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poems for seekers


From one veteran walker to another Godspeed and Ultreia!

"...and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."

, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
when the veedlepee "bubbles up" again its hard to ignore! i will be 79 next year and am still not satisfied! finished the cf again by doing that last stage from Ponferrada to Santiago again and found it tuff! i had hoped this would put miles in my legs but for the life of me I will not be able to do more than very short stages. even a 10km day is hard now mainly due to the Menieres becoming almost lethal! im gittin dragged off to hospital in December to try and put a handle on it. As long as its not handles on the box! :) any lateral thinkers out there?

Here is one for us thinkers :)


Deep in the canyon of the soul
a thought raced the river
of the dark subconscious
took refuge on a hidden beach
and grew
till it slowly climbed the cliffs of doubt
to stand in light

I am it's host
and I make ready
the robes of the road

"Quo vadis Domine?"
I hear it whisper
to echo in my mind
as I turn the compass
to the Source

Once found
all else will follow
and the thought can quiet rest

But Light needs Dark
and the shadow-self of Doubt
must find it's peace
within the other
and so a stronger team
will wake
with war

Buen camino and stay safe.

The Malingerer

Hi Malingerer -

I like this poem so much! Thank you!

What is the thought you speak of in the first verse - is it 'courage', is it 'doubt', or is it another thought? As we all know, one of the beauties of poetry is that it's open to the reader's interpretation. 'Courage' isn't mentioned in the poem but the word 'courage' jumped straight into my mind when I read it. Courage always comes from a place of darkness - indeed, it is courage that is the one tiny speck of light in that place of darkness. We need courage before anything else to emerge from the places of darkness that, at a micro level, being flawed humans, we sometimes create for ourselves, or, at a macro level, the places of darkness created for us due to circumstances entirely beyond our control - your own life in Northern Ireland being a very significant example.

I think 'courage' and 'doubt' are a good pair. One needs the other in order to proceed carefully and wisely when adversity strikes.

I hope your stay in hospital in December will bring a breakthrough in the treatment of the Meniere's disease so that you can continue with your careful training for the VDLP next year. Don't be tempted to plan ANYTHING that involves a box with handles! ;):):D

Buen Camino Training!

Cheers and best wishes from Oz -
(The Courage to Fly)

Amelia Earhart

Courage is the price that Life exacts
for granting peace.
The soul that knows it not
Knows no release from little things:
Knows not the livid loneliness of fear,
Nor mountain heights where bitter
joy can hear
The sound of wings.

How can life grant us boon of living,
For dull gray ugliness and pregnant hate
Unless we dare
The soul's dominion?
Each time we make a choice,
we pay
With courage to behold the resistless day,
And count it fair.

malingerer... do remember that wherever you walk, whatever your Way, you do not walk alone...

Go Well
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
(The Courage to Fly)

Amelia Earhart

Courage is the price that Life exacts
for granting peace.
The soul that knows it not
Knows no release from little things:
Knows not the livid loneliness of fear,
Nor mountain heights where bitter
joy can hear
The sound of wings.

How can life grant us boon of living,
For dull gray ugliness and pregnant hate
Unless we dare
The soul's dominion?
Each time we make a choice,
we pay
With courage to behold the resistless day,
And count it fair.

malingerer... do remember that wherever you walk, whatever your Way, you do not walk alone...

Go Well

Hi Meri -

Thanks so much for your post and for sharing the very beautiful and wise words from Amelia Earhart. I have a folder of poems that I keep and this one, together with malingerer's poems, plus many others, will be added to it. It's a wonderful poem to contemplate.

Cheers - Jenny
Hi Meri -

Thanks so much for your post and for sharing the very beautiful and wise words from Amelia Earhart. I have a folder of poems that I keep and this one, together with malingerer's poems, plus many others, will be added to it. It's a wonderful poem to contemplate.

Cheers - Jenny
hi folks and thanks for recent posts!
have a feeling deep down as to why i am writing this poem but that will have to wait.

sheathed in grey
gliding west
seaward bound

charcoal etched at evening
bending gracefully
in an eastern wind
as if they too
would follow

I know that feeling

standing helplessly


with that bone deep hunger
for the road
causing sandstorm
within my soul

Only sunsets
of the way
can such assuage
when lay me down my pack
and peace distil
from storm
and troubled day

For night must have its turn
and warm with blanket sleep
all hopes and fears
that boon companions were
down all my years.

Buen camino y vaya con Dios

The Malingerer
Hmmm.... wind's in the East...

Why East Wind Chills

Why east wind chills and south wind cools
Shall not be known till windwell dries
And west's no longer drowned
In winds that bring the fruit and rind
Of many a hundred falls;
Why silk is soft and the stone wounds
The child shall question all his days,
Why night-time rain and the breast's blood
Both quench his thirst he'll have a black reply.

When cometh Jack Frost? the children ask.
Shall they clasp a comet in their fists?
Not till, from high and low, their dust
Sprinkles in children's eyes a long-last sleep
And dusk is crowded with the children's ghosts,
Shall a white answer echo from the rooftops.

All things are known: the stars' advice
Calls some content to travel with the winds,
Though what the stars ask as they round
Time upon time the towers of the skies
Is heard but little till the stars go out.
I hear content, and 'Be Content'
Ring like a handbell through the corridors,
And 'Know no answer,' and I know
No answer to the children's cry
Of echo's answer and the man of frost
And ghostly comets over the raised fists.

Dylan Thomas
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Hi Meri -

I think we might be on a strange but cool parallel today as regards Dylan Thomas ... our local new and second-hand bookstore here in Cronulla has a blackboard where daily quotes/thoughts are featured. I always make a point of walking past the bookstore (and frequently drop into) to see what the "Thought for the Day" is. Here's today's offering :

Dylan Thomas quote 13 Oct 16.webp

I thought about posting this one on SYates excellent Random Quotes thread but thought this would be great too!

Cheers - Jenny
Hmmm.... wind's in the East...

Why East Wind Chills

Why east wind chills and south wind cools
Shall not be known till windwell dries
And west's no longer drowned
In winds that bring the fruit and rind
Of many a hundred falls;
Why silk is soft and the stone wounds
The child shall question all his days,
Why night-time rain and the breast's blood
Both quench his thirst he'll have a black reply.

When cometh Jack Frost? the children ask.
Shall they clasp a comet in their fists?
Not till, from high and low, their dust
Sprinkles in children's eyes a long-last sleep
And dusk is crowded with the children's ghosts,
Shall a white answer echo from the rooftops.

All things are known: the stars' advice
Calls some content to travel with the winds,
Though what the stars ask as they round
Time upon time the towers of the skies
Is heard but little till the stars go out.
I hear content, and 'Be Content'
Ring like a handbell through the corridors,
And 'Know no answer,' and I know
No answer to the children's cry
Of echo's answer and the man of frost
And ghostly comets over the raised fists.

Dylan Thomas

HMMMM! indeed!:)

do i detect gentle chiding here?

apart from being stricken with SAD (according to GP) :) I made a great swear to God on my last trip that if i could get my sanctified butt to Santiago in one piece i would go no more a-camino hence the letting go!
However, being a devious and dyed in the wool sinner I thought, this is being extracted under duress and therefore doesnt count! :)
If i cycle the chunk of veedlepee that i havent done on foot etc and do not go anywhere near santiago to claim compostelas etc then i havent really been on camino eh?? :) herewith my guardian angel takes to weeping and demands a job change whilst Judas ( my quartermaster) has to forge me another 30 oieces of silver!:) Dylan Thomas be blowed! Heh! Heh! n hi there Jenny! :)

the malingerer.
buen camino and vaya con dios, i go now to figure out how to increase my horrendous debts and git a cycle!
HMMMM! indeed!:)

do i detect gentle chiding here?

apart from being stricken with SAD (according to GP) :) I made a great swear to God on my last trip that if i could get my sanctified butt to Santiago in one piece i would go no more a-camino hence the letting go!
However, being a devious and dyed in the wool sinner I thought, this is being extracted under duress and therefore doesnt count! :)
If i cycle the chunk of veedlepee that i havent done on foot etc and do not go anywhere near santiago to claim compostelas etc then i havent really been on camino eh?? :) herewith my guardian angel takes to weeping and demands a job change whilst Judas ( my quartermaster) has to forge me another 30 oieces of silver!:) Dylan Thomas be blowed! Heh! Heh! n hi there Jenny! :)

the malingerer.
buen camino and vaya con dios, i go now to figure out how to increase my horrendous debts and git a cycle!

n Hi to you too malingerer ...

I'm so sorry to hear that SAD has wrapped its bleak arms around you. Keep your spirits up by singing that wonderful earworm of a song "Here Comes The Sun"- such a brilliant song from the late and great George Harrison. Here's a sweet cover of it sung and played on the uke by Stuart Fuchs :

God understands your yearning for the veedlepee and where there's a will there will be The Way, as you well know!

Dylan Thomas be blowed? No! Be thankful for this genius, malingerer! Richard Burton's reading from 'Under Milkwood' is knock-out stunning - look, listen and enjoy - think of Captain Cat, Rosie Probert and Organ Morgan! :)

A suggestion for turning up a bicycle ... what about putting the word out here on the Forum? There are hundreds of Forum members in the UK ... maybe someone can get a suitable bike (eg a mountain bike or sturdy road bike) with panniers etc. they no longer want or need to you ... fingers crossed.

'Wishing you sunny days and cosy evenings with your flamenco and vino -

Cheers - Jenny
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
HMMMM! indeed!:)

do i detect gentle chiding here?
Hmmmmm... as in pondering... easterlies are a rare thing in my backyard but if you're cycling you'll be very glad of a wind from the East - for most routes ;)

Sorry to hear about your SAD. Apparently you can get special lights for that - or Jenny and I could send you some bottled Australian sunshine - or - you could just go a-Caminoing :)

and Jenny, Richard Burton reading Dylan Thomas - enough to dispel a years worth of SAD.
Hmmmmm... as in pondering... easterlies are a rare thing in my backyard but if you're cycling you'll be very glad of a wind from the East - for most routes ;)

Sorry to hear about your SAD. Apparently you can get special lights for that - or Jenny and I could send you some bottled Australian sunshine - or - you could just go a-Caminoing :)

and Jenny, Richard Burton reading Dylan Thomas - enough to dispel a years worth of SAD.

