
Camino Olvidado


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Ender actually lists Riello as the “end of stage” but I don’t see any accommodation there. The casa rural I have contacted has advised me it’s a whole house rental with a minimum of two days. But there is a nice bar there, with an outdoor café. This was another one of those places where the local residents were eager to talk to me about the camino, their pueblo, and their hopes for a better future. Carrying on from Riello to Pandorado is another 2.5 km and involves an ascent, but it isn’t dramatic.


It's perhaps worth mentioning that the tienda in Riello is the last one before Iguëña, 46km further on, and other food options are scarce. Especially if the lovely restaurant in Vegarienza (the oldest in León province) closes, and if you hit Fasgar when Aires de Fasgar is closed (which it is roughly 300 days a year).

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Accommodation in Riello

Casa Rural