I've been lazy and not logging my steps but updated them yesterday.
Currently breakfasting in Vega de Valcarce to build up energy for the push up to O Cebreiro. When I first did it in 2001 the path was little more than a goat track, loose cobbles and very slippery from the rain. The last time was in 2016 - the track has been widened and smoothed out but they must have made it steeper in the meantime because I found it just as hard!
Still after the Alto do Poio it's "downhill all the way" ;)

View attachment 88158
In 2006, we listened, foolishly, to someone who told us to take the road, not the path. I was never so sorry. 8 unrelenting kilometres of uphill walking, sun beating down, dear God, I swore I would never ever repeat it. I have not done so, yet... and doubt I will.
In 2006, we listened, foolishly, to someone who told us to take the road, not the path. I was never so sorry. 8 unrelenting kilometres of uphill walking, sun beating down, dear God, I swore I would never ever repeat it. I have not done so, yet... and doubt I will.
Some things along the trackway are better nowadays - "back in the day" you couldn't pause for a tortilla bocadillo (with added Blackberry)!


€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I checked my steps since 10th November. Disgraceful. Only 216466. I need to give myself a good talking to and choose a new walk, or go back to the one that skirts my home area... yes, I will do that. Let’s see if walk for fun will accept my steps on that walk. 👣👣👣👣👣
wow! I went off on a rant but the keyboard went on strike. Just as well, some bad words were coming out of my ears.. so I will forego the steps since 10th November and start again on Great Western Way and see how it goes. Need a bit of discipline to make me walk at least the necessary, if arbitrary, 10,000 per day...
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
I just sent an email to the guy who seems to be chief hombre on the walk4fun website. The most important question I asked was: ‘do you know how to pronounce Milngavie?’🤣
I got a reply from the owner of walk4fun, and he didn’t tell me if he knew how to pronounce Milngavie ;) but tomorrow I will see if his solution worked.
Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2
Hola, I finished the virtual Frances in Finistere last week. I am now on the Central Portuguese Camino having passed through the tomato farms into the vineyards 88 k along the way. Is anyone else on this Camino?
Good man yourself! Circumstances have slowed me and some friends down but we're still trudging along. We might do the Coastal Portuguese in the spring - one of us is in Canada and apparently they get a lot of snow in the winter . . . . ❄️❄️❄️🎿?
I checked my steps since 10th November. Disgraceful. Only 216466. I need to give myself a good talking to and choose a new walk, or go back to the one that skirts my home area... yes, I will do that. Let’s see if walk for fun will accept my steps on that walk. 👣👣👣👣👣
I've lost faith in the footstep count - I haven't updated for a few days but my count so far:
Me: 962392 steps = 645km
My friend Therese: 964110 steps = 645km
but our mutual friend Paula: 936981 steps = 665km and she's only a wee little thing.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I have had a couple of exchanges, very pleasant, with the owner of walk4fun. Later I will see how to do what he suggested. As in, how to transfer my over 200,000 steps since 10th November. I am afraid today will be pitiful. It was grey and wet and cold and miserable and now I am home and the sun is shining, and the inner door is letting the sun stream in like in Newgrange! Later I will check if MULGUY - the way to sound Milngavie! - is open to accepting me again, after I deserted that route for the CF. Ryan (of walk4fun) admitted he hadn’t a clue how to pronounce it. It is a neighbouring town from my childhood, so for me there is no issue...
anyway, till soon, buen camino, fellow trudgers!
I have transferred steps from 10th November, and will take it from there with what do actually each day from now on. Ultreia!
There is a bridge in the first set of photos from Glasgow out to Milngavie - locally it is called the Squinty Bridge...but it gets its Sunday title on walk4fun: The Clyde Arc.
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The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
I just posted my steps for today on walk4fun. So lovely to be passing by familiar places, and it is making me itch to do this walk in real time when it is allowed to move around again. The Glasgow Art Gallery is one of my favourites, not least as it houses Christ of St John of The Cross by Dali. I can happily spend hours in front of that painting.
I have just filled in steps on my current virtual walk and have two thirds to go. What’s the rush? Now to try to go back and look at all the photos.
How are the rest of ye trudgers doing?
I might even head out again, although I had promised myself a lazy day after my morning trot along by the river...
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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I've been walking with Walking4fun since late May. I've completed the Arizona Trail (US) and the Camino Frances. I'm now about a quarter into the Chemin Le Puy. I've totaled around 1500 miles (2414 km). I now average about 12 km per day.

