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Guillena is a modest-sized town, on maps for as long as maps have been made. Most services, and the private albergue, are located along the main road. The municipal albergue is next to the municipal swimming pools.


The private albergue Luz del Camino is on the main road about 50m past the turn mentioned below.

The Road:

At the start of town laminated signs take you off of the main road. The Camino follows the Calle Real past the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Granada and eventually to the municipal albergue. If you miss those signs, or if you prefer to stay at the private albergue located on the main road, skip that turn. There are more arrows further up the road which will bring you to the municipal albergue.

Both the camino and the road will eventually cross the Río Huelva at which point the camino follows beside the road all the way to the first roundabout. Here, turn left towards the gas station to cross through a small industrial park. The camino returns to the groves for a quiet walk through the countryside.

Shortly before Castilblanco de los Arroyos the camino rejoins the main road. At the entrance to Castilblanco there are two options. To the right the camino follows the main road through town, passing a gas station, the municipal albergue, and several restaurants before leaving town along the road. To the left the camino goes through town along cobbled lanes, passing several bars and the church before rejoining the road out of town.

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Accommodation in Guillena

Albergue Luz del Camino
@ 14*
Hostal Francés