Does SAD really mean: Santiago, Arrival and Departure? :)


The hurts of the heart
fall like hammers:
the autumn leaves of an iron rain
pounding the sword to steel

I enter the smithy of the soul
to greet Fire and Smoke
twin gods at their future-making
feeding the furnace with dreams and hopes
long since dried to kindling

the times I am tried
the dross flying from me with the sparks
until that final quenching
when the blade is pure
and with edge set
I return

to harry the hurts of the heart
my will

Vaya con Dios y buen Camino

The malingerer
Does SAD really mean: Santiago, Arrival and Departure? :)


The hurts of the heart
fall like hammers:
the autumn leaves of an iron rain
pounding the sword to steel

I enter the smithy of the soul
to greet Fire and Smoke
twin gods at their future-making
feeding the furnace with dreams and hopes
long since dried to kindling

the times I am tried
the dross flying from me with the sparks
until that final quenching
when the blade is pure
and with edge set
I return

to harry the hurts of the heart
my will

Vaya con Dios y buen Camino

The malingerer

Hi malingerer - I'm absolutely blown away by the profundity, the beauty and the strength of your poem. Thank you so much for sharing it.
I hope that all's looking brighter with your health and that your training for your beloved veedlepee is going well.
Remember, "Here comes the sun - doo doo doo doo - Here comes the sun - And St James says - It's alright ..."
Look after your precious spirit -
Best wishes - Jenny
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Hi malingerer - I'm absolutely blown away by the profundity, the beauty and the strength of your poem. Thank you so much for sharing it.
I hope that all's looking brighter with your health and that your training for your beloved veedlepee is going well.
Remember, "Here comes the sun - doo doo doo doo - Here comes the sun - And St James says - It's alright ..."
Look after your precious spirit -
Best wishes - Jenny

thankee cobber and Nina Simone sings a great version too!!

The malingerer

Ultsreia and other sayings!! :)
A soul is forged in the fires of adversity, not comfort

Hi malingerer
Echoing Jenny's comments about the depth, beauty and strength in your poem.

It is often quoted that poetry is the language of the soul. This poem plumbs the depths of yours...

Thank you.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

She surely does! You can feel the sun's rays when she sings ...
Cheers from Oz -

If I have any say in the manner of my going I intend to have Nina singing "its a good day" when they carry in the box, followed by Pink Flloyd playing "Money" from the "Dark Side of the Moon" and for a grand finale, Jimi Hendrix playing "The Watch Tower" as I love that line, " there must be some kinda way outta here" ! Ya gotta laff! :)

Being ex-navy I often wonder at how little we seem to know or think about the pilgrims travelling by sea who never made it, and so , for them:

Sitting in the dark
by my western window
I wait for dawn
and day
to lighten grey

A lone gull
brings me murmurs
and whispers from the sea
where drowned ships lie
and pilgrims ancient
softly cry
"Remember me:
I did not make the shore
and until time dries up
this ocean
I needs must wait
for evermore".

The Malingerer.
If I have any say in the manner of my going I intend to have Nina singing "its a good day" when they carry in the box, followed by Pink Flloyd playing "Money" from the "Dark Side of the Moon" and for a grand finale, Jimi Hendrix playing "The Watch Tower" as I love that line, " there must be some kinda way outta here" ! Ya gotta laff! :)

Being ex-navy I often wonder at how little we seem to know or think about the pilgrims travelling by sea who never made it, and so , for them:

Sitting in the dark
by my western window
I wait for dawn
and day
to lighten grey

A lone gull
brings me murmurs
and whispers from the sea
where drowned ships lie
and pilgrims ancient
softly cry
"Remember me:
I did not make the shore
and until time dries up
this ocean
I needs must wait
for evermore".

The Malingerer.

Twill soon be the Hallowed Eve and yet the winter solstice seems so far away so:

the days of autumn
the light

My shadow
flees before me
to wait for spring
as the mists
and fog of winter
like legions dark
and weary
drag my feet

I dream
of that
which my eyes
have not yet seen
and grow afraid
for in all these years
of Camino
I baulk
at such a sight
lest vision give the wings
to that which deep
I hold
and my shadow pause
upon the rocks
before I fly
and never more
to mortal walk

The uncharted oceans
of the soul
will see me pass
and whisper
God's Wanderer of the Void
must onward go

Vaya con Dios y Buen Camino

The Malingerer.
Twill soon be the Hallowed Eve and yet the winter solstice seems so far away so:

the days of autumn
the light

My shadow
flees before me
to wait for spring
as the mists
and fog of winter
like legions dark
and weary
drag my feet

I dream
of that
which my eyes
have not yet seen
and grow afraid
for in all these years
of Camino
I baulk
at such a sight
lest vision give the wings
to that which deep
I hold
and my shadow pause
upon the rocks
before I fly
and never more
to mortal walk

The uncharted oceans
of the soul
will see me pass
and whisper
God's Wanderer of the Void
must onward go

Vaya con Dios y Buen Camino

The Malingerer.

Winter is grinding down the days and an icy wind is causing the leaves to fly into the West like the Elves of Old and so:

I lit a candle in my soul
and walked the long long corridors of my heart

There were countless alcoves
winding cul-de-sacs
and doors firmly closed

I met the ghosts of past resolve
who now held out translucent hands
and whispered
"Remember us, we gave you life".

I gave them blessing
and laid flowers at their feet
for they
are tomorrow's guides to the way
that I must go
and will take my hand
when faced with climbs
and endless weary
never letting go
that darkened thoughts might not assail me
when next I go

Vaya con Dios y Buen Camino

The Malingerer
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Winter is grinding down the days and an icy wind is causing the leaves to fly into the West like the Elves of Old and so:

I lit a candle in my soul
and walked the long long corridors of my heart

There were countless alcoves
winding cul-de-sacs
and doors firmly closed

I met the ghosts of past resolve
who now held out translucent hands
and whispered
"Remember us, we gave you life".

I gave them blessing
and laid flowers at their feet
for they
are tomorrow's guides to the way
that I must go
and will take my hand
when faced with climbs
and endless weary
never letting go
that darkened thoughts might not assail me
when next I go

Vaya con Dios y Buen Camino

The Malingerer

There will be a Carnival this evening with floats and music but it is also 11/11 and so :

I stand alone in the corner of a park
and listen to the bugle call
two minutes silence
and encapsulate a life so shortened
by a bullet
that took less than a heartbeat
to murder
all my futures.

Vaya con Dios amigos.

The Malingerer
There will be a Carnival this evening with floats and music but it is also 11/11 and so :

I stand alone in the corner of a park
and listen to the bugle call
two minutes silence
and encapsulate a life so shortened
by a bullet
that took less than a heartbeat
to murder
all my futures.

Vaya con Dios amigos.

The Malingerer

And still November days drag on thru rain and mist and so:


1916 - 2016


There is a corner wherein I stand
and where
the leaves gather piled high
to mould

Sweet smell of death
where once I stood
and listened to the screams
of dying men
sick tenors to the gun's
foul bass
and smell of gas like perfume
to the damned.

And still the Earth cries out go God:

I must have more.

may have the souls
must have my morsels
to build a compost rich
for the flowers of tomorrow.

There are no trees here now
nor blade of grass
and no birds sing
in this man-made hell".

And so I died
and Christmas never saw again
till a child
awalk with mother in the park
saw me through a chink in time
and smiled
to bring the daylight to my dark
and let me go now home
to Irish fields
and Celtic shores
to where the deep Atlantic roars
and a salmon sings
it's final journey.

Vaya con Dios y Buen Camino

Merry Christmas and walk soft and stay safe.

The Malingerer.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Thank you. Your poetry gives me courage, because it faces truth head on. How can we do such things to one another?
Hi and thank you.

This was a very odd poem. I didnt know what was bothering me for weeks. Every time I walked through the park I got this smell. A recent documentary put me on the spot until I realised the Somme didnt finish officially till November. We hear so much of that dreadful first day and do not realise how long the battle dragged on for. I got to feeling cold and miserable and the damn smell was choking me and I thought one day this must have been hell to fight through. That night the poem verbalised in my mind. I lost the uncle for whom I am named (John) in October, 1918 just weeks before the Armistice. AT that time it was not approved for NOK'S to visit war graves lest they realised the full horror of what their menfolk had endured. I felt and saw a young soldier in my mind almost asking me to write the words and so I did. The point of the poem is also "the flowers of tomorrow" who would have to do it all over again, 20 years later on. The salmon comes home to die and I think that says it all.

Once again, thank you for your appreciation.
It means a lot.
Vaya con Dios,
The Malingerer.
Hi and thank you.

This was a very odd poem. I didnt know what was bothering me for weeks. Every time I walked through the park I got this smell. A recent documentary put me on the spot until I realised the Somme didnt finish officially till November. We hear so much of that dreadful first day and do not realise how long the battle dragged on for. I got to feeling cold and miserable and the damn smell was choking me and I thought one day this must have been hell to fight through. That night the poem verbalised in my mind. I lost the uncle for whom I am named (John) in October, 1918 just weeks before the Armistice. AT that time it was not approved for NOK'S to visit war graves lest they realised the full horror of what their menfolk had endured. I felt and saw a young soldier in my mind almost asking me to write the words and so I did. The point of the poem is also "the flowers of tomorrow" who would have to do it all over again, 20 years later on. The salmon comes home to die and I think that says it all.

Once again, thank you for your appreciation.
It means a lot.
Vaya con Dios,
The Malingerer.


Winter smiles in the evening rain
and plays the courtier
bowing to the departing sun
like star-crossed lovers of old
meeting at Equinox
then departing to Solstice
as the Earth turns.

So do I
to walk The Way
and find the Light
gathering strength within me
as slow
the plans do form.

Choice of robe
and footwear follows
as each seeks it's place within my 'sack
and gentle make the load
upon my back.

I will not fall to "posting on"
and leave her in the hands of strangers
for many miles
we have walked together
and like an old and much loved couple
we fit.

She sings to me
with creak and groan
to match my own
bellyaching up the mountain
on my way
to Santiago
and Home.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer.


Winter smiles in the evening rain
and plays the courtier
bowing to the departing sun
like star-crossed lovers of old
meeting at Equinox
then departing to Solstice
as the Earth turns.

So do I
to walk The Way
and find the Light
gathering strength within me
as slow
the plans do form

Choice of robe
and footwear follows
as each seeks it's place within my 'sack
and gentle make the load
upon my back.

I will not fall to "posting on"
and leave her in the hands of strangers
for many miles
we have walked together
and like an old and much loved couple
we fit.

She sings to me
with creak and groan
to match my own
bellyaching up the mountain
on my way
to Santiago
and Home.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer.


Sometimes, when you come tottering out of the night, lo and behold there is a little place just opening. You get that first coffee and sit down. Briefly, you have your own magic moment of stillness and one-liness in a sea of pilgrims and so, looking out of my flat window, waiting for the dawn I notice this:

am the last of leaves
I have held the line
against the great winds
and the driving rain
and the numbing cold

When I fall
there will still be joy
for the Earth will cradle me
and take my energy
back to the parent tree
and in the spring
I will dance again
greet the rains
and the fresh breeze
for I
shall be
the first of leaves.