Since we are now into the snowy and icy phase of winter on the Great Lakes, my mileage will be somewhat less. I really love my end-of-day ritual of logging my steps and looking at the pretty pictures of where I've been virtually that day.

I'm so glad you all found this for me!
I've been walking with Walking4fun since late May. I've completed the Arizona Trail (US) and the Camino Frances. I'm now about a quarter into the Chemin Le Puy. I've totaled around 1500 miles (2414 km). I now average about 12 km per day.

Since we are now into the snowy and icy phase of winter on the Great Lakes, my mileage will be somewhat less. I really love my end-of-day ritual of logging my steps and looking at the pretty pictures of where I've been virtually that day.

I'm so glad you all found this for me!
@Priscilla NC, I've vwalked the Camino Frances & I'm shortly going to finish the Arizona Trail. I'm considering the Chemin Le Puy next. Are you enjoying vwalking there?
I have just filled in steps on my current virtual walk and have two thirds to go. What’s the rush? Now to try to go back and look at all the photos.
How are the rest of ye trudgers doing?
I might even head out again, although I had promised myself a lazy day after my morning trot along by the river...
@kirkie, I'm glad you're still trudging! Where are you vwalking now?
I'm officially retired now & I'm gradually getting into a walking routine. I'm still part of a work team vwalking from London to Lapland & we're nearly finished so I'll be quitting that team then.
Keep on keeping on!
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I've lost faith in the footstep count - I haven't updated for a few days but my count so far:
Me: 962392 steps = 645km
My friend Therese: 964110 steps = 645km
but our mutual friend Paula: 936981 steps = 665km and she's only a wee little thing.
@Jeff Crawley, haha, that's not bad. I'm on two websites atm, worldwalking & walking4fun. worldwalking today said I had walked 15.1km & walking4fun said 16.4km from the same stepcount. I'm happy with walking4fun!
Keep on trudging.
Oops, got that around the wrong way! w4f said 15.1km, ww said 16.4km. Still prefer w4f, I like all the pics.
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@kirkie, I'm glad you're still trudging! Where are you vwalking now?
I'm officially retired now & I'm gradually getting into a walking routine. I'm still part of a work team vwalking from London to Lapland & we're nearly finished so I'll be quitting that team then.
Keep on keeping on!
Hi! I am in the walking doldrums, it being so miserable and also we are being asked to stay at home... right now I am cleaning up millions if unnecessary bits and pieces on my laptop. The sun has come out though, the makey-uppy dinner is warming in the oven, the afternoon already holds a tempting film (Bending the Arc), Netflix - not usually an occupation of mine, but it was recommended and a neighbour gave me her access codes), so: I will let you know tomorrow. The amazing thing as you grow more used to accepting being retired is that the fact it takes longer to get around to things isn't such a bother anymore!
@Priscilla NC, I've vwalked the Camino Frances & I'm shortly going to finish the Arizona Trail. I'm considering the Chemin Le Puy next. Are you enjoying vwalking there?

I am really enjoying the Le Puy walk! So much so that I'm considering it for my next Camino. I'm a bit over 50% finished. I really love closing out my day by inputting my steps.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Well that's that then!

Here we are in the Praza having arrived in time for breakfast at the Restaurante Tarará:


Pleased to say there was no queue for our Covidstelas and none of that fuss about "Did you walk the whole Way/Have you got at least two stamps per day since Sarria":


We had enough!


Strangely, just like a real life Camino, there is a sense of "is that it then?" now that it's all over. We (my two fellow Penguin Pilgrims Therese and Paula and I) wouldn't normally dream of doing two Caminos back-to-back but it seems we're boarding a virtual train to Porto soon so see you on the Portugues!

In all seriousness, if you're out and about in real life, be careful and come home safely

Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2
Congratulations, Jeff! I may see you on the Portugues, I'm on the Le Puy and have 150 miles to go. May you be safe and well.

Buen Camino!
You are a star, Jeff! I love your irrepressible creativity. I began kind of stamping, but then got too lazy and now, I have still to tot up the kilometres - though it ought to be miles in my current one. As my mother was wont to say: I’ll think about that tomorrow... In sum - congrats to you and your virtual companions.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Well that's that then!

