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The Mystery of Obanos - end of July on even numbered years, see history below.


Obanos is the real-life setting of a passion play that takes place here every even-numbered year at the end of July. It is a tragic tale of two saints.

The origins of the play are traced to the 14th century, when Santa Felicia, sister to the Duke of Aquitaine (San Guillén), left her home for a pilgrimage to Santiago.

The life suited her and when she arrived in Obanos she decided to devote herself to aiding pilgrims. Her brother set out on a mission of his own, that of bringing her back home with the lure of the comfortable lifestyle she had left behind. He was unable to do so, and in a fit of rage killed her.

Wracked with remorse, the young Duke decided to complete her pilgrimage in penitence. On his return journey, he holed up in the nearby hermitage of Arnotegui. He built a chapel there and continued the mission that his sister had begun.

The Iglesia de San Juan Bautista preserves the skull of Guillén.

The Road:

Outside of Obanos, on the road to Puente la Reina, the Camino Aragonés joins the Camino Francés.

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Accommodation in Obanos

Casa Rural