The Malingerer

Hang on in there Peregrinos, it'll soon be the solstice and you can polish the boots and make ready, for you KNOW, you will go again!!

:) :)
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Sometimes, when you come tottering out of the night, lo and behold there is a little place just opening. You get that first coffee and sit down. Briefly, you have your own magic moment of stillness and one-liness in a sea of pilgrims and so, looking out of my flat window, waiting for the dawn I notice this:

am the last of leaves
I have held the line
against the great winds
and the driving rain
and the numbing cold

When I fall
there will still be joy
for the Earth will cradle me
and take my energy
back to the parent tree
and in the spring
I will dance again
greet the rains
and the fresh breeze
for I
shall be
the first of leaves.

The Malingerer

Hang on in there Peregrinos, it'll soon be the solstice and you can polish the boots and make ready, for you KNOW, you will go again!!

:) :)

As storms batter this isle I think of those at sea and so:


I saw the Christ-child washed ashore
from a sinking boat
serene in that final sleep.

They put him in a plazzie bag
beside his family
mouths agape like dying fish
stranded on a foreign shore
whilst the Trumpet brays
"more nukes! more!"
and the Sputum laughs
"we can beat you!"
whilst the men of the little isle
cry out
"More ships of war! More!".

I heard no man of peace
bid the waves be still
as still the rubber boats
put out to sea
as boats did once
at Galilee
to leave their fishes
drownded on a foreign shore
that refugees'

Vaya con dios

The Malingerer.
As storms batter this isle I think of those at sea and so:


I saw the Christ-child washed ashore
from a sinking boat
serene in that final sleep.

They put him in a plazzie bag
beside his family
mouths agape like dying fish
stranded on a foreign shore
whilst the Trumpet brays
"more nukes! more!"
and the Sputum laughs
"we can beat you!"
whilst the men of the little isle
cry out
"More ships of war! More!".

I heard no man of peace
bid the waves be still
as still the rubber boats
put out to sea
as boats did once
at Galilee
to leave their fishes
drownded on a foreign shore
that refugees'

Vaya con dios

The Malingerer.








Hi folks and a Happy New Year!

As this is the first day of such herewith:


Dawn edges in slowly
trembling like a fledgling
lured on by the light
that glimmers twixt raindrop and squalling wind

My robin comes early
looks in my window
checks I am still here
then goes his way

An old man
first of the dog-walkers
makes a slow circuit of the park
without his dog
Perhaps it left him with the old year

There are no buses
so into town I walk
bidding strangers
"A good New Year"
and light my candle in the church
then homeward wend

I drink my wine
count the days to Camino
and start to laugh
for sun, wind and rain
are the robins of my heart
and I cannot walk the road
without them flying on
calling me
chiding me with love
that I am slow and old
but still a Pilgrim
as I watch my shadow whispering
"Vaya con Dios"
turning my day to gold.

Walk soft and stay safe.

Yours aye.
The Malingerer
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hi folks and a Happy New Year!

As this is the first day of such herewith:


Dawn edges in slowly
trembling like a fledgling
lured on by the light
that glimmers twixt raindrop and squalling wind

My robin comes early
looks in my window
checks I am still here
then goes his way

An old man
first of the dog-walkers
makes a slow circuit of the park
without his dog
Perhaps it left him with the old year

There are no buses
so into town I walk
bidding strangers
"A good New Year"
and light my candle in the church
then homeward wend

I drink my wine
count the days to Camino
and start to laugh
for sun, wind and rain
are the robins of my heart
and I cannot walk the road
without them flying on
calling me
chiding me with love
that I am slow and old
but still a Pilgrim
as I watch my shadow whispering
"Vaya con Dios"
turning my day to gold.

Walk soft and stay safe.

Yours aye.
The Malingerer
Musings at midwinter.


A gale of thoughts blew through my mind
this winter morn
matching the storm
with a rain of fears
my troubled world

Power struts the stage
setting my soul to shivers
like the timbers of my heart
afloat on the seas of deep emotion
with ragged sails like prayer flags
fluttering defiance

And then
a robing sings from a high tree
proclaiming that to him
his life is now
and so my footfalls
this one
that one
study a pebble
admire a tiny flower
a lizard
reconnecting with the whole
eternal goal

vaya con dios

the malingerer
Musings at midwinter.


A gale of thoughts blew through my mind
this winter morn
matching the storm
with a rain of fears
my troubled world

Power struts the stage
setting my soul to shivers
like the timbers of my heart
afloat on the seas of deep emotion
with ragged sails like prayer flags
fluttering defiance

And then
a robing sings from a high tree
proclaiming that to him
his life is now
and so my footfalls
this one
that one
study a pebble
admire a tiny flower
a lizard
reconnecting with the whole
eternal goal

vaya con dios

the malingerer


I wrote this just now, thinking of those "broken" on their caminos and the number of times I've been there. Sometimes you just have to give up to find the strength to come back again. So please, have this...

Candles eight I lit last night
to welcome in the dark
who shyly stood without my window

Dreams awoke from daytime slumber
and filed in
to make the circle
as memory sang so softly
of miles I've walked in wind and rain
whilst leaden grew my rucksack
and my heart did slosh about
in sodden boots

Pain, my democratic host,
cared not which bit to most afflict
all took their turn
from favourite blister to aching hip
and swollen knee
all adding to the litany
of misery
and crumbling will

But coffee!
The first of many
and finally a room
and good red wine
Spanish smiles and helping hands
till evening warns me of the coming climbs
and hard descents
that lie ahead
and so to bed

I say the words
of this "The Octagon"
a private evening ritual
lighting joss
and catching whispers
"Take us with you
when next you go
for we too need the Camino"
and I whisper back
"All is booked"

Then pain and beauty hold out their hands
and beckon me
to good red wine
and Spanish smiles
flowers in the spring
causing all that's me within this flat
to sing
"I am not broken"

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer.
What an apt, comforting and soulful post to land upon after my intentional but self-abnegating sabbatical... time to fill the cup again... it's been a draining yet oddly fulfilling time - so many close friends going through sudden unexpected trials and tribulations... we've all been rediscovering and reasserting all that is important in our lives...

So thank you @malingerer for your wise words echoing the profound and complex dance of pain entwined with beauty.

Thank you so much.

A Prayer

Refuse to fall down
If you cannot refuse to fall down,
refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,
ask that it be filled.
You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting your heart
toward heaven
only you.
It is in the middle of misery
that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good
came of this,
is not yet listening.

Clarissa Pinkola Estés
The Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale About That Which Can Never Die
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
What an apt, comforting and soulful post to land upon after my intentional but self-abnegating sabbatical... time to fill the cup again... it's been a draining yet oddly fulfilling time - so many close friends going through sudden unexpected trials and tribulations... we've all been rediscovering and reasserting all that is important in our lives...

So thank you @malingerer for your wise words echoing the profound and complex dance of pain entwined with beauty.

Thank you so much.

A Prayer

Refuse to fall down
If you cannot refuse to fall down,
refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,
ask that it be filled.
You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting your heart
toward heaven
only you.
It is in the middle of misery
that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good
came of this,
is not yet listening.

Clarissa Pinkola Estés
The Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale About That Which Can Never Die


you came in on the wings
of a great storm
battering my coast

May the great winds blow away
all obstacles in your path
and the stars will pierce
the skies
as clouds draw back
and mountains wait
for you
to make your very first of footfalls
on your way.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer

you came in on the wings
of a great storm
battering my coast

May the great winds blow away
all obstacles in your path
and the stars will pierce
the skies
as clouds draw back
and mountains wait
for you
to make your very first of footfalls
on your way.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer


written for those going through it , have been through it and will go thru it again! I call these the "days of limbo" and I don't mean wriggling under poles either! :)


.................is sandpaper on the soul
rubbing the heart to raw
as I count the days
when next I go

They say today is spring
but a driving wind
from out the west
slams me against the wall
as a rain in squall
howls with glee
and blends with sand
to scour me

A not so gentle hint perhaps
to scour lists
and discard all
I do not need

But there is bud
upon the trees
and crows and magpies vie
for the choicest tree

I keep my feeder full
for the smaller birds
am pilgrim
and on the way
I too have need
of feed and prayer
so oft so gladly given
in a stranger's smile
and children shyly piping
"Buen Camino".

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer

written for those going through it , have been through it and will go thru it again! I call these the "days of limbo" and I don't mean wriggling under poles either! :)


.................is sandpaper on the soul
rubbing the heart to raw
as I count the days
when next I go

They say today is spring
but a driving wind
from out the west
slams me against the wall
as a rain in squall
howls with glee
and blends with sand
to scour me

A not so gentle hint perhaps
to scour lists
and discard all
I do not need

But there is bud
upon the trees
and crows and magpies vie
for the choicest tree

I keep my feeder full
for the smaller birds
am pilgrim
and on the way
I too have need
of feed and prayer
so oft so gladly given
in a stranger's smile
and children shyly piping
"Buen Camino".

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer


It struck me as I checked my pack list and debated with myself on the merits of various systems that........

there are no tears in the famine years
for drought
has dried them up

Yet here I rail
gainst wind and rain
thinking of that long slow climb
to O'Cebreiro

There will be someplace open
on the way
at break of day
where I can buy a refill

That infant discarded in the gutter
knows nought of bladder
or hydration
only starvation
and a cruel ending

I pray
donate to Water Aid
but cannot bear to watch the news
lest one small child
upon me looks
and says with eyes so huge with want
I'll never live
to walk a mile
within your shoes.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.

you came in on the wings
of a great storm
battering my coast

May the great winds blow away
all obstacles in your path
and the stars will pierce
the skies
as clouds draw back
and mountains wait
for you
to make your very first of footfalls
on your way.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer
Thank you for this! :-)
Thank you for this! :)


These two were written coming up from Malaga those years ago and still resonate with me. I don't carry a tent anymore but I had a lot of fun when I did!:)


The wind howls down
from the cliffs above

like a grey wolf
it harries my tent

it mocks me

then scatters the herd of clouds
to give me a sunset

and then
after star
after star



In a side street
I found my sign
An octagonal fountain
by the Convent of Mercy

Lady of The Road
grant me that: Mercy
that I might be
as a child again
when my faith was simple
and sustained me

The convent wall
still has shell and bullet holes
from the days of civil war
but now
pigeons rest in the larger spaces
and the Zen fountain
with happiness

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer

These two were written coming up from Malaga those years ago and still resonate with me. I don't carry a tent anymore but I had a lot of fun when I did!:)


The wind howls down
from the cliffs above

like a grey wolf
it harries my tent

it mocks me

then scatters the herd of clouds
to give me a sunset

and then
after star
after star



In a side street
I found my sign
An octagonal fountain
by the Convent of Mercy

Lady of The Road
grant me that: Mercy
that I might be
as a child again
when my faith was simple
and sustained me

The convent wall
still has shell and bullet holes
from the days of civil war
but now
pigeons rest in the larger spaces
and the Zen fountain
with happiness

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer


Written for those mired in anxieties and fears (including my self!)