Here we are in the Praza having arrived in time for breakfast at the Restaurante Tarará:

View attachment 91422

Pleased to say there was no queue for our Covidstelas and none of that fuss about "Did you walk the whole Way/Have you got at least two stamps per day since Sarria":

View attachment 91423

We had enough!

View attachment 91424

Strangely, just like a real life Camino, there is a sense of "is that it then?" now that it's all over. We (my two fellow Penguin Pilgrims Therese and Paula and I) wouldn't normally dream of doing two Caminos back-to-back but it seems we're boarding a virtual train to Porto soon so see you on the Portugues!

In all seriousness, if you're out and about in real life, be careful and come home safely

@Jeff Crawley = so well done! Completion of your Camino, even virtually, is a great achievement. You have walked every km/mi! Enjoy the Portugues Camino! Are you walking the Central or Senda Litterol/Coastal? Both are beautiful.
@Jeff Crawley = so well done! Completion of your Camino, even virtually, is a great achievement. You have walked every km/mi! Enjoy the Portugues Camino! Are you walking the Central or Senda Litterol/Coastal? Both are beautiful.
We're taking the Coastal route - I did this one for real in 2015 but neither of my two friends know the route at all so the photos will be flying back and forth.
Paula, who will be walking in British Columbia, has a liking for Padron peppers (and actually grows them at home) so is interested to "see" where they originated.
Think I'll wait until Storm Christophe has blown out before starting!
Oh, I had hopes to reach Jeff before Santiago, but that´s ok! I'm somewhere near Arzua at the moment, having started walking in July :P

I'll probably follow the Trudgers in the Portuguese afterwards, but first I have some more kilometers to cover!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I have apparently done about 185km on the West Highland Way, with around 140 still to go. I already had a walk today, but I will maybe head out again as it is a beautiful day. Hardly making hay, but certainly will help to soak up some vitamins...
I’m a latecomer to this, but started recording progress on the CF from January 1st on my regular dog-walks, so the real Henry the dog is walking his own virtual Camino. We’ve just passed through Burgos.

We’ve already scheduled the 15,000 KM ‘Mediterranean Coast’ as the next venture. It may take quite some time.
I’m a latecomer to this, but started recording progress on the CF from January 1st on my regular dog-walks, so the real Henry the dog is walking his own virtual Camino. We’ve just passed through Burgos.

We’ve already scheduled the 15,000 KM ‘Mediterranean Coast’ as the next venture. It may take quite some time.
Oh I think you'll still have plenty of time on your hands!

Struggling to find somewhere local to do my Portuguese that isn't waterlogged or poached* by horse riders and mountain bikes. The coastal path here, while being authentic by way of the sea views, is busy with un-masked people who look askance as you swerve to keep them at a distance.

We shall manage, somehow.

* a new word for your lexicon that I was taught by a land surveyor many years ago - poached - when wet ground gets churned up, by livestock for example, leaving little pockets of water in the glutinous mud. (Have decided to add verbosity to my étui of lockdown hobbies!)
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I’m a latecomer to this, but started recording progress on the CF from January 1st on my regular dog-walks, so the real Henry the dog is walking his own virtual Camino. We’ve just passed through Burgos.

We’ve already scheduled the 15,000 KM ‘Mediterranean Coast’ as the next venture. It may take quite some time.
Wow, henrythedog! First, welcome to virtual walking. The Camino Frances was fun. Second, that's some ambition, to tackle 15,000km for your second walk. Good for you!
Hola, everyone! I have finished the Arizona Trail which had some spectacular scenery, especially the Grand Canyon & the Vermillion Cliffs. I was amazed at all the flowers that flourish in the desert!
I have now started walking the Chemin Le Puy which @Priscilla NC has just finished today. It's really pleasant to be walking through all the villages & towns, seeing the historical buildings & churches, as well as the many pilgrim statues.
@kirkie, are you still in lockdown? It is hard, yes, but so necessary. Even here in the Antipodes COVID restrictions still hold sway. Every time the medicos think it's under control there's another breakout. This will be with us a long time, drat it.
How is everyone doing on their virtual Caminos? I'm very glad for the incentive to get out & walk in our lovely but sometimes overly summery weather.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
@igailfh, Enjoy your journey on the Chemin Le Puy! My first trail on Walking4fun was the Arizona Trail. I have spent lots of time in Arizona, and thoroughly enjoyed that 'walk' too.

