Villafranca del Bierzo

Camino Francés


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The Municipal and Ave Fenix albergues are at the very start of town. The latter is adjacent to the Iglesia de Santiago, one of only two churches along the way to have its own Holy Door for the benefit of pilgrims too sick to make it to the Santiago Cathedral.

Villafranca del Bierzo is one of the prettiest towns along the camino in El Bierzo. It is full of narrow streets that twist and turn and dare you to not get lost.

Located along the Burbia and Valcarce rivers it can be difficult to navigate and steep climbs seem to be obligatory no matter the destination.


The Municipal and Ave Fenix albergues are at the very start of town. The latter is adjacent to the Iglesia de Santiago, one of only two churches along the way to have its own Holy Door for the benefit of pilgrims too sick to make it to the Santiago Cathedral.


The Fiestas del Cristo are held on the 14th of September.


San Francisco de Assisi passed through 800 years ago and is said to have founded the Iglesia de San Francisco, do pay it a visit as it often doubles as an exhibition hall (plus its elevation affords a good view as the sun sets in the valley).

During the Peninsular War Villafranca was used as the headquarters for the Galician army and was sacked not once but three times by the English before finally falling into the hands of the French. It is a wonder that any part of it remains.

The most famous Villafranquino in recent centuries is Enrique Gil y Carrasco, a beloved author and world traveler.

The Road:

Leave town by way of the bridge over the río Burbia. At the end of the bridge, the camino splits. Most pilgrims keep along the road which winds along the valley floor following the old national VI road, in the shadow of its replacement which soars above. The camino here is on paved asphalt, the old road surface, but is separated from the road by a barrier wall. There are numerous places where it crosses the road, and you are encouraged to watch out for traffic here; it is infrequent but speedy.

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Accommodation in Villafranca del Bierzo

Albergue Leo
@ 14
Casa Rural