From whence do I come
and where do I go
I stand and I let
the winds round me blow

"From time to beyond time"
the answer comes slow
so I carry on walking
now that I know
that when pacing is gentle
I go with the flow

I am one of the sparks
from fire and flame
born to keep moving
and whisper The Name

So I soak up the smiles
and drink deep of the wine
when Spain warms my heart
and clear vision is mine
for walking The Way
helps light up my soul
whilst my feet bear the burden
and are proud
of their role.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer.

Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2

Written for those mired in anxieties and fears (including my self!)

From whence do I come
and where do I go
I stand and I let
the winds round me blow

"From time to beyond time"
the answer comes slow
so I carry on walking
now that I know
that when pacing is gentle
I go with the flow

I am one of the sparks
from fire and flame
born to keep moving
and whisper The Name

So I soak up the smiles
and drink deep of the wine
when Spain warms my heart
and clear vision is mine
for walking The Way
helps light up my soul
whilst my feet bear the burden
and are proud
of their role.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer.



Signposts on the seeker's path?

Coins of silver
coins of gold
coins upon the river told
of something coming
perhaps a someone?
I do not know
I listen to the ebb and flow
of tides and signs
on a scallop shell
bringing wisdom
from the well
that sweetens questions
answers no
as soft I lace my boots
and go
down the road
to find my self
goes on before me
the shadow of no-shadow
seeking me.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer

Signposts on the seeker's path?

Coins of silver
coins of gold
coins upon the river told
of something coming
perhaps a someone?
I do not know
I listen to the ebb and flow
of tides and signs
on a scallop shell
bringing wisdom
from the well
that sweetens questions
answers no
as soft I lace my boots
and go
down the road
to find my self
goes on before me
the shadow of no-shadow
seeking me.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer


As I sit in my Weston flat
I watch the wind and rain
of spring
drive in upon the trees
urging them to green
eager for the flowers
and I wonder

What blossoms bloom
in a murderer's heart
what evil dreams
that turned a street
to a place of mourning
and filled the air
with terror
and screams?

I can but pray
and pilgrim be:

"Walk on
Walk on."

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer

As I sit in my Weston flat
I watch the wind and rain
of spring
drive in upon the trees
urging them to green
eager for the flowers
and I wonder

What blossoms bloom
in a murderer's heart
what evil dreams
that turned a street
to a place of mourning
and filled the air
with terror
and screams?

I can but pray
and pilgrim be:

"Walk on
Walk on."

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer


The great religions of the West seemed to have originated in the desert and I wonder...

What if?...

I had been born on the ice
with a hard packed floor of snow
and an ice-block roof ?

What if
no straw or manger
but fur and pelt

What if
no low of oxen
but the wolf's howl
and the snarl of bear

What if
no journey on a donkey
but dog sled
across a frozen sea

Would my message
have been different?

What if
I had not died
on a cross
but abandoned on a floe

Did I come South
to change the world
or was I shut out when I heard
the gates
slam hard and fast
to the Arctic wastes
of Eden?

And I sense the Shadow
slipping North
slowly whispering
""I needs must go
and ope anew
that Camino."

What if...

The Malingerer

Vaya con Dios.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.


The great religions of the West seemed to have originated in the desert and I wonder...

What if?...

I had been born on the ice
with a hard packed floor of snow
and an ice-block roof ?

What if
no straw or manger
but fur and pelt

What if
no low of oxen
but the wolf's howl
and the snarl of bear

What if
no journey on a donkey
but dog sled
across a frozen sea

Would my message
have been different?

What if
I had not died
on a cross
but abandoned on a floe

Did I come South
to change the world
or was I shut out when I heard
the gates
slam hard and fast
to the Arctic wastes
of Eden?

And I sense the Shadow
slipping North
slowly whispering
""I needs must go
and ope anew
that Camino."

What if...

The Malingerer

Vaya con Dios.


Written in the early hours as I count down to "check in on-line" day and wonder yet again after 14 years, am I still up for this? Bad balance- attacks can scare me shitless at times! :) Pardon the expression but its apt! And so.....


And in a dream
inheritance I find
left for future-self
in future-years of mind
when sorrow
and tears
have foundered faith
and weary grow my footsteps
to the West
that place of final ending
and earned rest
beckoning the Seekers
who wear
The Rose Tattoo

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer

Written in the early hours as I count down to "check in on-line" day and wonder yet again after 14 years, am I still up for this? Bad balance- attacks can scare me shitless at times! :) Pardon the expression but its apt! And so.....


And in a dream
inheritance I find
left for future-self
in future-years of mind
when sorrow
and tears
have foundered faith
and weary grow my footsteps
to the West
that place of final ending
and earned rest
beckoning the Seekers
who wear
The Rose Tattoo

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer


As the "season" is well and truly upon us and the air is full of "jitters", fears and anxieties I am sure we all do some form of praying!
this is one of mine!

By Cross and Candle
Rose and Smoke
o'er sacred water
I invoke
Powers good
Powers great
to keep me
to The Light
on darkened Way
ere sun has risen
and softly sings the wind:
"Quo Vadis
and I whisper to myself
"Heaven knows,
Heaven knows."

Walk soft and stay safe.

The Malingerer

As the "season" is well and truly upon us and the air is full of "jitters", fears and anxieties I am sure we all do some form of praying!
this is one of mine!

By Cross and Candle
Rose and Smoke
o'er sacred water
I invoke
Powers good
Powers great
to keep me
to The Light
on darkened Way
ere sun has risen
and softly sings the wind:
"Quo Vadis
and I whisper to myself
"Heaven knows,
Heaven knows."

Walk soft and stay safe.

The Malingerer


I finally got the Fourth Tattoo, which I have been mulling over for a couple of decades! Its a simple linear design and so...

Raido, the rune of travel

lays down

on a Tau Cross

and The Serpent twines

following an ancient path

of endings

and new beginnings

The Via Eterno

of the seeker.

I am off to Madrid on May 9th, and then to Caceres, and then! point myself North and back again to the veedlepee! :)
I am allowing myself 25 days to get to Astorga, due to health reasons etc and will probably have to do a lot of buses/taxis but get there I will! :)

Walk soft, stay safe and as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).

I finally got the Fourth Tattoo, which I have been mulling over for a couple of decades! Its a simple linear design and so...

Raido, the rune of travel

lays down

on a Tau Cross

and The Serpent twines

following an ancient path

of endings

and new beginnings

The Via Eterno

of the seeker.

I am off to Madrid on May 9th, and then to Caceres, and then! point myself North and back again to the veedlepee! :)
I am allowing myself 25 days to get to Astorga, due to health reasons etc and will probably have to do a lot of buses/taxis but get there I will! :)

Walk soft, stay safe and as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.


Well, I got there after a flight to Madrid and a 4 hour train journey the following morning and so...

A walled city

like that of my childhood

except here there were no cannons

on the walls

pointing down the street of my birth


"No Papists here!"

but the rains brought the thunder

and the lightning

with the sickle-wings

flying between

like children playing in a fountain


"You are back!"

and my heart screams

"I never leave!"

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer

I finally got the Fourth Tattoo, which I have been mulling over for a couple of decades! Its a simple linear design and so...

Raido, the rune of travel

lays down

on a Tau Cross

and The Serpent twines

following an ancient path

of endings

and new beginnings

The Via Eterno

of the seeker.

I am off to Madrid on May 9th, and then to Caceres, and then! point myself North and back again to the veedlepee! :)
I am allowing myself 25 days to get to Astorga, due to health reasons etc and will probably have to do a lot of buses/taxis but get there I will! :)

Walk soft, stay safe and as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.

Well, I got there after a flight to Madrid and a 4 hour train journey the following morning and so...

A walled city

like that of my childhood

except here there were no cannons

on the walls

pointing down the street of my birth


"No Papists here!"

but the rains brought the thunder

and the lightning

with the sickle-wings

flying between

like children playing in a fountain


"You are back!"

and my heart screams

"I never leave!"

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer


I made another bus journey from Caceres as health debatable!

However, Camino has messages for me and so..


Another walled city
ringed with rain
and thunder storms
but the sickle-wings lead me
to a great cathedral:
"Santa Clara".

I need no tourist guide or map
I let my heart lead my feet
to stunning interiors
and soaring vaults

There are no candles here
for me to light
but the one within burns brightly
so I softly on my way do go

The malingerer

I made another bus journey from Caceres as health debatable!

However, Camino has messages for me and so..


Another walled city
ringed with rain
and thunder storms
but the sickle-wings lead me
to a great cathedral:
"Santa Clara".

I need no tourist guide or map
I let my heart lead my feet
to stunning interiors
and soaring vaults

There are no candles here
for me to light
but the one within burns brightly
so I softly on my way do go

The malingerer


There are children lying
amidst the dead
the dying
the maimed

They are the tributes to terror
who needs no music
but screams
and drinks only blood
in the name of God

I must return to Camino
there are souls
with whom to journey

for every step
a prayer
for every prayer
a footfall.

Yours in sadness

The Malingerer
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.

There are children lying
amidst the dead
the dying
the maimed

They are the tributes to terror
who needs no music
but screams
and drinks only blood
in the name of God

I must return to Camino
there are souls
with whom to journey

for every step
a prayer
for every prayer
a footfall.

Yours in sadness

The Malingerer


I thought I would attempt this stretch just to see if I could manage. Alas, I made it to Castellanos and then went to hell on a rail! First my vision went, then I started to weave and I knew my balance problem was beginning to rear its ugly head. Then the arthritis in my lower back went doolally and this is were my whole upper body starts to twist anti-clockwise so that it is 90 degrees from my direction of travel! It is both painful and scary. I was down to ten paces, sort myself out and another ten. I was sitting on the ground every few minutes. A lifetime later I was sitting on the pavement in Calzada, absolutely exhausted. Then the voice! "Are u alright? Can I help?" I looked up and a friendly German pilgrim got me to my feet. He took my rucksack and put it round his neck and off he went! We found my hostal (El Pozo) and he accepted a coffee. Turned out that not only was his rucksack exactly the same as mine (Deuter Futura Vario; 50+10) but he was 65 and retired. That was the same age I was when I first got into Camino. Then we discovered we were both retired Social Workers! Coincidences? I think not. :) A senior Frenchman then joined us and between my English, French and Spanish and the other two with German, French, Spanish and English we had a fine International! :) It was decided my walking days were over unless I wanted to be permanently crippled so we all said goodbye and I stayed two days before catching a bus to Zamora and eventually Leon and then Bilbao and then home. I promised God yet again, no more! BUT I have already designed a hip belt trailer just to get the weight off my back and then we will see!!
And so....

laced with hope
Camino final

My walking days are over
but the sickle-wings fly over
calling ;
"We go North
and will wait for you!
And when we fly South.
we will wait for you there too!"

