
Camino Portugués


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Vigo, from the diminutive Roman word for small village, is no longer deserving of the name. It is now the largest city in Galicia which is a remarkable feat given that it didn't start to see any real growth until the end of the 19th century. When it did begin to grow, it did so with reckless abandon and is now something of a disorganized city.


Unlike many of the port cities to the south, Vigo didn't garner much attention during the Age of Discovery; such are the currents. The Vikings took a liking to it though, and so too did both Francis Drake and the French Army. The city didn't see much peace until the middle of the 17th century when Philip IV built defensive walls to protect it; though even still the British managed to occupy it for a week.

Centuries later it would be the Age of Cod that would put Vigo on the map, followed still later by heavy industry.

The Road:

Departing Vigo is a simple affair. From the Xunta albergue (or the port) follow the Ruá Areal to just beyond the train station. The camino follows the road uphill to the right, but only for a short distance as it turns left almost immediately onto Rúa Garcia Barbón. 2.5km later the camino turns right and crosses the large autopista. A short distance later it turns left and follows along the highway which is high up on the hill on your right-hand side; to your left is the estuary and you are high enough up now to have a wide view of it. When you eventually turn away from the water, you pass over the highway which tunnels beneath you. From here the camino stays inland, winding its way through the suburban hillside until it joins with the Central Way just before entering Redondela.

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Accommodation in Vigo
