Vía de la Plata App

The same great content and more in your pocket, the most up-to-date guidebook to the Vía de la Plata available.

Wise Pilgrim APP
The Road:

1. THE RIVER ROUTE: This route has a reputation for being a bit unsavory, and it certainly does feel run down at the onset. Piles of windswept trash and the occasional squatter hut don’t lend it much credibility but it really is the more scenic of the two routes. That said, if you are uncertain it would not be the worst idea to walk with another pilgrim. During times of heavy rain, this route may be impassible. To follow the river route, turn right after crossing the bridge. The way is well marked and you will bypass nearly all of the industrial zone. CAUTION: When the camino returns to the paved road it does so at a roundabout which serves as a junction for the N-630 and there is a spray-painted yellow arrow indicating that you should turn right to go up the on-ramp. This is NOT the case, keep walking straight and under the highway towards the main road through Santiponce.

2. THE ROAD ROUTE (via Camas): This route travels through well-populated areas as well as through a long industrial estate and might be your only option following heavy rains. To follow this route keep on straight after the bridge. The arrows along the way are extremely faded but there are a few ceramic shells to keep you in the right direction. It is fairly straightforward: Keep on straight through a residential area full of bars and shops and play areas for children. Where this road ends turn right onto Calle José Payán (a narrow road). Follow it to the first large intersection, which is a roundabout known as Plaza Constitución and which is identifiable for the Iglesia de Santa María de Gracia. From the roundabout keep to the left (passing the church with it on your right) and continue all the way to a large roundabout. NOTE: This is a large roundabout and you have to get to the other side without the benefit of any protection rails, so be careful and go slow. Once on the other side, the camino follows a straight path through an industrial estate (though along a dedicated bike & hike lane). At the far end of the estate, it rejoins the river route and proceeds into Santiponce.

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