And we smile
for the wheel of Samsara
does not frighten me
It is the endless cycle of life
and I
am on it.

Spain has stitched it's soul
into my spine
and it will hold me together

I can stand
I can sit
I can lie down
There are wheels
And I laugh

I can burn my boots
when they grow too heavy
or donate the Robes of the Road
to charity

Perhaps some budding caminato
will find them
and onward go
with my ghost trailing along silently
willing them on.

Vaya con Dios

Walk soft and stay safe.

The Malingerer.

I thought I would attempt this stretch just to see if I could manage. Alas, I made it to Castellanos and then went to hell on a rail! First my vision went, then I started to weave and I knew my balance problem was beginning to rear its ugly head. Then the arthritis in my lower back went doolally and this is were my whole upper body starts to twist anti-clockwise so that it is 90 degrees from my direction of travel! It is both painful and scary. I was down to ten paces, sort myself out and another ten. I was sitting on the ground every few minutes. A lifetime later I was sitting on the pavement in Calzada, absolutely exhausted. Then the voice! "Are u alright? Can I help?" I looked up and a friendly German pilgrim got me to my feet. He took my rucksack and put it round his neck and off he went! We found my hostal (El Pozo) and he accepted a coffee. Turned out that not only was his rucksack exactly the same as mine (Deuter Futura Vario; 50+10) but he was 65 and retired. That was the same age I was when I first got into Camino. Then we discovered we were both retired Social Workers! Coincidences? I think not. :) A senior Frenchman then joined us and between my English, French and Spanish and the other two with German, French, Spanish and English we had a fine International! :) It was decided my walking days were over unless I wanted to be permanently crippled so we all said goodbye and I stayed two days before catching a bus to Zamora and eventually Leon and then Bilbao and then home. I promised God yet again, no more! BUT I have already designed a hip belt trailer just to get the weight off my back and then we will see!!
And so....

laced with hope
Camino final

My walking days are over
but the sickle-wings fly over
calling ;
"We go North
and will wait for you!
And when we fly South.
we will wait for you there too!"

And we smile
for the wheel of Samsara
does not frighten me
It is the endless cycle of life
and I
am on it.

Spain has stitched it's soul
into my spine
and it will hold me together

I can stand
I can sit
I can lie down
There are wheels
And I laugh

I can burn my boots
when they grow too heavy
or donate the Robes of the Road
to charity

Perhaps some budding caminato
will find them
and onward go
with my ghost trailing along silently
willing them on.

Vaya con Dios

Walk soft and stay safe.

The Malingerer.


I caught the bus to Zamora but could find no connection for Astorga. I took the bus to Leon and then to Bilbao and home. looks like the veedlepee is over for another while until I come up with a solution. So, herewith the last poem for some time. It is fitting in so many ways, as given the atrocities of yesterday in Manchester, I have no heart for it anyway. That little girl's face will haunt me for some time. To any Mancunians out there, you have my prayers. Sympathy seems such a light word.

Zamora and an ending
I found that old church I remember
as it remembers me
I placed my coins in the slot
and watched the electric candles flicker
and said my few words
"Forgive me my human frailties Lady
and thank you for getting me
this far".
I leave my heart here for it is too heavy
to carry.

Vaya con Dios

Walk soft and stay safe

The Malingerer

I caught the bus to Zamora but could find no connection for Astorga. I took the bus to Leon and then to Bilbao and home. looks like the veedlepee is over for another while until I come up with a solution. So, herewith the last poem for some time. It is fitting in so many ways, as given the atrocities of yesterday in Manchester, I have no heart for it anyway. That little girl's face will haunt me for some time. To any Mancunians out there, you have my prayers. Sympathy seems such a light word.

Zamora and an ending
I found that old church I remember
as it remembers me
I placed my coins in the slot
and watched the electric candles flicker
and said my few words
"Forgive me my human frailties Lady
and thank you for getting me
this far".
I leave my heart here for it is too heavy
to carry.

Vaya con Dios

Walk soft and stay safe

The Malingerer


The days of June go swiftly by
without the flame of summers yesteryear
The dancers of the sky on sickle wing
carve the evening grey to feast
on plea and prayer
that rises from The Way below

They slip between the clouds with ease
for them no hip or tired knees
to multiply their burden

But to my North
they bring the Southern sun
and tinge my dusk with mountain memory
where fall I did and oft
but onward went
to bed at end of day
with good red wine
and was content

I rose again with stars of early morn
to Westward go
whilst the light of East came up behind
to clothe me like a cloak
and undergo
another day with pack and boot
that holds me to my Earth as platform
where self to higher Self
begins the climb
like a vapour trail across the blue
and I renew.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer
Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2
@malingerer Thank you.
I love walking softly and slowly. It's the best way to see lots of wildlife.
Take care and buen camino.
@malingerer Thank you.
I love walking softly and slowly. It's the best way to see lots of wildlife.
Take care and buen camino.



the tower stands


Monument to greed

supplanting need


the trees in leaf surround

proclaiming life

defy the darkness

Years of souls

untimely ripped from time


What can I do?

I am pilgrim

I walk

I pray

For me it is still

each step a prayer

each prayer

a footfall.

Walk soft and stay safe.

As ever,

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.


the tower stands


Monument to greed

supplanting need


the trees in leaf surround

proclaiming life

defy the darkness

Years of souls

untimely ripped from time


What can I do?

I am pilgrim

I walk

I pray

For me it is still

each step a prayer

each prayer

a footfall.

Walk soft and stay safe.

As ever,

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.

Thanks Heda! :)

Are u out there somewhere on the Veedlepee? I love it to bits even when its trying to smite me! Its a perpetual love / hate relationship almost and I get grumpy when I'm off it! :)
As ever, walk soft and stay safe.

The Malingerer.
Train for your next Camino on California's Santa Catalina Island March 30 to April 2
Thanks Heda! :)

Are u out there somewhere on the Veedlepee? I love it to bits even when its trying to smite me! Its a perpetual love / hate relationship almost and I get grumpy when I'm off it! :)
As ever, walk soft and stay safe.

The Malingerer.


Where is the centre
of the turning wheel

I walk
to find the stillness
at the heart of motion

I go out
that I might come home

I seek the source
of the spiral

where the question
is the answer

and all roads

Walk soft. Stay safe
and as ever

con Dios

The Malingerer

Where is the centre
of the turning wheel

I walk
to find the stillness
at the heart of motion

I go out
that I might come home

I seek the source
of the spiral

where the question
is the answer

and all roads

Walk soft. Stay safe
and as ever

con Dios

The Malingerer


Somewhere between the last universe
and this
I lost my timetable

The timelines
are often closed for repair
and stars shut down

I think I am stranded
and must walk The Ways
to find my junction

Perhaps I will wither
and go no further
for the deeps of space
are as my oases

So few

So far between

and the thieves of Memory
often lie in wait
to sow confusion

But my Guardian Angel
on the stellar wind
that I must patience learn

which is why
I go

Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever

con Dios.

The Malingerer

Somewhere between the last universe
and this
I lost my timetable

The timelines
are often closed for repair
and stars shut down

I think I am stranded
and must walk The Ways
to find my junction

Perhaps I will wither
and go no further
for the deeps of space
are as my oases

So few

So far between

and the thieves of Memory
often lie in wait
to sow confusion

But my Guardian Angel
on the stellar wind
that I must patience learn

which is why
I go

Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever

con Dios.

The Malingerer


Emotions are a sea

you can drown

but learn to swim


and there is another world

of different life and

great deeps.

Currents can take you away

and on the surface


will lend you energy.

You are not master here

and partnership

can be costly

for life is a hunter.

Do not show fear

but respect

and each encounter

will be new

and you will learn

and grow

each time you go


that every step

you take

leads on

with no way back.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

and as ever


Con Dios.

The Malingerer.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.


Emotions are a sea

you can drown

but learn to swim


and there is another world

of different life and

great deeps.

Currents can take you away

and on the surface


will lend you energy.

You are not master here

and partnership

can be costly

for life is a hunter.

Do not show fear

but respect

and each encounter

will be new

and you will learn

and grow

each time you go


that every step

you take

leads on

with no way back.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

and as ever


Con Dios.

The Malingerer.


I wake

my mind still full

of undreamt dreams

unfolded thoughts

still cloying my brains

like old treacle

I need the sun

to burn the residue

of a yester-self

warm my blood

and bend me to the road

My pack lies grumpy

in a corner

it never sleeps

and cares not what

I put inside

or else leave out

It holds forever

all my soul can care for

and stars still wait

in the pre-dawn dark

to welcome me

to the search again

that one true place

where peace enfolds me

holds me

makes me whole

makes a way

on which my soul can walk

another day.

Walk soft, Stay safe

and as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer

I wake

my mind still full

of undreamt dreams

unfolded thoughts

still cloying my brains

like old treacle

I need the sun

to burn the residue

of a yester-self

warm my blood

and bend me to the road

My pack lies grumpy

in a corner

it never sleeps

and cares not what

I put inside

or else leave out

It holds forever

all my soul can care for

and stars still wait

in the pre-dawn dark

to welcome me

to the search again

that one true place

where peace enfolds me

holds me

makes me whole

makes a way

on which my soul can walk

another day.

Walk soft, Stay safe

and as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer


I saw footprints in the water

and watched a horse fly by

The summer birds have left me

and I walk an empty sky

"Come South!

Come South!"

The wind it roars

as roses turn to hail

and the road it waits so patiently

for my boots upon the trail

"I have no wealth

and bad my health"

I whisper to the night

but my soul it jeers

at these made up fears

and calmly strikes a light

that points the way

by night and day

to teach me how to fight

And I will go


if even for a mile

for what I know is waiting

on that dusty sacred aisle


Be brave!"

my Mithras bull upon the wall

it cries;

"you have the robes

the road is yours

and you may lean upon your stave

And soft within my heart

I wait

for my journey

to commence

when doors and walls

will move aside

as The Way it opes

the gate.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

and as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

I saw footprints in the water

and watched a horse fly by

The summer birds have left me

and I walk an empty sky

"Come South!

Come South!"

The wind it roars

as roses turn to hail

and the road it waits so patiently

for my boots upon the trail

"I have no wealth

and bad my health"

I whisper to the night

but my soul it jeers

at these made up fears

and calmly strikes a light

that points the way

by night and day

to teach me how to fight

And I will go


if even for a mile

for what I know is waiting

on that dusty sacred aisle


Be brave!"

my Mithras bull upon the wall

it cries;

"you have the robes

the road is yours

and you may lean upon your stave

And soft within my heart

I wait

for my journey

to commence

when doors and walls

will move aside

as The Way it opes

the gate.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

and as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.



the leaves

my eyes unwilling

gaze at this a sign

of closure

as summer days retreat

like a maiden shy

of unwanted autumn's touch

too soon

too soon.

