Camino del Norte


scroll down to start an itinerary

Obtenez l'
Camino del Norte
Application de Wise Pilgrim
  1. Choose a starting date - allows for personalized booking links and rest days

    Select your starting date below; this is the night before you intend to start walking. This step is optional but helpful for planning, as it will be used to customize your booking links.

  2. Select your starting city, and as many end-of-stage cities as you wish

    Using the "+ Add to Itinerary" buttons, select cities along your route to choose them as your desired end-of-stage stops.

    Optionally, you can add accommodation options to your itinerary, which will be highlighted in your PDF guide.

    NOTE: As you add cities, the distances along the Camino will re-calculate. This way, you can easily see the distance for each day's walk and choose an appropriate stop.

  3. Save / Print

    At the very bottom of the page, you have the option to save your itinerary (recommended) and print it.

    Saving: You will receive an email with two links. One can be used to return to your itinerary later to make changes and re-save it. The second can be used to share it publicly, and this link will remove all date information for privacy reasons.

    Printing: The "detailed" PDF can be considered a full guide. It includes all the places you have selected and all the places in between.

    The "simple" PDF is a summary of only the selected places, useful as a backup printed copy to keep with you or to share with family and friends.