Grandas de Salime

Camino Primitivo


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Grandas de Salime is the largest town since Salas and offers enough bars and shopping to occupy your afternoon. The Iglesia de San Salvador stands at the center of town. There are several old manor homes scattered through the town, most of them dating from the 18th century. The gem of the town is the highly recommended Museo Etnográfico de Grandas de Salime, which has more objects in its collection than you could possibly lay your eyes on.


Nuestra Señora del Carmen is celebrated on the 2nd and 3rd of July. San Salvador is celebrated during the first weekend in August.

The Road:

The camino leaves town along Calle Carmen and passes the Capilla de Carmen before joining the AS-28 highway for several parts; leaving and rejoining between towns on its way up to the alto that marks the border between Asturias and Galicia. There is one more albergue on the Asturian side of the border, in Castro. The first hamlet you come to, that of La Farrapa, has no services for pilgrims.

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Accommodation in Grandas de Salime