Walk soft. Stay safe

And as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).

I was a Ferryman

I took the gold from souls

who sought to cross the great river

and after a trillion of times

I had great store

and wasted from ennui.

I tied up my boat one dawn

and took the sack from a locker

in the hold

It was heavy with guilt and sin and coin.

The first of the queue stepped forward

and I knew

she had no coin

but she was long of leg and hair

and I knew

she was a Wanderer

for she handed me her rucksack

and I gave her

my boat.

I lurched along the path of the dead

for my legs were unused to such activity

and scattered wealth and sin at random

as my walk began to steady.

There were short poles strapped to the mochila

and these I used to speed me on

for I ran towards my past

and far from the future

I wanted the source:


I followed the footprints I had left

as markers from my yesteryears

to where the shadow-horse

and my Guardian Angel


We were old now and ethereal

and glided silently

through empires


and great battles

where men died

often in the name of the same God.

Volcanoes erupted

floods engulfed

seas roared

the earth shook

and life-forms came and went.

There were no answers

only questions

and this I knew

I am mine own answer

to the question that is me.

So we turned around

to follow yet again

that lonely road


"Quo vadis, Domine? "

Walk soft. Stay safe

and as ever,

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer.

I was a Ferryman

I took the gold from souls

who sought to cross the great river

and after a trillion of times

I had great store

and wasted from ennui.

I tied up my boat one dawn

and took the sack from a locker

in the hold

It was heavy with guilt and sin and coin.

The first of the queue stepped forward

and I knew

she had no coin

but she was long of leg and hair

and I knew

she was a Wanderer

for she handed me her rucksack

and I gave her

my boat.

I lurched along the path of the dead

for my legs were unused to such activity

and scattered wealth and sin at random

as my walk began to steady.

There were short poles strapped to the mochila

and these I used to speed me on

for I ran towards my past

and far from the future

I wanted the source:


I followed the footprints I had left

as markers from my yesteryears

to where the shadow-horse

and my Guardian Angel


We were old now and ethereal

and glided silently

through empires


and great battles

where men died

often in the name of the same God.

Volcanoes erupted

floods engulfed

seas roared

the earth shook

and life-forms came and went.

There were no answers

only questions

and this I knew

I am mine own answer

to the question that is me.

So we turned around

to follow yet again

that lonely road


"Quo vadis, Domine? "

Walk soft. Stay safe

and as ever,

Vaya con Dios

The Malingerer.



made by Kings


by mountains

great rivers


Some by creed


ability or disability

The conscious mind

the unconscious

The heart becomes an arena

as I turn to my Self

lest I be drowned in conflict

birthed of dream


and nightmare rage:

the legions of futility.

Walk soft. Stay safe and

as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The malingerer.


made by Kings


by mountains

great rivers


Some by creed


ability or disability

The conscious mind

the unconscious

The heart becomes an arena

as I turn to my Self

lest I be drowned in conflict

birthed of dream


and nightmare rage:

the legions of futility.

Walk soft. Stay safe and

as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The malingerer.


I sit in the times of change


It's the first dawn of GMT

as the clocks went back some hours ago

and summer has officially left

Time to rest


check the gear

study books


Camino will come again

my lodestone for the spring

Winter flexes his bony fingers

and seeks to grip me

in a cold embrace

and I weep

lest my beloved Spain

fall into dark

and the ghosts of ancient footprints

walk in blood


Walk soft. Stay safe and

as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The malingerer.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Dear Malingerer
I’ve dipped in and out of this thread over the years and I’ve finally sat down and read the lot from start to finish. Loved every word.
The birds in my backyard are a constant source of pleasure. It’s spring here and I have a pair of koels living in a large tree beside my place. My father always called them rain birds because their call is supposed to forecast rain. They are cuckoos and the female will have already laid her egg in the nest of a wattle bird. But unlike most cuckoos they do not kick out the eggs already in the nest. They are visitors from New Guinea and will fly north to their home at the end of the summer.
Like the rain birds and you, I am always planning another camino but never quite sure it will happen.
Take care, my pilgrim friend and, as always, walk with god.
Dear Malingerer
I’ve dipped in and out of this thread over the years and I’ve finally sat down and read the lot from start to finish. Loved every word.
The birds in my backyard are a constant source of pleasure. It’s spring here and I have a pair of koels living in a large tree beside my place. My father always called them rain birds because their call is supposed to forecast rain. They are cuckoos and the female will have already laid her egg in the nest of a wattle bird. But unlike most cuckoos they do not kick out the eggs already in the nest. They are visitors from New Guinea and will fly north to their home at the end of the summer.
Like the rain birds and you, I am always planning another camino but never quite sure it will happen.
Take care, my pilgrim friend and, as always, walk with god.

Hi and many thanks for kind words. Read the whole lot? that is amazing. I was so stunned I became a donating member again. :) Ivar WILL be pleased! Next plan is Finisterre for a 4 day city type break as its my 80th birthday and a close friend of mine wants us to go and sit on the rocks and pretend we are young and still in love! :) in many ways we still are altho not together. Be that as it may I still hope to get another little stretch of the veedlepee done when I have battled the twin demons of health and wealth! Too many medical appointments this side of the New Year to do anything and it wouldn't surprise me if I came into pennies in the depth of winter and had to toddle off!

Yours in hilarity,

The Malingerer.

Vaya con Dios.
Hi and many thanks for kind words. Read the whole lot? that is amazing. I was so stunned I became a donating member again. :) Ivar WILL be pleased! Next plan is Finisterre for a 4 day city type break as its my 80th birthday and a close friend of mine wants us to go and sit on the rocks and pretend we are young and still in love! :) in many ways we still are altho not together. Be that as it may I still hope to get another little stretch of the veedlepee done when I have battled the twin demons of health and wealth! Too many medical appointments this side of the New Year to do anything and it wouldn't surprise me if I came into pennies in the depth of winter and had to toddle off!

Yours in hilarity,

The Malingerer.

Vaya con Dios.
Sounds like a plan, Malingerer. I always like to have a plan. In my opinion, if you have a plan you have a purpose or at least a reason to get up in the morning. :p And a friend to do it with! What more can you ask? Buen camino and may you both walk with God.
PS My tattoo is of a butterfly but it is 30 years old. When I’m 80 I’ll get another one. ;)
Last edited:
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Sounds like a plan, Malingerer. I always like to have a plan. In my opinion, if you have a plan you have a purpose or at least a reason to get up in the morning. :p And a friend to do it with! What more can you ask? Buen camino and may you both walk with God.
PS My tattoo is of a butterfly but it is 30 years old. When I’m 80 I’ll get another one. ;)



the Butterfly is my Spirit Animal! I have a beautiful ceramic one in the Northwest corner of my bedroom and another on the Northern wall of my living room.

I think perhaps I treat the Camino as some kind of spiritual flower that I can sip from time to time! No wonder I get thirsty and then scheme and plot to get back there! :)

As to plans, I think the best thing about the plans I make is to heave them out of the window once I get going!

Yours aye,

The Malingerer.

And as ever,

Vaya con Dios.


the Butterfly is my Spirit Animal! I have a beautiful ceramic one in the Northwest corner of my bedroom and another on the Northern wall of my living room.

I think perhaps I treat the Camino as some kind of spiritual flower that I can sip from time to time! No wonder I get thirsty and then scheme and plot to get back there! :)

As to plans, I think the best thing about the plans I make is to heave them out of the window once I get going!

Yours aye,

The Malingerer.

And as ever,

Vaya con Dios.
In my country it would be your totem. Lovely totem. My butterfly was to celebrate the birth of the first of many nieces. Her name is Vanessa and vanessa is a genus of butterflies known throughout the world. My secret tattoo is old and has faded but I actually like it all the more. For me it symbolised rebellion at a time when I couldn’t do it publicly. I remember thinking before I got it done that when I got put into a nursing home I would be embarassed if I had a tattoo. The funny thing is tattoos are now fashionable and lots of folk have them. Heck some folk have whole arms and legs or even whole bodies tattooed. Besides I’m way past being embarassed about any past choices. :p:p:p
May you walk with God.
In my country it would be your totem. Lovely totem. My butterfly was to celebrate the birth of the first of many nieces. Her name is Vanessa and vanessa is a genus of butterflies known throughout the world. My secret tattoo is old and has faded but I actually like it all the more. For me it symbolised rebellion at a time when I couldn’t do it publicly. I remember thinking before I got it done that when I got put into a nursing home I would be embarassed if I had a tattoo. The funny thing is tattoos are now fashionable and lots of folk have them. Heck some folk have whole arms and legs or even whole bodies tattooed. Besides I’m way past being embarassed about any past choices. :p:p:p
May you walk with God.


The sky is Turner painted in reds and pinks

to match the dying sun

as muted greens and golds faint blush the falling leaves

as fell the millions

to conflict


'38 I was born

20 years after the "Great War"

and in the middle of Spain's anguish


and sorrow

'39 saw World War Two

commence officially

midst declarations

and torn up pieces of paper.

I ran screaming from the cinema

when newsreels showed bombers

coming up the runway

I had heard them for real

and did not know the difference

I was a boy.

The Earth turned

and brought us


the "NAM"

and other "actions".

I joined the forces

at 16

at 35

at 50

numbers on the milestones of my life

and as the rockets flare

and bonfires burn

in memory of the millions

I know that still

explosions real are common

and women weep

gazing on the fires

once were homes.

And I wonder

will Death so grim prevail

and yet

I know that Life takes up the challenge

when I hear defiance

in a newborn's wail.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Thank you, Malinger. I’ll be thinking of this poem as I go about my day.


I dream of black water

a lake lapping at my feet

so dark


that the colour is in the sound


I sense a shadowy figure

on my right


casting his line into beyond

and I call out to a friend somewhere far

"What fish are these?"

But I knew:

they were small souls returning

once destined for children bright

now untimely lost

and so

suspend their journeys

I awake

to dark

make my coffee

read the news

and my heart constricts

There is talk of famine possible

in Yemen

but the Christmas ad-spend is to be

a record high

and choc-bars are now

3 for 2

in my supermarket

I start to sink

but then

dawn a rainbow brings

for Earth must turn

and so must we


The Light.

Walk so
A selection of Camino Jewellery

The last of leaves

defiant cling

to trees bending

in the rising wind

as fierce and fleet

the razor sleet

raids my face like clouds

of malevolent winter midges

Storm cast sand

scours my eyes

but on I pace

head down

clutching my poles

Soul soars

heart sings

urging this failing body on

for only in the Wildness

am I whole

and no matter slow my steps

or short the journey

soft the Compostela

that I write

here within

still walking the wheel

of Camino.

