
Camino Portugués


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Baiona has a charming old town which is well preserved, and a waterfront which has a few well protected beaches. Although there is no pilgrim albergue here, it remains a favorite stopping point.

Its two most recognizable churches, the Ex-colegiata Santa Maria and the Capela de Santa Liberata (consecrated in honor of the martyred daughter of Baiona and the first women to be crucified) are at the start of town along the camino.

If you do stay here, work up the strength for an extra 2km hike around the peninsula. You will be rewarded with excellent views from the Fortaleza de Monterreal. EThe Museo de la Carabela Pinta is also located near the outcropping, and offers a terrifying glimpse of what global exploration was really like in the 15th century.


The city celebrates the return of La Pinta during the first week of March, during the 15th century market festival known as the Fiesta de la Arribada.


On the 1st of March, 1493, Baiona became the first Old World town to learn of the successful journey made by Christopher Columbus to the New World. It was here that La Pinta arrived, captained by Martín Alonso Pinzón, the true brain behind the voyage. The news reached Spain three days before Columbus would arrive, separated by weather, at the port of Lisbon. As the town of Baiona celebrated, the King and Queen remained unaware of either arrival.

The Road:

The camino leaves Baiona along the Rúa Ventura Misa, the old town road that is set inland from the main road which follows the coast. It is possible to follow the main road out of town and all the way to Ramallosa.

The arrows are abundant and will take you past and over a pair of small rivers, first the Río da Baíña and then the Río da Groba. It makes the crossing to Ramallosa along an ancient stone now-pedestrian bridge adjacent to the main road. Once over it turns right then left again.

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Accommodation in Baiona