I'm jealous of your lovely summery weather. I'm doing much of my walking in my apartment, as we have been frozen in (much ice and snow) for a couple of weeks now. So I really look forward to adding in my steps each day. Without this virtual walking, I would not be as fit and happy as I am now.
Dog walking from January 1st has got me just over half-way along the CF. I’m between Burgos and Leon.
You’re making good time. Looks like Henry the dog is a good motivator.

I finished the CF and next started walking the Scottish Highland way on January 21.
it sure is lovely .. however having just walked over Ben Nevis ‘phew’. I’m a bit rusty for that type of terrain. Just as well it’s virtual - I think I’d be ‘done in’ if I tried it in real-time!
I’m about 6k from Fort William. I did actually visit there back in 2001 and 2011. Beautiful country.

the walking4fun does keep you trying to keep active . I’ve got my Fitbit linked to the app so I don’t need to actually key data across.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Hello all, I just finished the Chemin le Puy today. I'm now off to walk the Portugues. Coming after you, Canterbury Pilgrim (Jeff Crawley)!

Stalled by snow in a bar on the beach at Agudela but I'll stand you a hot chocolate if I see you passing - you choose:

the "rum" one is delicioso
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I am a mere 12km from one of the most mellifluous sounding place names on earth: Dromnadrochit. I am a fake in this walk. I hate the word fake by the way. So, whenever I get the chance, I will correct my fault. I have enough backup people to make it feasible to walk while still getting a comfortable bed at the end of the day, and without having to haul more than is needed for a day’s walking.
There are many more sweet sounding place names - one such on the way from Dublin to Roscrea in Ireland is Pike of Rushall.
Hello, trudgers!
I reached Santiago/Finisterre in February and, obviously, jumped into another camino route. Now I´m on the Portuguese and hopefully will join you for café com leite at some point.

it is almost unbelievable that 900km were completed around the local duckpond... Onto some more!
Hello, trudgers!
I reached Santiago/Finisterre in February and, obviously, jumped into another camino route. Now I´m on the Portuguese and hopefully will join you for café com leite at some point.

it is almost unbelievable that 900km were completed around the local duckpond... Onto some more!
You have inspired me to tally my steps, and so I have completed the West Highland Way, albeit in a bit of a fog. I am going to follow you on the Portugues. I did the one that started on the coast but then moved inland, because in 2013 the infrastructure was not too plentiful for municipal albergue accommodation. I will enjoy the coastal route I hope, and will try to check in to the walkf4fun site daily but I will not post here daily, that would be a bit too much! Daylight is calling me to head out, see you later!
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Hello, trudgers!
I reached Santiago/Finisterre in February and, obviously, jumped into another camino route. Now I´m on the Portuguese and hopefully will join you for café com leite at some point.

it is almost unbelievable that 900km were completed around the local duckpond... Onto some more!

You have inspired me to tally my steps, and so I have completed the West Highland Way, albeit in a bit of a fog. I am going to follow you on the Portugues. I did the one that started on the coast but then moved inland, because in 2013 the infrastructure was not too plentiful for municipal albergue accommodation. I will enjoy the coastal route I hope, and will try to check in to the walkf4fun site daily but I will not post here daily, that would be a bit too much! Daylight is calling me to head out, see you later!

Fantastic, @Anamya & @kirkie, both of you on the Caminho Português! I love Portugal & the Portuguese people are so friendly & helpful. Bom Caminho!

I started the Chemin de Puy & I’m close to halfway, but some friends started the Florida Keys Trail so I switched over to that. I should finish that tomorrow or the next day, yay! Then I’ll switch back to the CdeP & walk on. I really like all the pics Ryan puts up for each day walked. They make it so much more interesting!

I’m igailfh on the Forum & I’m Squirrelly on walking4fun.