Walk soft. Stay safe .

And as ever,

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.

The last of leaves

defiant cling

to trees bending

in the rising wind

as fierce and fleet

the razor sleet

raids my face like clouds

of malevolent winter midges

Storm cast sand

scours my eyes

but on I pace

head down

clutching my poles

Soul soars

heart sings

urging this failing body on

for only in the Wildness

am I whole

and no matter slow my steps

or short the journey

soft the Compostela

that I write

here within

still walking the wheel

of Camino.

Walk soft. Stay safe .

And as ever,

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.


I walk up a hill

high and hot


Sky blue

Sea wild and green

I struggle against a wind

I am slow

I look to my right

and a butterfly is pacing me

likewise struggling

I hold out my hand

finger extended

and she alights

Up we go


in the lee of a building

the wind drops

and off she flies

Years later

I think of this and find

she is my spirit animal


so for her

I must wear

the Fifth Tattoo.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

PS Have a good Christmas and a very happy New Year. ! :)
Thank you for your beautiful poems. Merry Christmas.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Thank you for your beautiful poems. Merry Christmas.


A TV documentary tells me of a great London Hotel

where royalty and celebs can pay up to

seven thousand pounds a night

and I wonder

what price fresh straw in the manger

as homeless numbers rise

I stand in the queue of a "cheapie" store

and gaze around

A young mother just in front of me

looks tired

but the child she holds

has eyes wide open

full of wonder

at all the glistening tat and tinsel

then turns to mother with a smile

and gives the gift of wonder back

who looks transfixed

as suddenly nothing else can matter

for without love


is bauble.

Walk soft . Stay safe.

And as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

A TV documentary tells me of a great London Hotel

where royalty and celebs can pay up to

seven thousand pounds a night

and I wonder

what price fresh straw in the manger

as homeless numbers rise

I stand in the queue of a "cheapie" store

and gaze around

A young mother just in front of me

looks tired

but the child she holds

has eyes wide open

full of wonder

at all the glistening tat and tinsel

then turns to mother with a smile

and gives the gift of wonder back

who looks transfixed

as suddenly nothing else can matter

for without love


is bauble.

Walk soft . Stay safe.

And as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


Who was that me I wondered

who stands by the window in the gathering dark

with candles lit

and joss a-burn

The TV is silent

and no frantic tinsellated choir

blasts out stale mouthings

from fixed faces

Only in silence

will the Star come forth

only in silence

will I hear it speak

for the ears of the heart

are soft

and finely tuned

not given

or receptive

to brash or vulgar footfall

the mind's distraction

or the body's need

But the signals from the butterfly in flight

create the flightpath for that star

and that silent me

who waits

to go

to go


into the West by North

and that final sea

that holds a me

from the deeps of time

and a Bethlehem

of Stars.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever,


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

Who was that me I wondered

who stands by the window in the gathering dark

with candles lit

and joss a-burn

The TV is silent

and no frantic tinsellated choir

blasts out stale mouthings

from fixed faces

Only in silence

will the Star come forth

only in silence

will I hear it speak

for the ears of the heart

are soft

and finely tuned

not given

or receptive

to brash or vulgar footfall

the mind's distraction

or the body's need

But the signals from the butterfly in flight

create the flightpath for that star

and that silent me

who waits

to go

to go


into the West by North

and that final sea

that holds a me

from the deeps of time

and a Bethlehem

of Stars.

Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever,


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


They have named the storm

and in she sweeps

to the court of winter

hail and sleet

her courtiers

fawning at her heels

as high her laughter

sweeping me off my feet

as I do homage

with mine own glee

The sea comes lashing in

wild and free

like spirits on the Meseta

calling me

" We have swept The Way clean.

Why do you wait:

you are younger than the stones

over which you walk,

each one a soul that needs your prayer.


Take pack and poles.



Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever,

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).

They have named the storm

and in she sweeps

to the court of winter

hail and sleet

her courtiers

fawning at her heels

as high her laughter

sweeping me off my feet

as I do homage

with mine own glee

The sea comes lashing in

wild and free

like spirits on the Meseta

calling me

" We have swept The Way clean.

Why do you wait:

you are younger than the stones

over which you walk,

each one a soul that needs your prayer.


Take pack and poles.



Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever,

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.


Like a phantom

in the black between the stars

a word slips silently

sometimes lit

by a shooting star playing

like a will-o-the- wisp

between my unconscious

and the waking day

There are words

that can not be captured

by the mind

and so

the soul must go a-walking

for places on The Way

where time stands still

and my Guardian Angel

turns the pages with a smile

to let me be a whole


for just a little while

till steal the words away



Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever


Con Dios.

Like a phantom

in the black between the stars

a word slips silently

sometimes lit

by a shooting star playing

like a will-o-the- wisp

between my unconscious

and the waking day

There are words

that can not be captured

by the mind

and so

the soul must go a-walking

for places on The Way

where time stands still

and my Guardian Angel

turns the pages with a smile

to let me be a whole


for just a little while

till steal the words away



Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever


Con Dios.


For I am a poet

of the Amber sea

Lapis Lazuli

and Ambergris

I wear in my headband

I tend the whale

him I feed

with bone and stone harpoon

to take his treasure

to the rising sun

so far

so far

over snow and mountain

It takes one life-time

to make one journey

travelling lone

by boat that turns to sled

pulled by the great grey dogs

of the North

exchanged for pelt

The Lapis

makes its own slow journey

borne by a Dreamer

a Storyteller

who will make it mine

a gift

that I might craft

a poem to The Blue

and sing to The Bear

before I die

of a time long gone

on the Amber Sea

when seer I was

to the frozen day

and guided the Sun

to the Polar Way.

For I am a poet

of the Amber sea

Lapis Lazuli

and Ambergris

I wear in my headband

I tend the whale

him I feed

with bone and stone harpoon

to take his treasure

to the rising sun

so far

so far

over snow and mountain

It takes one life-time

to make one journey

travelling lone

by boat that turns to sled

pulled by the great grey dogs

of the North

exchanged for pelt

The Lapis

makes its own slow journey

borne by a Dreamer

a Storyteller

who will make it mine

a gift

that I might craft

a poem to The Blue

and sing to The Bear

before I die

of a time long gone

on the Amber Sea

when seer I was

to the frozen day

and guided the Sun

to the Polar Way.

Walk soft.

Stay safe.


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Walk soft.

Stay safe.


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer


The last of January days

still winter gript

as fog and frost

join at the hip

to mock me when I stumble

And S.A.D

is sad

that reaches out with claws

to rake me

as I fumble in my mind

and grumble

at my lot

But in the earth

close to my home

a crocus

snow-drop girdled

blazes colour

at the steel blue

ice blue sky

and re-ignites

my internal sun

to re-awaken slumbering dreams

and follow North-bound stars


on The Way.

Walk soft. Stay safe


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

The last of January days

still winter gript

as fog and frost

join at the hip

to mock me when I stumble

And S.A.D

is sad

that reaches out with claws

to rake me

as I fumble in my mind

and grumble

at my lot

But in the earth

close to my home

a crocus

snow-drop girdled

blazes colour

at the steel blue

ice blue sky

and re-ignites

my internal sun

to re-awaken slumbering dreams

and follow North-bound stars


on The Way.

Walk soft. Stay safe


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


We are the Fireflies

specks of energy

the dust of golden thought

a trillionith of time

in a time to come

And yet

how murderous

we can become

and send a soul to haven

until in a time

it will become again

a speck

until a time evolves

and it will coalesce

into a you

or I

and go again


Walk soft

stay safe


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

We are the Fireflies

specks of energy

the dust of golden thought

a trillionith of time

in a time to come

And yet

how murderous

we can become

and send a soul to haven

until in a time

it will become again

a speck

until a time evolves

and it will coalesce

into a you

or I

and go again


Walk soft

stay safe


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.



It is said in Ethiopia


are the flames of God

So who is man

to put them out?

And yet


another shooting

and 17 are dead

So light I candles


and whisper words

and yet

I know

that down The Way

of Camino

will come that whisper in the wind

" Do not forget us

Do not forget us

and keep on walking

each step a prayer

each step a prayer"

and my heart will surely break

on storm black nights

for only in the stars

do I

see faces.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever

Vaya con Dios.

To those parents in heartbreak I can only reach my heart across the ocean

and share your pain.

The Malingerer.
Fail to prepare? reduce your risk by buying this book full of practical info.
2nd ed.


It is said in Ethiopia


are the flames of God

So who is man

to put them out?

And yet


another shooting

and 17 are dead

So light I candles


and whisper words

and yet

I know

that down The Way

of Camino

will come that whisper in the wind

" Do not forget us

Do not forget us

and keep on walking

each step a prayer

each step a prayer"

and my heart will surely break

on storm black nights

for only in the stars

do I

see faces.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever

Vaya con Dios.

To those parents in heartbreak I can only reach my heart across the ocean

and share your pain.

The Malingerer.


Cold enough for Merrie England!

A Breughel painting

the park this morn

colour subdued to black and white

so that a collie and his walker blend

against the snow


like winter's wedding confetti

to make me check

the ice-grips on my boots

and take the rubber feet

from off my poles

as I check my chili seedlings

on the window sill

and drink my coffee

rich and dark

with sunshine in the grounds

and promises

of spring.

Walk soft. Stay safe (and upright! :) )

And as ever




The Malingerer..

Cold enough for Merrie England!

A Breughel painting

the park this morn

colour subdued to black and white

so that a collie and his walker blend

against the snow


like winter's wedding confetti

to make me check

the ice-grips on my boots

and take the rubber feet

from off my poles

as I check my chili seedlings

on the window sill

and drink my coffee

rich and dark

with sunshine in the grounds

and promises

of spring.

Walk soft. Stay safe (and upright! :) )

And as ever




The Malingerer..


How still this world of winter white

as the Ice-maiden dances

on blades of frozen soul

No music

but the wind



tracking lines across my eyes

so that I blur

and stumble

But I can onward move

unlike the bodies


of sleepers dead

For them

the winter payment

comes with cold embrace

stacked in mortuaries

with perhaps the breath of mumbled prayer

too late

to warm them.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

How still this world of winter white

as the Ice-maiden dances

on blades of frozen soul

No music

but the wind



tracking lines across my eyes

so that I blur

and stumble

But I can onward move

unlike the bodies


of sleepers dead

For them

the winter payment

comes with cold embrace

stacked in mortuaries

with perhaps the breath of mumbled prayer

too late

to warm them.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


Nine candles lit

and I

to centre stand

and wait

The thoughts in legions

do the same

out there on the periphery

Mellow the glow

and frgrant

with smoky joss

that draws its lines

across the mirrors

reflecting all

And yet

a something

outside my senses

also waits


Perhaps my Guide

my Guardian Angel

also waits

for me to leave

this circled safety

and follow trust

that flickering will-o- the- wisp

who dances with me

in the pre-dawn dark

when I

am on the Way.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever

Vaya con Dios

The malingerer.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.

