Río Miño

Vía de la Plata


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The Road:

Just beyond the río the camino again splits. Here again the arrows leave a bit to be desired, there is only one set of arrows to indicate the split. They are painted on the sidewalk and are fading.

Here is how to find the way:

Once over the Río Miño keep to the right side of the road and head uphill. You will pass 4 streets: Rúas Ribeira de Canedo, Mercado, Ramón y Cajal, and Vicente Risco). As you near the fifth (a much larger intersection) keep an eye to the ground for the arrows. From this junction, the camino either continues straight (the LEFT route) or it turns right (the RIGHT route). Both routes merge in Casas Novas.

RIGHT ROUTE - 18.9km

From the right-hand turn at the split, this route follows the N-525 uphill for about 1km. Follow on the right side of the road to see the arrows. At the gas station, the camino veers right and begins to climb steeply up to Cudeiro.

LEFT ROUTE - 17.6km

From the split continue straight up the hill, and keep to the right-hand side. The road passes the train station (on your right, bar) and follows the road to Quinitela.

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