
Camino Portugués


Camino Portugués App

The same great content and more in your pocket, the most up-to-date guidebook to the Camino Portugués available.

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The Road:

The Hotel Glasgow is the first building in town, and just beyond it is a Repsol station. Just beyond that the camino crosses the main road and turns right uphill.

At then end of this short road it jogs right then left again to keep on the path that is marked for bicycles. Follow this path across a river, and then take the first right uphill and away from the main road.

Where this uphill climb ends, turn left. Follow this road, eyes to your left to enjoy the view and so that you can spot the turn off to the left, marked only by a yellow and a red arrow on the road itself. It merges with another path and then reaches an intersection, where a left turn takes you back down in the direction of the main road.

Just a few meters short of the main road turn right on a narrow lane parallel to it, saving you a few meters of the road and keeping you on the marked bike path which eventually returns to the road, crosses the road, and continues along it.

Cross the bridge into Mougas and turn left towards the sea on the first road.

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Accommodation in Villadesuso

Albergue da Estrela
@ 16-18