Nine candles lit

and I

to centre stand

and wait

The thoughts in legions

do the same

out there on the periphery

Mellow the glow

and frgrant

with smoky joss

that draws its lines

across the mirrors

reflecting all

And yet

a something

outside my senses

also waits


Perhaps my Guide

my Guardian Angel

also waits

for me to leave

this circled safety

and follow trust

that flickering will-o- the- wisp

who dances with me

in the pre-dawn dark

when I

am on the Way.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever

Vaya con Dios

The malingerer.


A loaded rifle

is not

an inanimate object

It is the coiled death

the Serpent

waiting to strike

I have carried one


I carry poles

on pilgrimage


there be thieves

and muggers

on the trail


I would smite

for I am too old

to surrender my pride

or my pennies

Turn the other cheek?


my ass!

I am Celt



and the good Lord

will no doubt

turn me away

that I might walk again

upon The Way

be a pilgrim

and re-submit my applicaation

for a place

in The Garden



lighting candles

I whisper

like an exhausted child


can I come home now? "

Walk soft

stay safe


as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer

A loaded rifle

is not

an inanimate object

It is the coiled death

the Serpent

waiting to strike

I have carried one


I carry poles

on pilgrimage


there be thieves

and muggers

on the trail


I would smite

for I am too old

to surrender my pride

or my pennies

Turn the other cheek?


my ass!

I am Celt



and the good Lord

will no doubt

turn me away

that I might walk again

upon The Way

be a pilgrim

and re-submit my applicaation

for a place

in The Garden



lighting candles

I whisper

like an exhausted child


can I come home now? "

Walk soft

stay safe


as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer

Your poem made me cry. Go with God.
Mary Louise
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Malingerer, your gift is wondrous. Vaya con Dios.


Walk soft. Stay safe

and as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

Walk soft. Stay safe

and as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


I see a face

amongst the trees,

is it Old Green Man:

High Gardner of the World?

He wears the rain

like an overcoat

and mingles

with the breeze

calling me

to take the road

with heartsease and hurt

my boon companions.

If these April showers

do not cease

only swamps

will bloom in May

as ducks and midges shout "Hooray"

at such a prospect.

So onward go

my fellow pilgrims .

Good red wine

and strong black coffee

will insulate your dreams

as little bits of blue

on that far horizon

summon you and me

to worlds


what seems.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever,


Con Dios.

The Malingerer.

I see a face

amongst the trees,

is it Old Green Man:

High Gardner of the World?

He wears the rain

like an overcoat

and mingles

with the breeze

calling me

to take the road

with heartsease and hurt

my boon companions.

If these April showers

do not cease

only swamps

will bloom in May

as ducks and midges shout "Hooray"

at such a prospect.

So onward go

my fellow pilgrims .

Good red wine

and strong black coffee

will insulate your dreams

as little bits of blue

on that far horizon

summon you and me

to worlds


what seems.

Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever,


Con Dios.

The Malingerer.


He is one of The Northern Green

who chooses his palette

from all the shades of

The Great Colour

and his brush

from the strand

of an Angel's wing



he sets to work

having chosen a green

from the West

edged by Atlantis spray

and muted by

The northern wind.

Delicate it was

and brought a gleam

to the squirrel's eye

as he ate of the spring bounty:

each leaf hand painted

by the Master


one of the unsung

who bring a joy

to my heart

when the rains subside.

And just as soft

as leaf and life

I hope my footsteps fall

when next I go


Walk soft.

Stay safe.


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.


He is one of The Northern Green

who chooses his palette

from all the shades of

The Great Colour

and his brush

from the strand

of an Angel's wing



he sets to work

having chosen a green

from the West

edged by Atlantis spray

and muted by

The northern wind.

Delicate it was

and brought a gleam

to the squirrel's eye

as he ate of the spring bounty:

each leaf hand painted

by the Master


one of the unsung

who bring a joy

to my heart

when the rains subside.

And just as soft

as leaf and life

I hope my footsteps fall

when next I go


Walk soft.

Stay safe.


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


Gull hanging on a Western wind

that rushes to meet me

greet me

chanting The Wild

on the pass that claims


Scouring the debris

of walkers

polluting the Way

as pilgrims silently pass by

garbed in the cloak and stave

of today.

It has walked

all this way

o'er Atlantis deep

into the East

to where I wait

for summons:

that high wild shaking shout

before the charge.

It smiles at my pace

but does not mock

for old I may be

but still I listen

to that song in the wind:

calling me

calling me.

Walk soft

Stay safe


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

Gull hanging on a Western wind

that rushes to meet me

greet me

chanting The Wild

on the pass that claims


Scouring the debris

of walkers

polluting the Way

as pilgrims silently pass by

garbed in the cloak and stave

of today.

It has walked

all this way

o'er Atlantis deep

into the East

to where I wait

for summons:

that high wild shaking shout

before the charge.

It smiles at my pace

but does not mock

for old I may be

but still I listen

to that song in the wind:

calling me

calling me.

Walk soft

Stay safe


as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.



I bottled the Red Mead

darker than the copper sands of the Western Desert

under a molten sun

I sang the words

as the light slanted across a glass and wire butterfly

of endless blue

and thought of Egypt:

the Black Land

and the honey bees of Mother Nile.

I thought too of Egyptian gold

mined by slaves in thousands

who toiled and died

to satisfy their masters' greed

to be elite.

And I thought too

of the thousands pounding The Way to dust:

the race-a-beds

head down


except to the chains of schedule


and must-sees.

I am glad that age and health

slow me

so that my body totters

and my head spins

but still my soul

is as a Hawk of Horus

and I am one with those of the fallen

on the Way.

To them

I raise my glass

of the Red Mead

and whisper

"You are not forgotten".

Walk soft. Stay safe.

and as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.


I bottled the Red Mead

darker than the copper sands of the Western Desert

under a molten sun

I sang the words

as the light slanted across a glass and wire butterfly

of endless blue

and thought of Egypt:

the Black Land

and the honey bees of Mother Nile.

I thought too of Egyptian gold

mined by slaves in thousands

who toiled and died

to satisfy their masters' greed

to be elite.

And I thought too

of the thousands pounding The Way to dust:

the race-a-beds

head down


except to the chains of schedule


and must-sees.

I am glad that age and health

slow me

so that my body totters

and my head spins

but still my soul

is as a Hawk of Horus

and I am one with those of the fallen

on the Way.

To them

I raise my glass

of the Red Mead

and whisper

"You are not forgotten".

Walk soft. Stay safe.

and as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.


A flutter of wings

from a butterfly

fluttering past my window

puts a ripple in the ether


of life

as swifts in soaring arcs

add their notes on high

to the score

of music silent but yet

so full of majesty.

And a small wasp


and drones his agreement

lest I batter him

out that window.! :) :)

Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.


A flutter of wings

from a butterfly

fluttering past my window

puts a ripple in the ether


of life

as swifts in soaring arcs

add their notes on high

to the score

of music silent but yet

so full of majesty.

And a small wasp


and drones his agreement

lest I batter him

out that window.! :) :)

Walk soft. Stay safe.

And as ever


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


I wake to the light

make my coffee

and sit by my big western window

Dawn is breaking

and with it will come

my summer bird

the Swift

sickle wing harbinger

of dreams

that lift my heart high


I need but one

for their numbers now

are few

and I am grateful

to that loner

who flies his path

as I do walk my way

content to simply


Walk soft.

Stay safe


as ever,


con Dios.

The Malingerer.


I bottled the Red Mead

darker than the copper sands of the Western Desert

under a molten sun

I sang the words

as the light slanted across a glass and wire butterfly

of endless blue

and thought of Egypt:

the Black Land

and the honey bees of Mother Nile.

I thought too of Egyptian gold

mined by slaves in thousands

who toiled and died

to satisfy their masters' greed

to be elite.

And I thought too

of the thousands pounding The Way to dust:

the race-a-beds

head down


except to the chains of schedule


and must-sees.

I am glad that age and health

slow me

so that my body totters

and my head spins

but still my soul

is as a Hawk of Horus

and I am one with those of the fallen

on the Way.

To them

I raise my glass

of the Red Mead

and whisper

"You are not forgotten".

Walk soft. Stay safe.

and as ever

Vaya con Dios.

The Malingerer.
The Malingerer, I think you are a wonderful poet, a reader of the present. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your poetry.
Hi Malinger
I’ve been a bit quiet on the forum lately and I am just catching up with this thread. (So many pilgrims and so many posts it is not easy to keep up with them all.) Started reading this thread again from the beginning and it was a lovely pilgrimage down memory lane. BTW Yaying is well. I miss her on the forum but still keep in touch with her on facebook.
Walk soft, stay safe, stay well and vaya con Dios, amigo.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Hi Malinger
I’ve been a bit quiet on the forum lately and I am just catching up with this thread. (So many pilgrims and so many posts it is not easy to keep up with them all.) Started reading this thread again from the beginning and it was a lovely pilgrimage down memory lane. BTW Yaying is well. I miss her on the forum but still keep in touch with her on facebook.
Walk soft, stay safe, stay well and vaya con Dios, amigo.


Dusk's dancers

pirouette past my window

The swifts

have gone to roost

and now


those butterflies of dark

must take their chance

How intertwined those flights

collisions with death

that yet provide a source

of life

a bridge

from one form to


Walk soft. Stay safe


as ever


con Dios

The Malingerer.

And a Big Hi to Hecate!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Thank YOU for reading them! :)

The Malingerer.


Light flickers afar off

and I am once again

at Valcarlos

my first Camino.

I stand in the rain


whilst the hills around me

burst into flame

and the thunder roars:

"Welcome Celt,

these are your mountains.


Next day the sun blazes

and I am lost

I cannot find the trail

through fallen trees and bushes.

I am afraid


till the mountain grows still

and so

do I.


the Presence comes to me

my Guardian Angel.

She does not lead

or walk beside

but stands behind

and I know

she will not let me fall

as I find my own


and become


Walk soft. Stay safe.


as ever,


con Dios.

The Malingerer.

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I thought it would be great if we share music that reminds us of the Camino, ideally with a sentence about why it matters to you. This song, apart of the beautiful hunting voice that let's me...
Over the New Year holiday I listened to this very nicely done podcast from the BBC about medieval pilgrimage. It was amusing to realize how completely familiar the medieval debates around...

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