@Band of Trudgers, & everyone, keep on walking, keep safe, & kia kaha!
erm I have started but keep forgetting to log my steps. currently 10 miles out of St Jean and standing in the fog admiring the scenery.
Welcome, @charlotte19675! Starting on the Camino Frances is great. Haha, fog, not what you want when you’re climbing the Pyrenees! Is there scenery in fog or does it drift away & give you tantalising glimpses?
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Welcome, @charlotte19675! Starting on the Camino Frances is great. Haha, fog, not what you want when you’re climbing the Pyrenees! Is there scenery in fog or does it drift away & give you tantalising glimpses?
thank you for the welcome - there are tantalising glimpses and I promise to go for a walk so I can log some steps and make it to the end of the first stage. See everyone at the other end!
erm I have started but keep forgetting to log my steps. currently 10 miles out of St Jean and standing in the fog admiring the scenery.
That´s a scene I'm still to see in real life, fog over the Pirenees... it was good to go there virtually though.

I usually walk around the local duck pond, I think I should start naming the ducklings Borrenes, Ponferrada, Astorga, Cebreiro, Leon, Estela... :D
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Did a spot of work on my walk4fun page. I have ‘done’13.4km of stage one from Porto. In real life, we took the tram or whatever for the first 8 or 9 km. So it is nice to see what we missed. Such a hard slog along the sand in the end, but it was a glorious day and well worth it.
Did a spot of work on my walk4fun page. I have ‘done’13.4km of stage one from Porto. In real life, we took the tram or whatever for the first 8 or 9 km. So it is nice to see what we missed. Such a hard slog along the sand in the end, but it was a glorious day and well worth it.
@kirkie, no, you missed a great walk out of Porto, along the river to the Atlantic & onwards!
I know, I know. Anyway, all caminos are pretty well virtual just now, so the walk4fun ones are just the job to fill in the gaps. I am almost there, at the first stop for the night. We stayed in a private place, as I had not found an albergue. There was talk of being able to sleep in fire stations, but we didn’t ever do that. I recall wandering around the port area, and we found a super place to eat, with a brazier outside doing all the advertising needed to attract customers. A comment in the CSJ video the other evening was spot on: part of the charm of the Portuguese Way is the food. Absolutely true. On the way out next morning we came upon a local fruit and veg market. There were the most wonderful examples of nature unaffected by the controls that make our fruit and veg unlike their natural selves. Reminds me now of tomates feos in Navarra. Nectar.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Hello, trudgers. My first walk today brought me to 59% of stage 3 on Coastal Portugués. I keep being disappointed in myself for not recording daily, and also not really getting into the route. When I am finished I will do the one I did in 2013, whatever it was! After day one, we walked inland touching places like Rates... And don’t ask me any more but I have all the photos, and the memories. A fairly solid band of pilgrims travelled in a loose caravan. If I had the talent of a beloved Irish popular author, Maeve Binchy, I could now be very wealthy and living in a spot where I could offer sustenance to weary pilgrims looking enviously in through the the gates of the Finca...
The ‘for real’ Camino Poutuguês Coastal/Senda Litoral is a great walk along the Atlantic passing through seaside towns & small beach communities. It does have a different vibe from the Central route with less emphasis on the historical aspects. Both routes have their attractions & must-sees, both have walking challenges, both offer great food & such friendly people. I have walked both those routes & would like to go back & walk the inland route.
I hope to try one of the virtual CP routes soon when I finish the Chemin le Puy. Keep going, @kirkie, I found the Coastal/SL became more interesting when you get further up the country.
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First, I’d like to say that I’ve taken a break from this forum for a little while, mainly because the advice that I give out has been Pooh Poohed by many of the forum members here. I realize...
@Monasp has just posted the monthly pilgrim count for 2024 from the SJPDP pilgrim office. On their Facebook page. I'll post a screenshot here for those who do not use Facebook. About 2% up on the...
Last time I walked the CF and wanted to go "off-stage", I was using the stages that Gronze suggests. I didn't occur to me at the time that the Brierley guide stages could be quite different, and...
I'm going from Sarria in April to Santiago. Is it easy to get two cellos on your credencial every day? Where can we get these two cells per day? (hotel, restaurant, church...) I plan to make the...
Hello! I need some opinions on this. I am walking the Camino with my 77yr old father in late March, early Spring. We have about 7 days and he is good to walk about 20 to 25km a day, with his...
Another option I'm considering for the spring is walking for roughly a week in France, to SJPDP where I'll start my CF. Questions: - which route would make the most sense for me to walk...

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